Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1096 Top-level battle

It was really too fast and sudden. No one expected that Abigail's strength would suddenly surge at this time. Facing the siege of 14th-level creatures and 15th-level heroes, the overwhelming force difference showed that her power had entered the 16th-level category.

When did the progression from 15 to 16 become so easy?

Even if you want to become a pseudo-level 16 hero, you still need opportunities and the help of artifact-level external forces.

You can become a level 16 hero by just killing people like this. Abigail must be cheating!

Daliang knew that Abigail was performing mystical sacrifices in Songjiang City, but he did not expect that Abigail could really make a big deal out of a small gain and win a big prize.

At the same time, he was also glad that after receiving the news, his sense of worry made him leave Julian and Juliet, who held the Angel Alliance, in Songjiang.

When Abigail was about to go on a killing spree, the Arbitration Angel appeared in time and knocked Abigail away from the battlefield.

But she was too late to rescue Monica...

After seeing Monica being killed by Abigail, Da Liang immediately contacted the frost dragon Astro through the territory channel: "Has Monica's body been found?"

Astro is leading the frost dragons to rejoin the attack on the ground. The dragons are raiding at low altitude, and the white dragon's breath is sucking the lives of the black elves into pieces.

It soon attracted an attack from the black elf heroes.

After receiving Da Liang's message, Astro immediately replied: "Sir, the frost dragon Jacob has returned to the central army carrying Monica's body. I'm sorry, I didn't protect Monica."

Daliang did not blame Astro, but said: "The question of right and wrong will be discussed after the war. I order you to take over Monica's command and preside over the battle against Songjiang City.

Stabilize the current war situation and wait for the arrival of Kuka's army.

In addition... what is the current situation of the battle between Arbitration Angel and Abigail. "

The Arbitration Angel knocked Abigail to the top of the cave. In addition to the muffled thunder echoing in the cave space, and the falling stones, the live broadcast of the Rampant Bull Head could no longer capture the specific situation of the battle between the two 16th-level creatures. .

Da Liang didn't know if the Arbitration Angel could beat the current Abigail. He didn't rush to ask the Arbitration Angel through the territory channel, but first asked Astro, who was closest to the battle.

After receiving Da Liang's order, Astro took over the command of the entire army while flying to the command position while paying attention to the battle in the airspace above.

"Arbitration is at war with Abigail. Looking at the current situation, Abigail does not pose much of a threat to Arbitration... After all, Arbitration holds the Angel Alliance given to her by the Lord.

But it doesn’t seem to be easy for Bangjie to defeat Abigail. "

Because Astro has to command the army in combat, he cannot explain the battle between the Arbiter Angel and Abigail in too much detail to Da Liang.

There are too many connections in this battle, and Daliang’s wife is already weighed down here. Monica's death has already caused him great losses. If the Arbitration Angel has any further disadvantages...

No one knows whether the pseudo-level 16 hero will die. He must not be tricked by Abigail again.


Therefore, Da Liang ignored the Rio de Janeiro celebrations the next day and teleported back to Shangjiang overnight, then rode the Unicorn of Doom Gale and flew towards the Songjiang battlefield.

Due to the outbreak of war in Songjiang, no one was left at the blockade sentries originally set up by the black elves. In the long underground passage, the wind was flying like a ball of fire.

When Da Liang came for help, Julian and Juliet merged into the Arbitration Angel and fought Abigail near the top cave wall.

This was the first time the Arbitration Angel encountered an evenly matched opponent after its birth.

Abigail gained power from the Dragon of Darkness through the sacrifice of mysticism, and understood the law-level dark energy, curse magic, dark magic, and poison, which are all extremely destructive spells.

If you are not careful, these dark energies will continue to produce various negative effects like gangrene attached to the bone.

Moreover, the eight spider claws growing out of Abigail's back are also extremely aggressive. They can not only release various negative magics, but also have piercing and armor-breaking effects.

Therefore, the Arbiter Angel was very careful when facing Abigail. She relied on her speed, defense and combat skills to first stabilize her position and not attack blindly. The driver looked for flaws to unleash her attack skills on Abigail.

The evenly matched battle was at a stalemate, but the Arbitration Angel was able to slightly overwhelm Abigail with the help of the Angel Alliance, confining her to the battlefield on the roof of the cave, preventing her from interfering with the main battlefield on the ground.

The battle at level 16 is extremely destructive, and the Arbiter Angel intentionally restricted Abigail, using more bottom-up attacks. The rocks on the upper cave wall were shattered in large areas under the constant impact, and fell downwards with a crash, washing the battlefield on the ground.

The army of the Blackfire Territory has magic that can break large rocks, and use force field shields to block most of the falling rocks from hitting their own military formations.

While the Songjiang Black Elves had to withstand all-round attacks from the Black Fire Leader, they were frequently baptized by heavy rains of falling rocks.

The mistress is still fighting, motivating the black elves to persist in attacking even if they suffer huge losses. The slaves in Songjiang City were driven to the front line, and garrison troops from various strongholds also arrived one after another to enter the battlefield.

Until Daliang arrived in Songjiang, there was no sign of a winner in the battle here.

The fight is still in full swing.

Ignoring the battle on the main battlefield, Da Liang immediately drove the blast towards the battlefield on the top cave wall.

Arbitration Angel and Abigail were still fighting, and neither of them showed signs of exhaustion. The sacred energy and dark energy emanating from both sides squeeze each other, rising and shrinking depending on who launches the offensive.

Da Liang, who arrived at the outskirts of the battle, sprinkled walls of fire in the air.

Although the dark environment underground makes it difficult for players on the ground to see the battle here clearly. But just in case, Daliang, who didn't want to expose his strength, put up a vision barrier in the air.

Then he transformed into the Flame Commander state.

He was wearing red flame armor, holding a blazing gun in his hand, and the flames emitted by the strong wind became even more intense.

Then just when Da Liang was about to rush into the battle and attack Abigail with the Arbitration Angel, a portal opened from his side.

Then the prophet floated out of it.

Daliang immediately stopped moving, saluted to the prophet and asked: "Hello...prophet. If the fighting here alarmed you, I apologize to you. Excuse me, do you know how to subdue Abigail?"

If Abigail really comprehends the law and reaches the sixteenth level, then she cannot be killed and can only be sealed. To seal Abigail, she must be subdued first.

Daliang knew that it was not an easy task to subdue Abigail with his help and the Arbitration Angel.

It seems that a prophet who knows everything may be able to help him.

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