Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1097 A body without a soul

The prophet did not answer Da Liang's question immediately. He leaned on crutches and watched the battle between the Arbitration Angel and Abigail, his eyes exuding wisdom.

After a long time, the prophet sighed and said: "The power that is not yours is not yours after all. No matter how strong the soulless body is, it is no different from a monster.

Abigail's sacrifice caused the herbs in the Garden of Truth to wither, and her pursuit of power made her sacrifice everything she could sacrifice, including herself..."

Daliang asked strangely: "Abigail sacrificed herself? So what is this?"

Da Liang pointed at Abigail who was fighting in front. She was stabbing the Arbitration Angel with eight spider claws...

The prophet replied: "That was just Abigail's body. She gave her soul to the Dark Dragon bit by bit when she was sacrificing. Now Abigail is just a shell.

A level 16 mindless creature that masters the power of law. "

A 16th-level unintelligent creature that masters the power of law?

Daliang thought about the name spoken by the prophet for a while, and then suddenly realized - isn't this a monster super boss?

The monsters in the Hero World are an independent system, and their main function is to allow players to experience the fun of monster farming in traditional online games. Of course, monsters are also divided into different levels, including elites and bosses.

Different from ordinary NPCs and heroes... monsters are all retarded and unintelligent creatures. They do not have their own social system and cannot become the mainstream force in the world.

But there are also very powerful monsters among them, but most of them wander in dangerous areas with few human traces. There is nothing the players can do against them based on their strength. Even the 16th-level heroes in the base camp are unwilling to provoke some super monsters who have mastered the power of laws.

It takes a lot of effort and effort, but if you can't control it, you can't kill it.

The Abigail in front of her turned into such a monster.

The desire for power made her invest her soul bit by bit when making sacrifices. Just like gambling, she always felt that as long as she put in a little more soul, she would get something.

Little by little, little by little, I became numb and couldn't turn back.

In the end, Abigail got her wish in exchange for power from the Dark Dragon, and the Abigail now is no longer the Abigail before.

"Now, what should I do?" Knowing Abigail's current state, Da Liang still had no good solution and could only continue to seek help from the prophet.

The prophet thought for a while and then said: "It is difficult to subdue and seal Abigail with just a level 16 hero. Now Abigail does not pose much of a threat to you, we just need to drive her away from here. "

"Hurry? How to rush?" Daliang looked at the direction of the battle again. Abigail was fighting with the Arbitration Angel. It was difficult to separate them, let alone drive Abigail away. All 16th-level creatures have the ability to break open space. As long as her hatred is still with Arbitration Angel, even if she is lured to other planes, she can still come back here directly after breaking open space.

It's really tricky.

The prophet said: "This requires Monica. I have the fountain of life, and the remaining dose can resurrect Monica. She is Abigail's daughter and has an innate attraction to Abigail. Abigail The reason why I was the first to attack Monica after my transformation was due to the pull of this bloodline.

If Monica can cooperate, I will mix some herbs, which should be able to appease Abigail, and then we will use the plane teleportation array in Songjiang City to send Abigail away from here. "

Daliang had some doubts about the prophet's method. He said: "The prophet's fountain of life is too precious. Julian and Juliet have already used part of your fountain of life. The remaining dose should be used when you need it in the future.

I have mastered the forbidden spell that can resurrect Monica, so resurrecting Monica shouldn't be a problem.

But since Abigail would kill Monica on sight, how could Monica appease Abigail? "

The prophet said slowly: "The pull of blood is very subtle. No matter how much hatred Abigail and Monica have, the blood relationship makes Abigail want to get close to Monica.

And the instinct to kill led Abigail to kill Monica when she got close to her.

The herbs I prepared can suppress some of the desire to kill for a period of time. At that time, the power of blood will make Abigail calm around Monica.

If Monica can command the calm Abigail, she can directly cut through the space and leave.

If Monica cannot command Abigail, then take her to the plane teleportation array in Songjiang City and activate the teleportation array to send her away.

However, the potion will not take long to take effect, and Abigail must be kept away from Monica during this time, otherwise once the desire to kill breaks through the suppression of blood power, she will start to attack Monica. "

What the prophet said seems to be very reasonable, and Daliang, who has no choice but to choose to believe the words of the prophet.

Anyway, resurrecting Monica is something that must be done. Even if the forbidden spell will enter a period of magic depletion, Daliang will not let Monica die like this.

No matter whether the plan mentioned by the prophet works or not, with the Arbitration Angel by his side, there should be no problem in protecting Monica.

Worse still... Monica was killed by Abigail again, along with the Prophet's Fountain of Life.

What we have to do now is to resurrect Monica and occupy Songjiang City...the plane teleportation array

After Da Liang thanked Xian, he returned to his appearance as a human priest, then rode the wind and galloped towards the center of the Black Fire Leader's position.

The prophet opened the portal and returned to his Garden of Truth to prepare the potion needed to appease Abigail.

The Arbiter Angel continued to pester Abigail, and the battle between the two of them had peeled off a layer of the cave wall in the entire area.

The war on the ground was still going on, and the constant falling rocks from the sky caused considerable losses to both sides of the battle. The Songjiang army, which had weak defense capabilities, suffered even more heavy losses. Especially after Abigail disappeared from the battlefield, Songjiang City's army lost its command and could not attack for a long time. The black elves' sharp edges were gradually blunted, and their morale gradually declined.

Astro succeeded Monica in commanding the entire army. Although he did not have Monica's defensive talent, he could still do it with ease based on the defensive formations that had been laid.

Daliang landed from the air in front of the Chinese army's tent, and asked Astro, who was commanding the army: "Where is Monica?"

Astro looked at the tent behind him and replied: "She's inside..."

Da Liang jumped off Gale's back and said to Astro as he walked into the camp: "Kuka's army will arrive soon and prepare to attack Songjiang City.

No matter how much damage is done, no matter how well the rest of the city is doing, the plane teleportation array must be controlled first.

I leave this matter to you. "

"Yes, sir!"

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