Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1098 Sacrifice

When Monica led the army to Songjiang in advance, Kuka, who learned the news, immediately accelerated his march, wanting to support the main battlefield as soon as possible.

Kuka's army is all flying units and cavalry high-mobility units. Since the battle of Songjiang, they are already very close to here and will arrive at any time.

Da Liang asked Astro to prepare to lead his army into the siege, then turned and walked into the camp.

Monica's body was placed on the table.

Her long hair fell down, and her hands were folded on her flat belly. She was as quiet as if she was asleep, except that there was a hideous hole pierced in her chest.

Da Liang walked to Monica and looked at her closed eyes, feeling filled with guilt.

He just wanted Monica to learn a lesson to suppress her strong desire for power, but he didn't expect her to die here...

Daliang's feelings for Monica are different from Julian...and Joyce.

She was his wife in the game. Although she was forced to do so, and the marriage was later dissolved due to various reasons, she had a status after all. Therefore, Daliang placed special emphasis on Monica, allowing her to lead the team on her own early on.

As a result, she died here.

Monica's death also sounded a wake-up call for Da Liang.

This time it was Monica who was negligent, and at the same time she was too underestimating the enemy. War is war, and you should never use your enemies to test your generals casually.

Now I have mastered the forbidden spell of resurrection, but in the more cruel future war, only by paying attention to all enemies can I avoid something that will make me regret for the rest of my life.'s time to wake up.

Da Liang recruited a skeleton soldier from outside, and then according to the prompts, he put his hands on Monica's forehead and activated the forbidden magic - sacrifice.

Sacrifice: Fire forbidden spell level magic, sacrifice one's own creatures, resurrect one's own creatures, the resurrection blood volume is (mana + the blood volume of the sacrificed creature + 100) × N, primary fire magic N=3, intermediate fire magic N= 6. Advanced fire magic N=10, master-level fire magic N=15, law-level fire magic N=25.

At the moment when the forbidden spell was activated, Da Liang's magic power was drained away.

As a sacrifice, a ball of flame enveloped all the skeleton soldiers from the inside out. Then... the flames swirled, and the skeleton soldiers were turned into powder by the power of magic. The powder burned and rolled upwards, and its brightness suddenly increased, emitting a dazzling light like an incandescent lamp. After the sudden brightness, the light beam suddenly condensed and compressed.

Finally, after the light dissipated, a drop of red blood hung in the air and slowly rotated.

Blood drops slowly fell from the sky towards Monica's forehead, landed on her eyebrows, and then embedded into her skin.

The magic power of resurrection spread from the blood drop between Monica's eyebrows to her whole body.

Fire burst out of her body...

The extremely destructive fire element did not damage Monica's body this time, but instead showed another destructive side of fire.

The steaming flames lifted Monica, who was lying on her back, from the table. The high temperature burned her clothes, and the flames turned from red to blue and began to reshape her body.

The elf's body is slender and her skin is more delicate. Monica is very good among the elves in terms of appearance and body. Daliang can't help but have a lot of daydreams after seeing her up close...

He also thought of the first time he met Monica.

At that time, Monica was also in a ball of flame... Abigail held a ceremony with Monica's wedding. She asked Monica as a sacrifice to summon the Dark Dragon to verify whether Daliang's words were true. Believable.

The relationship between Daliang and Monica also started at that time.

They left Songjiang City together and will come back together this time.

However, just as Daliang was recalling the past experiences he and Monica had together, a dark force suddenly came.

The strong wind opened the tent, and above... the black mist condensed by the dark power gathered to form a huge dragon head. Then a scorching dragon's breath spewed out from the mouth of the dragon head, wrapping Monica, who was already burning, in blazing flames again, and dragged Monica upwards.

Da Liang immediately unfolded his fallen angel wings and hugged Monica tightly, flying downwards under the pull of the dark dragon.

The blood volume dropped rapidly.

Astro outside the camp was adjusting his army, preparing to counterattack when Kuka arrived. When he saw the sudden change behind him, he mobilized the surrounding mages as quickly as possible to release healing magic for Da Liang.

The blood volume that was about to bottom out was restored, and then dropped rapidly again...

Da Liang's health bar is like a roller coaster, with sudden highs and sudden lows, and he may die at any point. But Da Liang did not dare to let go of the hand holding Monica. He knew that as long as he let go, Monica would never come back.

I was so careless that I forgot about the Dragon of Darkness.

The entire battlefield is a sacrifice site arranged by Abigail, and all creatures that die here are sacrifices to the Dark Dragon. Judging from Abigail's sudden acquisition of power, the power of the Dark Dragon has long been attracted to wander here. The soul of every creature that dies here belongs to the Dark Dragon...including Monica.

When Da Liang resurrected Monica in front of the Dark Dragon at this time, wasn't he just taking something from the Dark Dragon's mouth?

Now... the Dark Dragon wants to take away what belongs to him again, and Monica slowly rises in the fight between the Dark Dragon and Da Liang.

Calm down, calm down, there must be a way.

Daliang, who was wrapped in flames, held Monica in his arms and flew downwards with all his strength. He quickly analyzed countermeasures in his mind, thinking about how to get out of this desperate situation.

The Dark Dragon is not a living creature, he is just a manifestation of dark divine power. He has no wisdom, so there is no way to talk to him and negotiate terms. However, the divine power of darkness will not be easily condensed. To summon the Dark Dragon, there must be sacrifices and a sacrificial site, both of which are indispensable.

When Abigail summoned the Dark Dragon for divination, she had prepared a sacrificial site and sacrifices.

The Dragon of Darkness is here now because the sacrifice site and the sacrifices coexist here.

The sacrificial site is Songjiang City, and the central magic circle is in the basement of the city lord's mansion, where Abigail's sacrifice ceremony begins.

Da Liang shouted: "Night!"

When Daliang was attacked by the Dark Dragon, Ye Shi, who had been following him invisibly, had already revealed his figure and tried to use space skills to pull Daliang and Monica out of the Dark Dragon's attack range.

However, the difference in power level between Ye Sha and Dark Dragon was too great, making it impossible to spatially locate Da Liang.

Hearing Daliang's call this time, Yezi immediately replied: "Sir, how should I save you?"

Daliang said quickly: "You should know where Abigail has arranged the sacrificial array. There should be no power in the Lord's Palace of Songjiang City to stop you now. I order you to destroy the array as quickly as possible."

"Yes, sir!" After receiving the order, the night turned into a black light and shot toward the Songjiang City Lord's Mansion.

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