Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1099 Resurrection Ceremony

Now that there is darkness to destroy the sacrificial site, what should be done with the sacrifices?

Daliang looked towards the battlefield where the fighting was still going on.

The sacrifices given to the Dark Dragon are the creatures that continue to die on the battlefield. As long as the sacrifices continue uninterrupted, even if the night destroys the sacrifice site, the dark power will not dissipate quickly.

Although the Black Elf's army has begun to show signs of failure due to Abigail's disappearance and heavy casualties, the news that Monica was killed also spread among the Matsue City army.

Without Monica as a competitor for the mistress, the Black Fire Lord's army would be a foreign enemy to the black elves, and they would fight to the death to defend their city. Therefore, if Da Liang wants to end this war, he must defeat the black elves.

This war will definitely not end in a short time, and Da Liang will be killed by the Dragon of Darkness at any time.

How to end this war quickly?

At this time...Kuka has led his army to arrive. There are dense griffins and Pegasus knights in the sky, and there are galloping copper cavalry on the ground.

The War Stompers wielded two swords in attack form, leading the entire cavalry's front line under the leadership of the Copper and Destruction Knights. Behind the War Stompers are human knights and dense dark cavalry. The knights and dark cavalry had already raised their lances, and they just waited for them to rush into the enemy formation and start killing.

The gryphon and Pegasus knight had already swooped down from the sky.

A war of annihilation is about to begin.

But at this moment, Daliang ordered Kuka through the territory channel: "Stop the attack and stay where you are!"


This order is really incredible to Kuka.

Now his army was charging behind the enemy, while most of the enemy's attention was still on the front. With a simple breakthrough, he can completely disrupt the enemy and wait for a glorious victory.

And if you stop charging... you will miss the best opportunity to prepare the enemy.

Although victory can be achieved in the end, there will definitely be heavy losses. If some black elves are allowed to escape back to Songjiang City, then the Black Fire Territory will face another difficult siege battle.

Kuka didn't know why Daliang issued such an order at such a critical time.

Just when he was hesitating, Daliang's order came again: "Stop the attack. This is my order and must be executed immediately!"

Kuka heard the determination in Daliang's tone. Although he was unwilling to give up such a great opportunity, he still ordered the entire army to "stop attacking and stay put."

The gryphon and Pegasus knight who originally entered the dive route urgently raised their flight trajectories.

The cavalry that had already rushed in front of the enemy suddenly changed their charging direction and passed sideways in front of the enemy.

Kuka stopped the attack and avoided leading the war into greater chaos. Seeing all this, Da Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he used amplification magic to say to everyone on the battlefield:

"I am Duke Feichen of Shangjiang City. Please look at me. The Dragon of Darkness is coming, and he is about to make the most just judgment on this war."

Duke Feichen didn't have much weight for the black elves when they came. Without Monica, the human duke who attacked Songjiang City would be the enemy of the black elves.

But the Dark Dragon is the god worshiped by the black elves, and most underground creatures are in awe of the Dark Dragon.

When Daliang said that the Dragon of Darkness was coming, the originally fierce battle suddenly began to weaken. Da Liang also asked Astro to stop long-range fire attacks in real time to avoid overstimulating the black elves.

The black elves who stopped fighting looked in the direction of Da Liang. The magicians of the Black Fire Territory magnified the images of Da Liang and the Dragon of Darkness and projected them over the entire battlefield.

The battle has almost stopped. The black elves controlled their troops to retreat, and Da Liang also asked his troops to retreat on their own initiative...

"Friends of the black elves, please look at me..." The battle stopped, and Da Liang immediately felt that the power of the Dark Dragon was weakening, and his blood volume remained at a safe level. He straightened up in the air and folded his wings forward to cover Monica's body.

"The one I'm holding now is Monica. She was killed by Abigail. But the Dark Dragon obviously doesn't think this is the ending he wants to see...

Abigail's actions angered the Dark Dragon, who took away Abigail's soul and prepared to resurrect Monica.

Monica was once favored by the Dark Dragon during a ceremony to honor the Dark Dragon, and now she is still the Dark Dragon's favorite black elf.

Monica is undergoing the resurrection ceremony held by the Dark Dragon for her. She was chosen by the Dark Dragon, and she is the mistress that you need to be loyal to.

Stop fighting and let's wait for Monica to wake up.

Under the care of the Dark Dragon, she will be able to lead the black elves of Songjiang to unprecedented glory for the black elf race. "

In the magical image in the sky, Daliang hugged Monica. The black fallen angel wings covered Monica's body, revealing her head and slender feet.

The dark dragon sprayed dragon breath at them in the sky above them, and the hot flames wrapped them in the middle...

The healing magic that keeps shooting up from below shows how lethal the Dark Dragon's breath is. But all the magic was released on Daliang's body, which meant that only Daliang suffered the damage from the Dragon's Breath, while Monica did not suffer any damage from the Dark Dragon's Breath.

The dark elves who saw all this began to believe what Daliang said and believed that Monica was favored by the Dragon of Darkness.

At the same time, I felt extremely shocked.

The Dark Dragon is actually resurrecting Monica!

What kind of divine favor is this!

What a miracle!

The Dragon of Darkness chose Monica, how should we choose?

When the black elves didn't know what to do, Da Liang asked all his dark cavalry to jump off the backs of the underground lizards and kneel down to the dark dragon.

Everyone fell to their knees.

The Songjiang black elves were also driven by the chain reaction, and they all knelt down towards the Dark Dragon, their mouths full of praise for the Dark Dragon.

The war in Songjiang stopped, the sacrifices were interrupted, and the power of the Dark Dragon gradually dissipated...

As if he felt that he was about to disappear, and there was still a soul that had not been taken away, the Dark Dragon launched a final counterattack, and the dragon's breath he breathed out became even more fierce and white.

The sudden increase in lethality caused Daliang's originally restored health bar to drop instantly, and the healing magic was unable to pull it up or stop it.

The sudden change in the situation left Daliang with only one thought:

Are you really going to die?


Da Liang closed his eyes and hugged Monica tighter, because for him... this would be a farewell forever!

"Sir, you hugged me so tightly that I can't breathe..."


It’s not the resurrection point. I’m not dead?

Da Liang opened his eyes and saw that Monica had woken up at some point, her eyes were clear and clear, and the blood beads on her eyebrows gave off a coquettish light.

At this time, a voice in the night echoed in Da Liang's ears: "Sir, I have destroyed the ritual array."

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