Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1100 Victory

The festival was destroyed?

It's so timely.

Da Liang looked at his health bar, which was only covered with blood, and his heart was filled with joy of dying and resurrecting.

The Dark Dragon, which lost both the sacrifice and the sacrificial site, could no longer maintain the gathering of divine power. The giant black dragon head disappeared and the dragon's breath stopped. Without the obstruction of the Dark Dragon, the forbidden curse sacrifice also completed the final step, and Monica was resurrected from death.

She could feel herself being held tightly in Daliang's arms, and knew that Daliang had snatched her back from the Dragon of Darkness and returned to the world.

"My lord, I'm sorry...I didn't defeat Abigail."

I don't know whether it was because she was naked being held by Daliang, or because she was feeling guilty about defeat, but Monica's originally fair face turned red, making the blood droplets between her eyebrows even more delicate.

Daliang just wanted to comfort Monica with a few words, but at this moment, cheers came from inside and outside Songjiang City that shook the entire cave. All the underground creatures knelt down in the direction of Da Liang and Monica. Whether they were the black elves whose credibility was the Dragon of Darkness or the underground races who were in awe of the Dragon of Darkness, they were all impressed by the miracle before them.

Especially when the dragon's breath was finally breathed out by the Dark Dragon, the fireball completely engulfed Daliang and Monica, and they could no longer be seen from the outside. At that time, everyone thought that Daliang and Monica would be in this fierce dragon's breath. reduced to ashes.

However, it’s like every ceremony ends with a grand closing ceremony...

When the flames burned to their maximum, the dark dragon disappeared, the dark divine power dispersed, and the dragon's breath without the support of divine power also weakened rapidly. Everyone saw through the magic image that after the flames dissipated, Da Liang was still holding Monica and hovering in the air. Monica had woken up, her hands stretched out from under the black wings and hugged Da Liang's waist, her head Leaning comfortably on Da Liang's chest.


How to explain to Shu Xiao?

As the main human city in the Chinese game zone, Shangjiang has a very high density of players. Even though the Black Elves implemented a closed policy in Songjiang, although there were few players in Songjiang City, there were still some.

The attack on a sub-city under Shangjiang will definitely attract the attention of many people. There will definitely be live broadcasts by players, and the Shangjiang local guild and university alliance will also pay attention.

According to Daliang's reputation in Shangjiang, he is famous in the world.

Daliang's participation in the battle of Songjiang City is not big news...but his scandal with a female NPC is the headline.

Originally, Daliang didn't have too many worries because he wanted to save Monica.

But Monica's response was too ambiguous...especially when Shu Xiao knew that Monica was still his ex in the game...

Feeling Monica's reciprocated hug, Daliang felt that he couldn't get rid of it even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Putting aside the roar of the Hedong Lion for the time being, Shu Xiao is not an unreasonable girl, and she is willing to risk everything. A big man can conquer the world in a game, how can he still be afraid of a female prostitute at home?

At worst, kneel down on the durian, kneel on the remote control...

I'm definitely not a coward.

Da Liang took out a piece of clothing and put it on Monica, then spread his fallen angel wings and put Monica down.

Just as he was about to recruit a silver pegasus for Monica to ride, he saw Monica standing directly in the air.

Can fly?

Da Liang knew that Monica had not learned the flying spell. Flying Thaumaturgy is a level 5 air magic, and the magic guild of the Black Fire Territory has not yet developed the ability to develop it. Although the magic guild in Shangjiang City has flying thaumaturgy, Daliang's title and status in Shangjiang cannot affect the independently operating magic guild. If you want to learn the magic in it, you need to complete the tasks step by step like ordinary players. Accumulate various contribution points and advanced magic learning materials.

Because Daliang has too many things to do, the progress of tasks in the Shangjiang Magic Guild is not as good as that of an ordinary high-level player.

Fortunately, the magic in the Black Fire Magic Guild is enough for Da Liang to use at this stage. With flying mounts and fallen angel wings, flying spells are not indispensable for Da Liang.

Most of the heroes in the Blackfire Territory cannot fly and all need to ride flying creatures, including the former Monica.

Now Monica can fly on her own, which shows that this resurrection has brought about great changes in her...

It’s just that this is not the time to look at Monica’s attributes.

The Arbitration Angel is still fighting in Abigail, Songjiang City still needs to be captured, and the frightened Black Elves still need to be appeased and collected.

“The Dragon of Darkness has chosen...who will be the owner of Songjiang City.

Monica is the mistress of the black elves who enjoys the favor of the gods. Being an enemy of Monica is an enemy of the Dragon of Darkness.

Now Monica will enter Matsue City and officially take over the city. Please all black elves who support Monica put down their weapons and sit on the ground.

The black elves who oppose Monica becoming the Lord of Songjiang City, please leave... The war is over, and we will not use force against any black elves who give up the fight.

It's all Abigail's fault...

We will strictly abide by the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement". As long as they are not enemies of us, we will not forcibly annex any Black Elf tribe.

Within the jurisdiction of Songjiang City under the rule of Monica, the goddess, the rights of every matron are protected by the Dragon of Darkness.

Songjiang City will build a dark miracle monument here to record every word on the 'Black Elves Peaceful Coexistence Agreement', so that the lessons brought by this war will be remembered by every black elf who pays homage to the miracle monument.

Now please...Mother Monica, the beloved of God, come to the city! "

After saying that, Daliang took the lead and flew towards Songjiang City.

Monica followed closely.

On the ground... all the black elves put down their weapons and sat on the ground, waiting to be reorganized.

The Dark Dragon resurrected Monica, which was simply too shocking for the black elf. Since they believe in the Dark Dragon, they will naturally not go against the Dark Dragon's choice.

Moreover, Songjiang is the place where the Dragon of Darkness performs its miracles. To the black elves... this is a holy place.

After Daliang promised to continue to implement the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" and build a miracle monument so that the "Agreement" would be supervised by the Dark Dragon, the matrons of the Black Elf tribe had no idea of ​​leaving Songjiang. The stable life here is much better than the precarious wandering life deep underground.

All the black elves under Songjiang gave up their resistance and were willing to submit to the rule of the god Monica.

"Familiar of the Gods" is a title that Daliang privately gave to Monica. The canonization of the Duke is still authoritative, and the black elves with the reputation of the Dark Dragon still accept this.

Daliang and Monica were about to enter Songjiang City. Astro immediately sent a team of frost dragons to follow for protection. Then he led his army forward and drove all the surrendered black elves into one place for custody. Waiting until Monica After formally occupying Songjiang City, the troops here will be collected.

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