Start with an Archangel

Chapter 110 Shock in the Two Cities

It seems that in some extreme environments, the probability of biological surrender can be increased. The feeling of waiting to be drowned in the sea must be very uncomfortable, so in the spirit of "beating with sticks", Daliang patiently did ideological work on each unicorn, and actually surrendered four unicorns. .

The four unicorns began to recover after rest and magical treatment. They stood together in front of Daliang, elegant and magnificent.

Unicorn (Level 11 Elf)

Attack: 15

Defense: 14

Kill: 180-220

HP: 900

Characteristics of the unit: Reduces the magic damage of surrounding friendly forces by 20%, and has a 20% chance of "blindness" when attacking.

Unlike the human cavalry of the same level, which are offensive units that attack the bunker in a group, the use of unicorns tends to be more strategic. When encountering an enemy with a magical advantage, spreading unicorns among your own soldiers can improve the magic resistance of the entire army. At the same time, it is also a good tactic to use a small team of unicorns to decapitate powerful enemy units. As a cavalry unit, unicorns are very fast. The 20% chance of casting "blindness" is enough to make the enemy blind until they die.

In short, the more than 200 unicorns Daliang killed here were a huge blow to Chongming City. After losing the stone cave entrance and Jiading City clearly joining the Shangjiang City camp, the source of maritime troops was cut off, making the situation in Chongming City even worse.

"Asshole!" In the palace of the city lord of Chongming City, Marquis Joshua kicked a table in front of him to pieces. The news from the sea made him unable to maintain the etiquette of the elves. He shouted loudly regardless of his identity: "...This is obviously... A premeditated ambush, how did the information about the imminent arrival of two ships of unicorns leak out! There must be a traitor in Hong Kong and us, and he is a traitor with a very high status who has access to such secrets. Investigate! We must find out He finds out, otherwise we will not get support from Hong Kong City, and we will lose this war. The King of Donghai will not let us go, and all the elven nobles in Chongming City will be pushed to the beheading stage!"

"Yes, sir... We will immediately investigate thoroughly how the whereabouts of the troop transport fleet was leaked," the attendant was frightened by the angry Joshua and said, "Our fleet is now rushing to the sea area where the accident occurred. The nearest fleet in the evening You’ll get there.”

"What's the use of the past now? The enemy has long since run away. This is a trap. It's ridiculous that our fleet thinks that the mobilized Pudong Fleet is opening a safe passage for the troop transport fleet. In fact, it is like a clown making fun in front of the Pudong Fleet. It is estimated that now That woman Joyce has already opened some wine to celebrate.”

The troop transport city carrying more than 200 unicorns was ambushed and sunk, causing shock to the senior officials of Chongming City and Hong Kong City. It is estimated that none of them could have imagined that all this was caused by the arrest of an ordinary spy. It was the arrest of this secret agent that made Hong Kong Island City and Shangjiang City pay attention to an originally inconspicuous routine report. It happened that at this time, Daliang's attack on Feichen Island exposed Chongming City's intention to rebel. After various analyses, this news allowed the military in Shangjiang City to obtain two troop transport ships filled with Unicorns and were heading to Chongming from the sea. The judgment that the city is coming.

A small incident that did not occur in another time and space triggered a large-scale purge of their own high-level officials in Hong Kong City and Chongming City. A large number of officials from the two cities who were related to this secret troop transport mission were all detained pending interrogation. The real trigger point of this incident was that Shi Fei was waiting for the arrival of a player in a tavern in Hong Kong...

After the battle, Da Liang's Black Fire Fleet quickly evacuated eastward. The battle here must have alarmed Chongming City. You don't need to think about it to know that the ships of the Chongming Fleet are already rushing here. I don't know how long the Pudong Fleet can hold them off. Anyway, the scarred Black Fire Fleet cannot fight another naval battle.

The Black Fire Fleet evacuated towards the Black Fire Territory. Facing the furious Joshua, it was better for these warships to hide in the depths of the sea for a while.

Shu Xiao landed on the deck of the Black Fire. She put the Royal Griffin into her weapon card, looked at the unicorns with envy and asked Daliang: "Master, this battle is over, shall we go back to Shangjiang City? We were there just now What kind of military unit are you launching the floating cannon in the sky? It's so powerful! It will immediately destroy the Pegasus Knight. How do you plan to divide these unicorns so beautiful? Do you have one for me?"

Daliang pretended to be mysterious and replied: "There must be a high-end reason for being a teacher, and I will definitely tell you some secrets in the future. These unicorns... are actually not suitable for you. It can be seen from fighting bugbears that you are not It is suitable for ground combat. Shidongkou and this naval battle have completely stimulated your air combat talent. I think you should continue the air combat route. When you return to Shangjiang City, I will give you a silver Pegasus. This mount can fly very fast. , I think except for the top flying units, no ordinary air unit can catch up with it... The elves’ air force is indeed powerful.”

Speaking of elves, Daliang couldn't help but think of Shi Fei. He is an elf and has elf territory in his hands. This naval battle shows that the elf has a great advantage at sea. The hull of the warship garrisoned by tree spirits is strong and durable, and the Silver Pegasus Knight air unit has strong maneuverability. In this maritime ambush battle, if the Black Fire Leader had not known the location of the troop transport fleet in advance and had the advantage of time, location, and people, the battle would probably have been different.

At sea, the Black Fire Leader will face the Dragon Star Leader sooner or later. I don’t know if I can beat him...

Just when Daliang was worried about Shi Fei, Xu Man's communication interrupted Daliang's contemplation: "Where are you? Didn't you agree to duel with Lieyan Kuangteng today? The western suburbs of Shangjiang City are already full of people. Domestic All the major live broadcast platforms have promoted your battle. Answer me as soon as possible. If it is not convenient for you to come over, I...I can help you fight..."

broken! I forgot that today is the day to fight with the fierce flames. It's all because there are too many things going on these days. There are only two large-scale battles. Small things like a fight are not on my schedule at all. Now I am in the East China Sea, flying back with the griffon... There is no place to recover on the sea, and the griffin can't fly to land! Even if you fly in, it’s already late at night. If you delay for such a long time and don’t show up, it’s just a matter of surrender, right?

If the opponent is someone else, just admit defeat. Anyway, I don’t care about the false reputation of the low-end if I go to the high-end. My reputation among low-level players is like a cloud to me. I can kill 200 unicorns without even blinking when I have an army. I really can’t afford a fight with 20 low-level soldiers. Not interested at all.

But Raging Flames is a different matter. Behind him is Shi Fei, a guy who has been reborn and takes Brother Green as his own responsibility. There is no way I can let him snicker behind his back.

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