Start with an Archangel

Chapter 111 Movie King

Daliang turned around and said to Shu Xiao: "Go back to the city, hurry back to the city. I forgot about today's appointment with Lie Yan Kuanteng."

"Yes..." Shu Xiao also remembered this matter, and she asked worriedly: "I heard that there is a Pegasus knight in the hands of Raging Flames. Why don't you lend me the griffon when you return to the city?" I'll fight it for you, and I'll make sure the flames rage and I cry."

Griffin? Da Liang thought about it, all his griffons were here, and he didn't even have a griffon in Shangjiang City. Without griffins, what a waste! However, there are 12 Silver Pegasus knights on Feichen Island that have been traded in the past three days. It's not too late to transfer them. We just agreed to a fight with 20 soldiers. Isn't it... shabby to bring 12 Silver Pegasus knights? A little?

Forget it, I have to ask Joyce for help with this matter. Who would believe that such a large Pudong fleet has no soldiers? Isn't it true that I was stalked and beaten by my brother for 200 gryphons and ten cavalry to dig into the cave entrance?

I'm looking for Joyce. I was working hard at sea, and two ships of unicorns were killed by me. She went to Jiangcheng to get a big deal. How could she do it without bleeding a lot?

Daliang and Shu Xiao returned to Shangjiang City together. After leaving the teleportation array, Daliang asked Shu Xiao to go to the Jiangxi suburbs first, while he rode a royal griffon straight to the Pudong Fleet Admiral's Mansion.

On the way, Da Liang asked all the Silver Pegasus knights on Feichen Island to fly to Shangjiang City, and then connected Xu Man's communication: "I almost forgot about the appointment with Lieyan Kuangteng. I will be there soon, please help me delay Just a moment.”

"It's okay to delay for a while. Raging Flames has arrived. The soldiers he brought are ten Pegasus knights and ten stone statues... Weird, so powerful! I guess he has been working hard on the Baoshan City Academy missions these days. You can already use advanced ghost buildings to upgrade experienced gargoyles. The lineup of all flying soldiers should be matched with your griffons, are you okay? I see that Raging Flames has found many well-known spellcasters in Shangjiang City The professional player probably intends to apply status to his soldiers before the battle."

"No problem. I have already said that Raging Flame is no match for me. No matter what kind of soldiers he brings, he will be killed. Over there in the western suburbs, you can help me delay for a while. I will rush over after I hand over this task."


While he was talking, Daliang had already arrived outside the gate of the Fleet Admiral's Mansion in Pudong.

In the current Admiral's Mansion, Daliang can enter and exit directly without any notification. The guards outside the door have no intention of blocking him. Instead, they just saluted Daliang. After all, the identity of the baron is displayed there, and Joyce's regard for him is also reflected in Pudong. Everyone on the fleet knew it.

However, Da Liang did not go in immediately. Instead, he stood at the door and thought for a while, then found a remote corner nearby.

His hair was messed up, and he found some ash and wiped it on his face. He turned out the original baron's dress and put it on. He rolled around on the ground three times, then used a knife to make a few holes. Finally, he closed his eyes and used a magic fireball. Hit yourself in the face. Only then did he return to the door of the Admiral's Mansion in disgrace and arrogance.

The guards at the Admiral's Mansion were extremely surprised when they saw Daliang. How could Baron Feichen become so embarrassed in the blink of an eye? Is it rare to be beaten? But...who dares to hit him at Pudong Military Port!

So under the suspicious gazes of the guards, Da Liang limped into the Admiral's Mansion.

"Admiral... Sir, it's miserable... it's too miserable." After seeing Joyce, Da Liang burst into tears immediately, and then threw himself on the table in front of Joyce, shaking out the dust on his body and spraying Joyce Si's face. Daliang pretended not to see it and continued to wail loudly: "The beating was too brutal. Sir, you must make the decision for me. My brothers can't die in vain. They all fought for us in Shangjiang City. All the blood was sacrificed for our victory in Shangjiang City..."

"Ahem..." Joyce waved her hand to sweep away the smoke that had not dispersed in front of her face. Seeing Da Liang's look, she seemed to have guessed what had happened. She ignored Da Liang and asked worriedly: "You How was the fight with the troop transport fleet? Don't tell me, you became like this because you were defeated. You should know what will happen when these unicorns arrive at Chongming Island?"

"Defeat?" Daliang realized that he was pretending a little too much, and quickly explained: "How can it be defeated? When has the battle commanded by me, Baron Daliang, been defeated? Don't worry, Lord Admiral, the troop transport fleet including the ships and people have all sunk into the sea. Inside, I watched all the unicorns drown before leaving."

"We won! Great!" Joyce stood up happily and walked back and forth excitedly: "After the battle at Shidongkou, Marquis Stanley has been invited to Shangjiang City, and Jiading City has firmly stood by our side. Side. You cut off Joshua's foreign aid at sea. This is simply a victory no less important than Shidongkou. Now Marquis Stanley is discussing with us the establishment of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. As long as the cargo distribution center in Jiading City is established , Chongming City is like a tiger with all its teeth pulled out, we can take care of them at any time. What you did is so beautiful, so beautiful... What happened to you? How did you become like this? Who beat you? "

"Ah?" Daliang quickly changed his face and cried: "Sir... ugh... I killed a thousand enemies and lost eight hundred. You can see how fierce this battle was by looking at me like this. My fleet is all new ships. , newcomers, facing the powerful troop transport escort fleet, my men and ships did not take a step back, but fought with their guns for guns, causing heavy losses. But at the most difficult time of the war, what I thought of was Your Majesty, It's the admiral, thinking of our great human main city, Shangjiang City. I told my soldiers that even if we fight to the last man and the last ship, we will never let this fleet pass. Finally... Your Excellency also saw my It seems that even I directly participated in the battle. You can imagine how dangerous the situation was at that time. Fortunately, it fulfilled its mission and my Blackfire Fleet wiped out all the enemies. However, my battleship was sunk and destroyed, and people died. It’s almost done. Your Excellency must make amends... You must not let your loyal ministers feel cold..."

Joyce knew that she couldn't believe everything Daliang said, but she knew very well what the Black Fire Fleet looked like. It was basically a patchwork fleet. Most of the battleships were given to them by herself. Even the captain was transferred from the Pudong Fleet not long ago. of. This kind of fleet seems to be evenly matched with the troop transport fleet from Hong Kong, but in fact the overall strength is much weaker.

It is already rare for the Blackfire Fleet to defeat them at sea, and the losses will definitely be very serious.

"Okay, okay, you fought this battle beautifully, and the entrance to the stone cave was also fought beautifully." Joyce spoke softly and calmly, and poured him a glass of red wine, "Your Majesty will never forget everyone who is loyal to Shangjiang City. People. I will send people to verify the situation of the troop transport fleet. As long as it is confirmed that all the troop transport fleet has been annihilated, the reward for you will be absolutely generous."

Why do you need to verify? Shouldn't you give it now? If you don't give me the gryphon, what can I do to humiliate Raging Flames...

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