Start with an Archangel

Chapter 112 Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills

Daliang came to the Admiral's Mansion this time to ask for troops to deal with the raging flames. How could he give up without giving troops? He said anxiously: "Sir, please verify it after verification. Can you give me some troops first? My army is to ambush the troop transport fleet. They came out in full force, not to mention the heavy damage. The survivors are still hiding in the open sea and dare not come back. My Feichen Island is very empty now. The soldiers guarding the island can check it out with just one hand. If Joshua dies, it will cost 200 unicorns. What should I do if the beast becomes angry from shame and dares not go to Jiangcheng to attack Feichen Island?"

Joyce was confused: "But I really don't have any troops. Archduke Howard, who is going to Songjiang Underground City, wants to transfer troops from me again. I really don't have any troops for you."

Daliang asked strangely: "Why did the Grand Duke mobilize troops from the navy? Now that Jiading City is containing Baoshan City, their army should have much more strength?"

Joyce had a look of dissatisfaction on his face, but he did not explain the specific reason to Daliang. He just replied: "The Grand Duke has his own difficulties. In order to deal with the threat of Chongming Island, the Army is expanding its troops on a large scale, and funds are very tight. We do not have the ability to expedition into underground cities. Our navy has its own treasury, and its logistics are a little looser than that of the army. The battle situation in the underground city is related to whether we can gain another ally, so the Pudong Fleet will fully support the Great Fair and Ding Songjiang. Only the Pudong Fleet The troops have not been replenished. The troops prepared to support Songjiang this time were all pieced together by me. I really don’t have any troops for you."

Sigh... The soldiers at the front are fighting bloody battles, but some people are messing with finances and logistics at the rear. The army actually asks the navy for support in its underground battle. This joke must be too big. Da Liang suddenly realized that even if he persuaded Jiading City to surrender and severely attacked Chongming City at sea, the situation in Shangjiang still seemed not optimistic. Although Feichen Island was holding Chongming City by the throat, Marquis Joshua had already begun to bleed Shangjiang City.

The power game of the Shangjiang City bosses is not something that I can participate in. Even Joyce, the quasi-queen, can't do anything about the mud in the royal court. What can I do with a little baron? Let’s deal with this fight first and then talk about it. If you cry about poverty with your brother, you have never experienced your brother's ability to cry about poverty.

"Ten griffins, I want ten griffins," Daliang almost climbed on the table, and the dust on his body started to rise again, "Now Joshua is frantically looking for my fleet at sea, just those few It is unknown whether the broken ship can come back alive. If they are found to have sunk, I will only have a little wealth on Feichen Island. Ten griffons can monitor the airspace outside Feichen Island. With early warning, I can We can evacuate people from Feichen Island in time. Sir... I fought for Shangjiang City, not to mention credit, but hard work, right? Leave me a way out, so that I can make a comeback and serve the Pudong Fleet in the future. , if they are all dead..."

Joyce remembered that there was an archangel and a creature whose power was not weaker than the archangel on Daliang Feichen Island. This was a powerful foreign aid for Shangjiang City. If Feichen Island is attacked by Joshua and kills these two top creatures, it will definitely be a big blow to Shangjiang City.

Moreover, Baron Daliang still has no intention of withdrawing his troops from Feichen Island despite the shortage of troops. It seems that his guess is correct. The golden dragon on the island was not hidden there by Joshua, but by Joshua. Joshua arranged to protect something immovable and extremely important.

Although I don’t know what that thing is now, it is definitely more beneficial to Shangjiang City in the hands of Daliang than in the hands of Joshua.

"You want ten griffons?"

"Only ten griffons," Daliang said quickly when he heard Joyce's intention to relent: "I need Feichen Island to have a high-altitude early warning capability."

"Okay, I will give you ten royal griffins from my personal soldiers. They fly very fast. If someone really invades your Feichen Island, you can know it earlier." Then Joyce asked again. Daliang: "You have been serving the Pudong Fleet, and I am very satisfied with your abilities. Are you interested in joining my Pudong Fleet?"

Unexpectedly, Joyce, who just said he had no soldiers, would actually give ten royal griffons generously. You must know that in the battle against the troop transport fleet, Daliang killed twenty-six griffins before cultivating ten royal griffins. Did you see that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse? Just now, I was crying about poverty with my brother, and now he even offers to give me a royal griffon.

The gryphon was exchanged for the royal gryphon, so of course I had to agree. As for joining the Pudong fleet? Daliang had never thought about it before, so he asked: "What are the benefits?"

"You kid, you only think about the benefits in everything you do, and don't think about your obligations," Joyce chuckled, "But as a country lord, you probably don't know how glorious it is to be a glorious navy. Since you talk about the benefits, I will give you the benefits. If you join the Pudong Fleet, you will be one of the fleet's own. If someone attacks your Feichen Island, I will give you full support."

"I'll join!" Daliang said without any hesitation.

After handing over ten royal griffons, Daliang also gloriously became a member of the Pudong Fleet with the rank of captain and no ships under his command. After all, the Pudong fleet's manpower resources cannot be replenished, every carrot is lost, and the finances have to support Songjiang.

However, Joyce promised Daliang that the Black Fire Fleet would be managed by Daliang himself. The Pudong Fleet did not care about the size of the Black Fire Fleet, nor the finances and logistics of the Black Fire Fleet.

Anyway, Daliang is the captain of the Pudong Fleet. If Feichen Island is attacked, he can request the Pudong Fleet for support. Of course, when the Pudong fleet arrives on the island, the secret of his crystal mine cannot be kept. However, Daliang had the legal ownership of Feichen Island. The Pudong Fleet knew about the crystal mine and could at most get some share of the output, but if Feichen Island was lost, he would have nothing. In short, being a captain of the Pudong Fleet is like buying an insurance for yourself. It would be better if nothing happens to Feichen Island, and you can recover some losses if something happens.

After Daliang's identity was dealt with, Joyce remembered another thing. She said to Daliang: "You come to my place tonight..."


Da Liang's heart suddenly jumped. Could it be that this quasi-princess and quasi-queen, who was not favored by the prince, was fascinated by Ge Wei's tall body and glorious achievements, and planned to take the opportunity to push him down at night?

I asked why the griffin was given to the royal griffin, and it also came with a protective umbrella. It turned out that...she had already had plans for her brother's flesh. It's just that I already have a good name and a wife, and there is a beautiful and outrageous wife waiting for me to find him. Although I have cheated on many beauties mentally, I am still very loyal physically. Don’t think that you can take away my virginity by just giving me some benefits. Is my virginity so cheap?

"Sir, when will I come in the evening? Which door should I come in through..."

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