Start with an Archangel

Chapter 113 Battle

Joyce was confused by Daliang's question: "Which door? Of course, take the main entrance!"

"Take the main entrance? Isn't it convenient? What if Prince William discovers..."

"What if Prince William finds out? The establishment of the Jiading City Cargo Distribution Center has been approved by His Majesty. Marquis Stanley and Marquis Wilson will come to me in the evening to discuss the specific matters of the Cargo Distribution Center." Joyce glanced at Da Liang. , after noticing his regretful expression, his face turned cold: "What do you think I asked you to do tonight?"

"Of course... I have listened to the admiral's teachings. After all, I am new to the Pudong fleet and I don't know anything, so I should listen and learn more. It's just that you are Prince William's fiancée. I came here at night to avoid misunderstanding after the prince finds out. I just want to come quietly and leave quietly." Daliang immediately covered it up and changed the subject: "It's just a matter of setting up a cargo distribution center in Jiading City. What do you want me to do? You open the port and let the undead in Jiading City directly Just transport the goods from the dock.”

Seeing the serious expression on Daliang's face, Joyce felt that she might have really misunderstood him. Hearing him mention the Jiading Cargo Distribution Center again, he said: "How can such a big project be as easy as you said? It's unimaginable. Marquis Stanley may not be able to keep up with the wealth. Shangjiang City must own the shares of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, and the discussion tonight is about the distribution of equity. Marquis Stanley is not clear-headed, and I am afraid that something will happen with the establishment of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. Changes have affected the strategy for Chongming City. Due to my status, I definitely cannot speak for Marquis Stanley, so I asked you to assist Marquis Stanley in the negotiations."

Da Liang is a little confused. Logically speaking, Joyce should be a die-hard loyalist of the King of Donghai. The larger the stake Shangjiang City holds in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the happier she should be, right? Why did he twist his elbows outward instead, as if he was afraid that Marquis Stanley would suffer a big loss during the negotiation?

Is there something wrong with the Marquis Wilson she said?

So Daliang asked: "Is it okay for me to help Marquis Stanley negotiate? I just don't know who Marquis Wilson is? I will be prepared when the time comes."

"Marquis Wilson is the Finance Minister of Shangjiang City. You met him when the imperial meeting was held a few days ago."

I, K, turns out to be the online game version of "Qin Yi". At first glance, this guy is the traitor that Joshua planted in our camp. If he is asked to talk about the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, he must be trying his best to make things dirty. No, Stanley promised me that he has 20% of the shares in the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, so I have to confront him about this matter again. It just so happens that during the last imperial meeting, this guy also hinted that the King of East China Sea would kill me. This time, I won't let you succeed even if I crush a steel tooth.

"I understand, leave the negotiations tonight to me."

After that, Daliang turned around and left. There was still a fight to be fought outside...

Alas... a date? What a child's trick, so boring!

Seeing Daliang's strong figure as he left, Joyce thought for a moment and asked the attendant to call the doorman: "What did Baron Daliang look like when he came?"

The guard told Joyce truthfully about the changes in Daliang's two appearances, and asked: "Sir, do you want to find out who beat Baron Daliang? I will take people to find out..."

"***, I got fooled by this kid again," Joyce cursed in a low voice and said to the doorman: "No need...get out!"

At this time, the flat ground on the western outskirts of Shangjiang City was already full of players. There were probably tens of thousands of people in the dark area. If the space was not limited, there would be even more players. In addition, there are many players in the sky who already have flying mounts. Some are riding gargoyles, a level 4 soldier from the academy, and some are riding harpies, a level 4 soldier from the underground city. There are also several players riding royal griffon mounts. Looking at the magnificent equipment on their bodies, it is obvious at a glance that these people are either high-level players or wealthy people.

These players gather here without fighting monsters or doing tasks, simply because there is a player fight here that attracts the attention of players throughout China.

Just ask a Chinese player in "World of Heroes" "Who is the most famous person in the game?" That will definitely turn the tables. Being the first lord in the world is simply a supreme honor. Now, as the Hero World continues to be popular around the world, I don’t know how many large groups regret not participating in the bidding for the naming rights of the world’s first territory.

Looking at the explosive photos of the Dragon Star Territory every day, it is like a big change every day. The construction speed is at least four days ahead of other lords, and this gap is still accelerating. A rapidly rising player private city has attracted the attention of the world. . For 200 million to buy the permanent naming rights of such a superstar territory, the Lone Star Group simply got a big deal.

The only regret is that Feishaozushi did not announce the precise location of the Dragon Star Territory, which temporarily frustrated the desire of the majority of players to visit the world's first territory.

The party participating in the fight this time is the only player who has publicly supported Feishaozushi on the national channel. Lie Yan Kuang Teng is the first heir to the Dragon Star Group, and as an important partner of Fei Sha Zuoshi, Lie Yan Kuang Teng obtained the seventh-level elf Pegasus Knight from Fei Sha Zuoshi.

As for Raging Flames, he is an academic warlock and one of the five committee members of the University Alliance, the number one player organization in Shangjiang. He really wants money and power. By killing monsters, buying troops, and snatching missions, with his domineering approach, he not only raised his level to level 15, but also had top-quality equipment, hundreds of NPC soldiers under his command, and countless fans among the players. The wind in Shangjiang City is at its peak.

However, Lieyan Kuangteng admitted that there was an indelible stain in his heart, that is, at the founding meeting of the College Alliance, someone killed him here in a clumsy way, and also humiliated him on the national channel in front of the entire Chinese players. "It's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart without repaying this revenge. Today I will pay back all the insults I have endured here."

The other protagonist in this fight is Daliang.

On the first day of the public beta of Hero World, Daliang had ten level 3 and 4 soldiers and completed the feat of blocking the gate in Shangjiang City, making everyone remember him. The arrogance with which Hengdao immediately stood on Jiangdongmen Street earned him the title of "Domineering Emperor". Although this title was somewhat ridiculing at the beginning, when the College Alliance was established a few days later, Daliang led fifteen griffons to make a high-profile appearance, gave a speech, and killed one person, making the "Domineering Emperor" worthy of his reputation.

Therefore, this originally ordinary fight became unique because of the characters on both sides. One is Daliang, who is famous for owning a large group of griffins, and the other is supported by Feishaozongshi, who has the highest-level unit in the hands of players, the Pegasus Knight. The flames raged.

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