Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1103 Dark Saint


After seeing Abigail being brought into the teleportation array by Monica, Daliang immediately happily said to the prophet beside him: "Now Abigail has entered the plane teleportation array, as long as Monica flies up, we can Activate the teleportation array to teleport Abigail away."

However, the prophet stared at Monica and Abigail in the teleportation array, as if talking to himself and answering Da Liang: "Wait a moment, Monica seems to have found the technique to control Abigail. Now The effects of the medicine on Abigail haven't worn off yet, so maybe Monica can do more."

Do more…

Of course Da Liang knows what more means, but the longer Monica stays with Abigail, it means that her risk factor increases exponentially.

One is a level 16 creature that I don’t know if it can be controlled, and the other is my important hero.

If he had to choose, Daliang would rather keep Monica first.

The problem is that Monica and Abigail are standing together now. If Monica doesn't take the initiative to leave, forcing them to rush over... will only be self-defeating.

"If it's Jenny standing inside, I wonder if you still have the heart to wait a little longer."

Da Liang made a slight remonstrance and began to look at Monica in the field.

At this time, Monica, like teaching a child, slowly let Abigail accept some instructions...

Advance, attack, release magic, protect...

At first, Abigail was very slow to respond to instructions. Gradually, with the deepening of running-in and trust in Monica, Abigail's time to respond to instructions became shorter and shorter.

Time also passed quickly, and just when Monica wanted to try a more complex command, Abigail's response to her was suddenly interrupted.

She stood there, the spider claws behind her dancing rapidly, and the magic energy flashed at the tips of the claws...

At this time, the prophet standing on the sidelines hurriedly shouted to Monica: "Monica, the potion is about to expire, leave quickly."

Daliang immediately shouted to the arbitration angel: "Hurry and save people."

After hearing the command, Monica and the Arbitration Angel took off at the same time, and Abigail's spider claw had already stabbed Monica.

At the same time, the plane teleportation array was activated.

A bright light rose up and enveloped Abigail, who was not yet completely furious.

The light fell back, and Abigail disappeared into the plane teleportation array...

The Arbitration Angel who responded to Monica looked back and struck the plane teleportation array with a sword. The sword light, which was more than ten meters long, fell, and a crack split the plane teleportation array into two.

On the other side of the teleportation array is a small city in an endless maze.

When Daliang arrived at the small city from the Songjiang plane teleportation array, he then traveled to Obsidian City. There is no need to say more about what kind of scene will happen when the violent Abigail is sent to that underground city. Now that the plane teleportation array has been destroyed, it is impossible for the other side to send Abigail back...

The attack on Songjiang City this time was really full of twists and turns. Level 16 creatures and dragons of darkness all appeared. One mistake could seriously damage the vitality.'s all over.

Songjiang City was incorporated into Daliang's ruling area almost intact.

When Monica officially entered the main palace of Songjiang City and Daliang recognized Monica's legal rule over Songjiang City on behalf of Shangjiang, Daliang once again gained a territory.

The territories currently controlled by Da Liang include: the Black Fire Territory of the Undead, located in the western Pacific and East China Sea of ​​the main plane; the Judgment Territory of the human race, located in the Upper River area of ​​the main plane; and the Palm Tree Territory of the Elf Tribe, located in the Bauhinia City jurisdiction of the magical realm. Edge; the Songjiang Territory of the underground race, located in the upper Jiang area of ​​​​the main plane.

The territories include: Blackfire City, Judgment City, Palm Tree City, Songjiang City, Feichen Island, Qingye Island, Boneyard Tomb, Advance Fortress, Snowfield City, Forgotten Hills...

Spanning three planes and encompassing four races.

The wings are full.

After acquiring Songjiang City, Daliang did not stay here long, because the war in Songjiang City lasted for such a long time, the night in Rio de Janeiro City was about to pass, and dawn was the time when Saint Bella visited Rio City.

As the Duke of Shangjiang and the chief planner of the entire Rio gold coin exchange, Daliang must sit in Rio de Janeiro to deal with possible emergencies.

Leaving it to Monica to restore order in Songjiang City and reorganize the Black Elf army, Daliang used the legion assembly flag reserved in Lord Rio's palace to instantly complete the crossing of the Pacific and South America, reaching the west coast of the South Atlantic.

At this moment, the sun has risen from the sea in the east, and the bright sunlight shines into the tree house through the windows, indicating that it will be a sunny day.

After leaving the dungeon and returning to the surface, Da Liang saw that he still had some free time, so he left the Lord's Mansion and headed to the Shangjiang-Rio de Janeiro teleportation array under the escort of the palace guards, while opening Monica's attribute panel.


Dark Saint (Black Elf Level 15)

Attack: 50

Defense: 40

Kills: 600-750

HP: 6000

Characteristics of the unit: Archer, uses dark rays to attack.

Curse, causing the enemy to enter a weak state.

Black Elf Morale +2


Incentive, dark elf soldiers will not run away.

Hero Unit: Level 47

Attack 147

Defense 134

Intelligence 130

Knowledge 124

Specialties: Defense

Hero Special Skills: Master Defense, Master Dark Energy, Advanced Tactics, Advanced Occultism, Advanced Earth Magic...

Skills/Magic: Poison Cloud, Light of Destruction, Stoneskin Body Protection, Force Shield, Corrosion, Blood Sacrifice...

Additional: 1. Due to resurrecting from the mouth of the Dark Dragon and gaining part of the dark divine power, there will be unpredictable changes in the future.

2. Drawn by the bloodline, he established a symbiotic relationship with the 16th-level creature Abigail. With the 'suppression potion', he can control Abigail for a short period of time. The control time is related to the quality of the 'suppression potion' and the hero level.

When the prophet first saw Monica, he said that her strength had increased and she was affected by the dark power.

Now it is more intuitive to look at the properties.

Monica's previous biological level is the Dark Witch, the 11th-level black elf unit, which is a high-level unit. Now, Monica has been resurrected from the dead and under the influence of the dark divine power, she has directly advanced across levels to become a 15th-level creature.

Panel properties have made a qualitative leap.

And because Monica had less upgrade experience when she was in the Dark Witch level, she upgraded quickly, reaching level 47, which was higher than Julian. Now that the biological level has been promoted to level 15, and the hero level is retained, the attributes alone are much higher than Julian and Juliet. He became the strongest hero in the Blackfire Territory after Arbitration.

Of course this is just a comparison of panel properties. Monica is a troop-leading hero, while Julian and Julian are fighting heroes. They each have their own strengths and are not very comparable.

But Monica really made a profit this time by dying.

Brother also made money.

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