Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1104 Welcome the team

The additional notes on Monica's attribute panel also pointed out that Monica's changes were affected by the power of darkness, and the unpredictable changes mentioned above also made Daliang look forward to it.

Now Monica is already a 15th-level dark saint. If she changes again...

That is the category of level 16.

Think about Ergos, this abyss python has become a 16th level hell lord king because of the extremely evil power. Monica's starting point is much higher than Ergos.

And then there’s Monica and Abigail’s symbiotic relationship.

Judging from the situation just now, it would take about half an hour for Abigail, who was soothed by the suppressive medicine, to respond to Monica's order. This is already the effect of a master-level "suppression potion". If you want to increase the control time, you need to increase Monica's strength.

One bottle of "Suppression Potion" can be used every 12 hours. This means that... when necessary, the Black Fire Leader can temporarily possess a level 16 combat power, which is an unimaginable increase in force.

However, controlling Abigail is a double-edged sword. If the timing is not good, it will pose a threat to Monica.

Therefore, Abigail should be used very cautiously, and try to summon Abigail when protected by level 16 creatures, or send Abigail away in advance after more than 20 minutes.

In short... the war in Songjiang City has ended. Shangjiang has eliminated the last internal instability factor and can focus all its energy on external strategies.

Daliang also achieved a military and territorial expansion, and the vast underground area of ​​​​Songjiang was included in his pocket.

While Daliang was handling various government affairs through the territory panel, the unicorn four-wheeler he was riding in stopped.

The teleportation array from Shangjiang to Rio de Janeiro has arrived.

Da Liang walked down from the car and saw that the welcoming team was already waiting here.

The edge of the teleportation array was surrounded by flowers, the band played elegant music, and a red magic carpet paved a road connecting the teleportation array and the welcoming team. When a person steps on the carpet, three-dimensional ripples and waves will be produced on the carpet. Flying flower effect.

The honor guard composed of the human race of Shangjiang City and the elves of Rio de Janeiro City stood on both sides of the carpet.

Daliang was brought into the welcoming team by the palace attendants.

King Doron has been waiting here early. He knows what the visit of Saint Bella means to the city of Rio de Janeiro. Holy Bella is a well-known battle angel. She chose to leave Yunzhong City, but Yunzhong City did not take any action. This can be seen how much influence Holy Bella has among the angels.

If Yunzhong City forcibly pursues Holy Bella, it may cause another division of the Angel Clan.

Now Holy Bella is a level 16 hero belonging to the Five Color Flag Alliance. She has a very high status in both major camps.

If Rio's reception satisfies her and makes Holy Bella make any promises, Bauhinia City will be wary.

There is also the exchange of gold coins and Shangjiang war bonds, which also requires Holy Bella to attract the attention of Bauhinia City.

After King Duolun greeted Daliang, he inadvertently glanced at Bavaria next to him.

As the representative of the Redbud City in Rio de Janeiro, Bavaria also joined the team to welcome Saint Bella. Now... there are nearly a hundred golden dragons from Bauhinia City in Rio de Janeiro. These ultimate creatures of the elves are monitoring every move in Shangjiang and Rio in various locations in the city.

The arrival of Daliang also attracted the attention of Bavaria. The Duke of Shangjiang City always gave him a very powerful feeling. Now he was talking to Marquis Wilson of Shangjiang in a low voice, and pointed at the two strange-looking giant dragons in the honor guard of Shangjiang.

The two giant dragons stood on the left and right at the exit of the teleportation array, their huge and strong bodies showing the ferocity of the dragon clan.

The Five Color Flag Alliance is known for its powerful dragon clan, which allows them to maintain a neutral stance in this plane war. These two giant dragons should be variants of the Crystal Dragon and the Poison Dragon. Taking into account the advantages of both dragons, they are definitely very powerful beings...

While Bavaria was secretly speculating on the strength of Crystal Dragon Qianli and Poison Dragon Amber, Daliang and Marquis Wilson whispered about the arrangement of the entire gold coin exchange operation.

The specific circumstances of the gold coin exchange were supplemented and formulated through consultation between Marquis Wilson and the City of Rio de Janeiro.

As promised at the beginning, the gold coins in the Rio de Janeiro City Treasury will be shipped out at the beginning of the celebration, and then transported to the dock of the leased port in the name of nuts. The financial officials sent by Shangjiang City are already waiting there. After counting the gold coins, one batch will be used to pay for the war bonds. The recovered gold coins will directly enter Shangjiang's treasury through the gold coin channel.

The entire process was escorted by the Rio de Janeiro City Guard.

Marquis Wilson also expressed his difficulties when introducing the exchange plan to Daliang: "The troops from Bauhinia City left the city, allowing us to reduce a lot of risks. But Bavaria obviously knew what we were going to do during the celebration, so he The golden dragons in the city are very alert.

The amount of gold coins that need to be exchanged this time is really too large. Not only the gold coins in the Shangjiang Treasury, but also the nobles and businessmen in the city want to exchange the gold coins in their hands for our war bonds.

At that time, there will be a large number of vehicles transporting nuts passing by on the road. As long as the Golden Dragon of Bauhinia City asks to check these vehicles, it will be immediately discovered that we are transporting gold coins. "

Daliang heard this and said: "You can rest assured about the golden dragon. When the gold coins start to be exchanged, they will leave Rio de Janeiro."

The confidence shown by Daliang made Marquis Wilson very confused.

These nearly a hundred golden dragons are all subordinate to Bauhinia City and only obey orders from Bavaria in Rio de Janeiro. As the Duke of Shangjiang City, Daliang has no problem commanding the army of Shangjiang City, but commanding the Golden Dragon of Bauhinia City...

Marquis Wilson asked: "Your Excellency, the amount of gold coins exchanged for war bonds this time is too large, and there cannot be any mistakes. Can you really let all the golden dragons in Bauhinia City leave the city when the gold coins begin to be exchanged.

You must give me a positive answer so that I can adjust my plan. "

Da Liang heard Marquis Wilson's worry. He pointed at Qianli and Amber who were preparing to welcome Holy Bella, and then said: "With the crystal dragon Qianli and the poisonous dragon Amber here, the elves' dragon clan will not play any role. This is also When Bavaria wanted to put a golden dragon in Rio de Janeiro, the reason why I immediately agreed.

I hope he leaves behind nearly a hundred golden dragons instead of nearly a hundred elves. "

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