Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1108 Choice

The banquet at the Rio Palace is still going on normally. The circle of King Doron, Holy Bella, Daliang, and Bavaria is not something that other nobles can participate in if they want to.

Therefore, the sudden tension between Daliang and Bavaria did not affect the enthusiastic banquet.

Bavaria first looked at Holy Bella. This supreme angel seemed to have an indifferent attitude towards her choice. She had folded her wings and was standing casually, holding a glass of red wine in her hand. Her casual gaze was as sharp as her sword.

Obviously, Holy Bella has no objection to the possible war between the Five Color Flag Alliance and Magic. This angel who has risen to the top step by step from the war is always ready to fight the next war.

Looking at King Duolun again, there was a look of anticipation for him to go out.

In this palace, I am afraid that King Duolun most hopes to see the Five-Color Flag Alliance start a war with the Magical Realm, so that he can officially join the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Although the city of Rio de Janeiro has inevitably become a battlefield for the two major camps, the city of Rio de Janeiro has also gotten rid of the current situation of being at the mercy of others.

As a pawn, I walked into a plane war... a great opportunity to win or lose.

As a king, King Duolun also wanted to do a grand event in his life, and had the ambition to use his remaining years to try it.

Bavaria finally looked at Daliang. The Duke, who represented Shangjiang and the Five Color Flag Alliance, had been at the forefront of the political game with Bauhinia City from the beginning.

He is the maker and promoter of this plan. Although Bavaria does not know what Shangjiang and Rio de Janeiro are doing, it has fallen into the trap set by the other party.

Now the other party has done everything it needs to do, and then leaves the choice of this war to itself.

To fight or not to fight, Bavaria never imagined that it would face such a heavy choice.

Fight... The other party has been prepared. With the presence of Holy Bella and the cooperation of King Doron, the army deployed by Bauhinia City in Rio de Janeiro will be completely annihilated, including himself.

Then Bauhinia Flower City passively fought, leading to a full-scale confrontation between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Magical Realm. Outside the magical realm, there is the Kingdom of Death that needs to be guarded against, and there are independent dwarves within that need to fight the rebellion. Even with the support of allies from the good camp, the flames of war will inevitably sweep through the magical territory.

This war that could destroy the magical realm and severely damage the elves' vitality was all caused by him.

The most terrifying thing is... the Five Color Flag Alliance will form an alliance with the evil camp because of the strong strength of the good camp.

Bavaria knew that his death here was a trivial matter, and he could not bear the responsibility of deciding the fate of the magical realm.

And pretending to turn a blind eye... Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City are obviously doing things that harm the interests of Bauhinia City, something they will have to fight once they know about it.

If you ignore it, you will be derelict in your duty and violate the great trust of King Wadsworth.

Bavaria stared at Daliang. He knew that the Duke was definitely not willing to fight with Bauhinia City, but he took the upper hand in strategy and left the final choice to himself.

And he was determined not to go out.

At this moment, Bavaria really wanted to act arrogantly, but he actually had no choice. He could not let the war happen between the Magic Realm and the Five Color Flag Alliance. The Magical Realm is not yet ready for a three-front battle, and he cannot walk out of the palace gate today.

Bavaria asked Daliang: "I placed nearly a hundred golden dragons in Rio de Janeiro, what did you do to them?"

Since the other party prevented him from leaving the palace, it meant that their actions outside the palace could easily be discovered. However, the golden dragons he had placed in the city did not show any reaction, which meant that these golden dragons had been taken care of by the other party.

It was definitely not through fighting, and it was impossible for all of these golden dragons to be bribed, but they did not find anything.

Daliang had already seen Bavaria's choice. He brought two glasses of red wine from the side, handed one to Bavaria, and then said: "Your golden dragons are all safe. They have all left the city... There is not a single red wine in Rio now." The military power of Huacheng.”

When Bavaria heard that the golden dragon was not damaged, he took the wine glass from Daliang and asked: "How did you do it to let so many golden dragons leave the city against my orders?"

"As for how we ordered the golden dragon, you can ask them yourself after the banquet is over. Now...I propose...a toast to peace."

Da Liang raised his glass to Bavaria, but Bavaria drank the red wine in the cup and said: "Duke Da Liang. From today on, the Magic Realm has lost the illusion of maintaining peace with the Five Color Flag Alliance. When I return to Bauhinia City From now on, we will make every effort to advise His Majesty Wadsworth to prepare for the war with the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Although you won today, you lost the future. "

After saying that, Bavaria took the two elf envoys to the corner of the banquet and ignored anyone.

After Bavaria left here, Holy Bella looked at him as he swallowed bitter water, smiled and said to Daliang: "It's so pitiful that this elf has an opponent like you. But I also said that you are doing A very dangerous thing. I can do so much for you because I believe in your vision, but I also feel that you need to explain your behavior to me.

Now... Bavaria is not going to expose what you are doing. I think His Majesty Doron wouldn't mind arranging a room for us to talk alone. "

King Duolun immediately said: "Of course I don't mind. I am very happy that Lady Holy Bella can come to this banquet. I will immediately arrange for my attendants to take you to a room where no one will disturb you..."

In a small reception room, Da Liang used detection magic to check whether there were listening magic and hidden thieves.

Holy Bella sat directly in the chair and said to Daliang: "Don't use your crappy magic to look for it. There is no manipulation in this room. Of course...if King Duolun has subordinates like Ye Xie, you won't be able to find him either. arrive.

You should be one of the few people who know that I don't like war. The main reason why I left Yunzhong City is that I am very tired of war. The neutral attitude of the Five Color Flag Alliance suits my taste very well.

But you have been teetering on the edge of starting a war.

I hope you can intervene in the war and end it at the most correct time, instead of making this war more complicated and chaotic.

I think speeding up the research on becoming a god and obtaining god-level heroes first is the best way to end the war. "

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