Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1109 Consensus

Daliang sat opposite Holy Bella, not like a subordinate meeting his superior outside, but like a chatting friend.

“None of us know what the future holds.

What if the divine plane cannot be opened? What if God is beyond our control? What if God wants to invade us?

We cannot place all our hopes on God, and we must even prepare for the worst and fight another divine war after the plane war.

Although the Five Color Flag Alliance is neutral, war will not come to us just because we don’t want to fight. We actively make ourselves stronger in this war, and we are better able to survive in the end than waiting to passively fight.

You are a battle angel who has experienced previous plane wars.

We know that war is the theme of this world at this time, and no one can escape it.

If we want to end the war, we must have the power to end the war when the opportunity comes, and even more importantly, we need to have the power to survive.

And the current Five Color Flag Alliance cannot even guarantee the most basic survival. "

Daliang's words caused Saint Bella to think briefly.

Not liking war does not mean that Saint Bella is afraid of war. In fact, when war comes, she is braver than anyone else. It's just that as a battle angel, long-term strategic vision is not what Holy Bella is good at. She can also clearly understand her own strengths and weaknesses.

Soon a smile appeared on Saint Bella's face: "You are still as persuasive as ever. It seems that I have to follow your footsteps in this plane war.

This time we can say that we have completely offended the magical realm, and the war is almost separated by a layer of paper. We should be the third enemy of the Magical Realm now. Do you really want to go to war with the Magical Realm? "

With full trust in Holy Bella, Daliang didn't mind expressing his thoughts about the magical realm.

"In the current Kingdom of Death, the Wizards Guild and City of Sighs have started negotiations under my coordination. The Cyan Alliance and the New Unsullied Holy See are likely to reach an agreement to merge, and then the Kingdom of Death will face a unification war.

Without the cyan coalition, the good camp wants to intervene in the civil war in the Kingdom of Death. The most convenient place to send troops is the Magical Realm, which has a large number of plane portals in the Kingdom of Death, and now the energy of the Magical Realm is focused on the dwarves.

Recently, I learned about the situation of the Black Iron City War. The situation of the dwarves is very bad, which means that the elves in the Magic Realm may solve the dwarves' problem at any time. Once the dwarf independence movement is suppressed, the task of containing the Magical Realm can only be completed by our Five Color Flag Alliance.

Therefore, if necessary, we must use the city of Rio de Janeiro as an excuse to fight a limited war with the Realm of Magic in order to reduce the interference of the Realm of Magic in the Kingdom of Death. "

Holy Bella once participated in the establishment of the Wizards Guild and was very familiar with the situation in the Kingdom of Death. She asked: "Is your goal the Kingdom of Death?"

"To be is the obelisk that belongs to the Kingdom of Death and is controlled by Yunzhong City. Only when the Kingdom of Death is unified can Yunzhong City not continue to control the obelisk and slow down their research into becoming gods.

Then we take back the entrance to the Sulfur Cave, and we stand on the same starting line as the good camp and the evil camp. "

Holy Bella did not expect that in order to seize the obelisk of the Kingdom of Death, Daliang would take such a big detour, lay out such a big chess game, and calculate three powerful planes.

"It seems that I underestimated you. I thought you were doing something dangerous, but I didn't expect that what you were doing was even more dangerous. You dared to rob the obelisk tower controlled by Yunzhong City."

Daliang smiled and said: "No one in Yunzhong City or Hell will compromise or relax in their research on becoming a god. This means that whoever gets the god-level hero first will immediately use it first. We are still in this state now, even if we know God's coming may bring another disaster, but we just can't stop.

Losing the obelisk in their hands at the same time would make them all calm down. When our power is strong enough, we can disclose our research on becoming a god and bring the three parties to the negotiating table to discuss a truce.

This is my way of ending the war, but before that we have many wars to fight. "

Daliang told Holy Bella his plan.

This war was forced out by research into becoming a god. If you want to stop the war, you must find a way from the root. If the Five Color Flags Alliance wants to be a mediator, it must stand on the same level as the two camps.

Daliang finally gave Holy Bella the final answer. He must get the full support of this level 16 hero, because he has seen the battle between level 16 heroes. As a pseudo-level 16 arbitration angel, he does not have the ability to win a level 16 confrontation. strength.

At this time, Holy Bella said to Daliang: "Okay, you have convinced me. From now on, you do the things with your brain, and I will do the things with your hands, even if the opponents are the supreme angels."

Daliang said: "I will try not to let you participate in the battle with Yunzhong City."

A private conversation allowed Daliang to gain the full support of Holy Bella. Although this battle angel was recently promoted to the 16th level supreme angel, no one dares to underestimate the fighting power of Holy Bella. In terms of hero level and panel attributes, Holy Bella is no weaker than any veteran level 16 hero. And her hidden combat experience and combat consciousness allow her to reach the level of a first-line level 16 hero.

When it comes to fighting alone, Daliang believes that Holy Bella can defeat most level 16 heroes.

If Holy Bella can hold the Angel Alliance, she will definitely be able to compete one-on-one with Michael, Satan, and Lucifer.

In other words, whether Holy Bella is willing to contribute in the future war will play a vital role in the direction of the war and affect Daliang's layout of future war strategies.

In the Royal Palace of Rio, Daliang and Saint Bella eliminated the small connections and reached a consensus to end the war.

Outside the Rio Palace, the exchange of gold coins and Shangjiang war bonds was carried out nervously and orderly.

The troops from Bauhinia City wanted to intervene in the investigation, but were blocked from the city and port; they wanted to contact their direct superior, Bavaria, but were told that Bavaria was attending a banquet at the Rio Palace and could not come out.

The troops in Shangjiang and Rio de Janeiro did not attack, and the troops in Bauhinia City could not actively provoke a war without orders from Bavaria, and they did not dare to initiate a war.

There are only two giant dragons flying in the sky of the entire city of Rio de Janeiro, and the elven golden dragon cannot even get within ten kilometers of them. Why should the army of Bauhinia City fight the army of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, which has purple dragons, crystal dragons, and angels.

The once proud Redbud Army suddenly felt a sad mood at this moment.

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