Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1110 The South American strategy is temporarily over

(Added...the chapter name can only be changed after the editor comes to work on Monday. I sent the wrong content before, sorry.)

The banquet held at the Rio Royal Palace lasted for an entire day. This was the longest banquet ever held by the Rio royal family. However, when night fell over the city again and the banquet ended, the guests who left were still unfinished.

All because of the presence of Divine Bella, it was a great honor for every guest.

As darkness falls, magic fireworks illuminate the sky in a dazzling light, and the city is still in the midst of carnival.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, including Bavaria walking out of the palace.

Sure enough... all the golden dragons he arranged in the city disappeared, and then he learned that his golden dragon was driven away by two giant dragons from the Five Color Flag Alliance. It was the two special crystals that appeared when he greeted Holy Bella in the morning. Dragons and poisonous dragons.

These two 15th-level dragons can release strategic domain power. The 14th-level golden dragon has no ability to resist in front of them and is driven away at will.

This means that once there is a conflict between the Magic Realm and the Five Color Flag Alliance, one's own use of the golden dragon and green dragon will be greatly restricted.

Things in Rio City must be reported to King Wadsworth... The Five Color Flag Alliance must be listed as the number one enemy in the magical realm.


What did Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City do during the day?

Bavaria spent one night flying to every place in Rio de Janeiro, but he didn't find any obvious changes here. He really couldn't figure it out... What on earth did they do, something that made him have to start a war after seeing it? thing?

In the end, Bavaria, who did not find out about the exchange of gold coins in Shangjiang and Rio, had to return to Bauhinia City and report the incident to King Wadsworth.

Bavaria's "cooperation" made the entire gold coin exchange operation very smooth, and 70% of the gold coins in the entire city of Rio de Janeiro were put into Shangjiang's treasury.

With the city of Rio de Janeiro setting an example and taking the lead in using Shangjiang War Bonds as the settlement currency for future large transactions, other South American city-states will also actively exchange Shangjiang War Bonds.

War bonds have established a firm foothold in South America with the city of Rio de Janeiro as the center, and the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, which is responsible for the issuance of war bonds, has also been able to successfully pave its own business routes here.

In one day, Shangjiang laid the most solid foundation in South America. With the issuance and circulation of war bonds, this continent will also be tied to his own chariot by Shangjiang.

As the organizer of this South American gold coin exchange operation, Daliang did not stay in Rio de Janeiro after receiving the support of Saint Bella. The subsequent economic cooperation and political cooperation will be carried out by formal diplomats sent by Shangjiang. Daliang's trip to South America has come to an end.

Before leaving Rio, Daliang met Memnon and Tiago again.

It can be said that the final fruits of the revolutionary wave triggered by the "Brazilian Game Ethics Convention" were stolen by the Grand Guild headed by Memnon.

Although the problem of offline violence in Brazil will not be eliminated in the future, it will be greatly improved.

However, the problem of offline violence in Brazil's game zones has little to do with Daliang. It is just a tool used by Daliang to crack open the virtual financial market in Brazil's game zones. Now that his goal has been achieved, as long as he is not directly encountered by him, he has no energy to worry about such a distant country.

However, Daliang's reputation in the Brazilian game area is really very high, especially among small and medium-sized legions and individual players. Daliang is simply the hero who saved the Brazilian game area. Even Memnon, who has truly become the boss of Brazil, cannot ignore Daliang's influence in the Brazilian game area. He tries his best to appear very pro-China and provides many conveniences for players in the Chinese game area in the Brazilian game area.

Although Memnon is outwardly pro-China, secretly he is constantly ogling the American gaming community.

Tiago is Daliang's real hardcore. He has been labeled as the spokesperson of Daliang in the Brazilian gaming area. This status is not something he can wash away if he wants. He can only serve Daliang wholeheartedly.

The benefits are also obvious. Daliang kept his promise with Tiago and not only won him a seat in the rights hierarchy of the Brazilian gaming area, Yingshi Virtual Bank also provided a large amount of free assistance and low-interest loans to the Charge Front Legion. At the same time, because of Daliang's relationship, Chinese players who arrive in the Brazilian game area will also give priority to cooperating with the Charge Front to jointly develop the vast unknown areas of the Brazilian game area.

In the Brazilian game area, Tiago also successfully cleared his name. As the pioneer of the "Revolution", Tiago was the first Brazilian player to sign the "Convention" and became the idol of Brazilian players. People who wanted to join the Charge Front Legion flocked to him. The Charge Front Legion not only quickly regained its strength, but also developed rapidly like a rocket.

After the China Game Zone College Alliance is willing to provide data link support for the Charge Front Legion, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a world-class legion.

Memnon and Tiago became the biggest winners of this "revolution" in the Brazilian gaming area.

The Chinese Game Zone also completed a major victory in the Pacific Confrontation.

With the loss of the treasury of South America, the virtual finance of the American game zone has ushered in a cold winter. The price of gold has risen, making the bosses of the American game zone who are used to spending a lot of money extremely uncomfortable.

Moreover, the Chinese game areas are aggressive in Oceania. After the great changes in South America, the Japanese and Korean game areas have completely turned to the Chinese game areas.

In the Pacific, the situation around the Chinese game area is getting better and better, and various types of warships have been launched.

War is getting closer.

The American Game Zone is also actively responding to the arrival of the decisive battle in the Pacific. Their battleships in the Atlantic Ocean are heading south in groups, passing through the Panama Canal and entering the Pacific Ocean.

Both super play areas are gathering strength.

Once a war breaks out, it will be protracted.

Da Liang no longer cares about the struggles between players. His mission is to maintain an advantage over other players in the plane war plot. He has been away from Obsidian City for some time. Whether it is for his main mission or to pay close attention to the Dwarf Independence War, he needs to return to Obsidian City as soon as possible.

Before returning to Obsidian City, Daliang first went to Songjiang City, which he had just occupied.

Songjiang City is a level 10 underground city. Although Abigail does not have the ability to upgrade Songjiang City to a level 11 or 12 city, she has also completed the black elf transformation of Songjiang's original recruitment building.

The types of troops that Songjiang can recruit at this time are:

First level: secret agent; second level: assassin; third level: bloody girl; fourth level: bloody witch; fifth level: minotaur; sixth level: minotaur guard; seventh level: dark cavalry; eighth level: cold-blooded cavalry; ninth level: multi-headed Lizard; Level 10: Abyssal Hydra.

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