Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1111 All Mistresses Meeting

Daliang checked the warehouse in Songjiang City.

Finally I know what it means to be poor and useless!

During his tenure in Songjiang City, although Daliang did not manage Songjiang to be very prosperous, he also brought the city onto the right track of development and accumulated some wealth. If this policy continues to develop, Songjiang will be able to become a top-ranked city in the Shangjiang region with its own mining resources.

The original Songjiang City was one of the seven sub-cities in Shangjiang, second only to Chongming City in strength.

And now... Abigail has lost all her wealth in a short period of time. Without wood and craftsmen to refine the ore into various materials, almost all city buildings are in a state of need for repair.

Most of the entire city is occupied by the army of black elves, with very few civilians. All supplies come from looting underground tribes deep underground.

There is no agriculture, no commerce, no industry.

Abigail, who originally had a good hand of cards, suddenly lost all her cards, and even got involved herself.

And all of this was inherited by Daliang.

What a headache!

To get Songjiang City back on the track of normal development, a large amount of capital investment is needed. The Black Fire Territory has been upgraded to the ninth level territory and is about to enter a peak of construction; many territories, cities, and territories need to spend money to maintain normal operations; in order to increase maritime transportation capabilities, Sidney's maritime fleet continues to expand; it is huge The Black Fire Lord's army requires a large amount of military expenses every week; there is also the consumption of the construction of the Bone Burial Ground and the funding of research into becoming a god.

In the game, Daliang has many industries, makes a lot of money, and spends a lot of money. He cannot afford to carry the burden of Songjiang City anymore.

Therefore, Songjiang should find ways to make money as soon as possible and complete self-transfusion.

Ore resources are a specialty of Songjiang City. Once the roads are opened and renovated, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can turn Songjiang City's ores into funds for development.


Daliang remembered that he had obtained preferential rights to dwarf weapons in Obsidian City.

Now that the plane teleportation array connecting Songjiang City to the endless maze has been destroyed by the Arbitration Angel, a new plane teleportation array needs to be set up. So Da Liang chose the exit on the other side of the teleportation array that connected the endless maze plane, near Obsidian City in the Iron Hoof Kingdom.

In this way, Songjiang City can use the dwarf weapon procurement quota it has obtained to obtain the most sophisticated dwarf weapons from Black Iron City in the entire game world.

Then avoid the eyes and ears of the magical realm and sell it anonymously in the world through smuggling.

You can definitely make a lot of money.

Making money in the game is not too difficult for Daliang. His family has a big business, and if he just pulls something, it will be enough for Songjiang City to survive the initial period of lack of funds.

As long as there is money, the development of the city can be on the right track.

Repair the city, attract players, invigorate the city trading market, and increase tax revenue. Then slowly accumulate craftsmen and build up the industry of the entire city.

At that time, Songjiang can rely on its own mineral resources to restore prosperity.

What really worried Daliang was the black elves.

On the Songjiang battlefield, the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" played an important role in disintegrating the Songjiang Black Elf. However, if this agreement is truly implemented, each tribe of black elves will work independently under the leadership of their respective mistresses. The Songjiang black elves community will still be scattered and it will be difficult to form a force.

Therefore, Abigail's annexation of the Black Elf tribe to centralize power was... right for Songjiang City.

But Abigail did it too directly, leaving huge hidden dangers.

The "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" helped Songjiang's development during Abigail's rule without overexpanding Songjiang's military power.

But now Daliang is in power in Songjiang.

If Songjiang City wants to be truly powerful and become a powerful force in the Black Fire Territory's foreign strategy, the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" can be talked about, but it cannot be actually implemented.

For example, a large part of the Songjiang black elf army that Daliang just accepted came from the black elf tribe that was annexed by Abigail. The settlements of these black elf tribes are scattered throughout Songjiang. If the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" is observed, this part of the black elf army will be returned to each tribe.

If he really paid it back...Songjiang City's military strength has been weakened, and the attached black elf tribe has been strengthened.

This will make Da Liang very uncomfortable.

How can you spit out the meat you eat in your mouth?

To maintain the stability of Songjiang, maintain Songjiang's military strength, and the black elf tribes must believe that Songjiang City is indeed fulfilling this "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement."

This requires using some means to do the work of the matrons of the Songjiang Black Elf Tribe.

Therefore, Daliang held the first meeting of all matrons of the Songjiang Black Elf Tribe at the Lord's Mansion of Songjiang City.

On the long conference table of the large meeting in the City Lord's Mansion, Monica, the City Lord of Songjiang City, sat at the top of the table. By nature, Monica quickly adapted to her new identity, the master of a city and the matron of a large black elf tribe.

Daliang sat under Monica. Although he was the actual owner of Songjiang City, he had to maintain Monica's authority in front of so many black elf matrons.

More than twenty other matrons from different black elf tribes sat on both sides of the conference table. These black elf tribes responded to the call of the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" and came to settle in the Songjiang area. At the beginning, Abigail got along well with these black elf tribes, and these foreign black elves gradually became accustomed to Songjiang's prosperous life.

But Abigail suddenly tore up the agreement and instantly annexed these black elf tribes. Under Songjiang's strong military strength, these black elf matrons could only accept the fact of being annexed.

Now that Abigail is finished, Duke Daliang of Shangjiang City and the new matron of Songjiang City... Monica accepted the army of Songjiang City and once again reiterated the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" and summoned these black elf matrons. .

At this time, the black elf matrons are of course most concerned about their own troops. The troops of various tribes that were forcibly annexed by Abigail are all in custody. They are eager to bring these troops back to their respective tribes.

For the mistresses... Only with soldiers can you have power and peace of mind.

Therefore, when the meeting of all matrons of the Songjiang Black Elves just started, the matrons immediately spoke up and asked for the troops of their own tribes.

"Mother Monica, Duke Daliang...congratulations on overthrowing Abigail's brutal rule in Songjiang. What Abigail did to the matrons angered the Dark Dragon, and she got the punishment she deserved .

All of our matrons support Matron Monica’s rule over Songjiang City and are willing to abide by the ‘Black Elves Peaceful Coexistence Agreement’.

We also hope that Mother Monica can abide by the agreement as soon as possible and return to us the troops that Abigail took from our tribe.


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