Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1112 Divine Right of Kings

Return the army?

Monica definitely doesn't want to.

Regarding the demands of the mistresses, Monica first looked at Daliang.

Daliang cleared his throat and said: "The troops of the black elf tribes... must be repaid! Since we have proposed the 'Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement' and are preparing to engrave the agreement on the miracle monument, we will never violate the agreement. any word of.

But... the war has just ended, the battlefield has not been cleaned yet, and the surrendered black elf army still needs to be collected. Only after identification can we know which black elf warrior belongs to which tribe.

Please rest assured, all mistresses, I guarantee you in the name of Duke Shangjiang... If they are your soldiers, they are definitely yours, and no one can take them away.

I think instead of discussing such a foregone conclusion here, it is better to discuss things that are beneficial to the development of Songjiang. "

Daliang's promise made the originally nervous matrons relax. They were also afraid that Songjiang would find various excuses not to return his troops. If you put yourself in their shoes, if they got so many black elf troops, they would definitely try their best not to pay them back.

Now that the duke of Shangjiang has guaranteed it, the matrons have also taken reassurance and said, "They will definitely assist Matron Monica to develop Songjiang even more powerfully."

But Daliang said: "I think 'Mother' is no longer suitable to be the title of Monica, the beloved of gods, among the black elves. She is a dark saint who was resurrected and given power by the dragon of darkness. She received the favor of gods and shouldered the responsibility of The heavy responsibility of leading the rise of the black elves.

You mistresses shouldn’t be thinking about being on an equal footing with Monica, the beloved of God, right?

This is a huge disrespect to the Dark Dragon. "

Many of the matrons who came to the meeting did not participate in the battle outside Songjiang City, but they all knew that the Dragon of Darkness appeared on the battlefield and resurrected Monica, who had been killed by Abigail.

At that time, soldiers on both sides saw the process of the Dark Dragon resurrecting Monica, which was also the main reason why the Matsue army surrendered collectively.

Therefore, although the mistresses did not see it, they did not doubt this fact.

The black elves believe in the dragon of darkness, and there seems to be nothing wrong with Daliang demanding that Monica be higher than the mistress in the title in the name of Monica being favored by the gods.

And it's just a title.

As long as Matsue City abides by the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" and does not interfere in the internal affairs of the various Black Elf tribes, the title of Monica has nothing to do with the matrons. And in terms of status... As the master of Songjiang City, Monica was originally higher than the matrons who were attached to Songjiang.

Daliang's proposal was not opposed, and some matrons even put forward their own suggestions for Monica's title.

Some mistresses even suggested that Monica could be called "king".

However, Daliang had already had his own idea: "Monica, the God's Favorite, inherited Abigail's Songjiang City, which is affiliated to Shangjiang, and her title is Marquis, so the title 'King' is not suitable for the God's Favorite Monica. I think 'God Envoy' can better reflect Monica's status in the heart of the Dark Dragon, and also reflect the responsibility that Monica will shoulder."

When Daliang proposed "God's Envoy", there was an immediate silence in the conference hall.

As believers of the Dragon of Darkness, the matrons all know what the "god envoy" represents. This is not only higher than the "mistress" in name. If they agree with Monica's title of "god envoy", it means Then they admitted that Monica could represent the Dragon of Darkness.

This will have a very significant impact on the black elf community.

"Your Majesty the Duke, Monica, the beloved of God...isn't the title of 'God's Envoy' a bit too big?"

"No, I think it's very appropriate..." Daliang said: "During the war in Songjiang... the Dragon of Darkness resurrected the dead Monica, which had already expressed many oracles. Monica received the gift of the Dragon of Darkness With her divine power, she jumped from an 11th-level dark witch to a 15th-level dark saint. Even in the future...she can also rely on these divine powers to become a 16th-level hero.

The Dragon of Darkness has actually chosen Monica as its spokesperson. Does anyone still think there is anything wrong with the title 'Angel of God'? "

Da Liang moved out the Dragon of Darkness, leaving the mistresses unable to defend themselves.

The society of the black elves values ​​strength. Monica has received the divine power given by the Dark Dragon, and her future is limitless. If you object to Monica calling her "God Envoy" at this time, not to mention whether it will lead to punishment from the Dragon of Darkness, it will also be very troublesome for Monica to wear small shoes for herself when Songjiang governs in the future.

Anyway, the "Agreement of Peaceful Coexistence of Black Elves" will be engraved on the Miracle Monument and will be protected by the Dragon of Darkness. Since Monica is called the "Messenger of God", she cannot violate the "Agreement" and interfere in the internal affairs of each tribe.

She can call it whatever she wants, just think of it as an early investment in a future level 16 hero.

Daliang proposed that Monica no longer be called "Mother" but "Angel of God", which was finally approved by the matrons.

From then on, Monica was the "Monica Divine Messenger" within the black elf group, and her identity was transcended from the "Mother" to connect with the Dark Dragon. Although this name does not have much effect yet, in future exchanges with other black elf tribes, if there is a "divine envoy" among a group of matrons, it will be able to show Monica's different status and easily become a leader. .

After the issue of Monica's title was settled, Daliang raised a second issue:

"The Mistress is the supreme being of every Black Elf tribe. However, every battle for the Mistress is very fierce and can severely damage the vitality of a powerful Black Elf tribe. Just like this Songjiang War, hundreds of thousands of troops fought in What was lost in the fighting here? It was the Black Elves' own army.

How much more wealth and slaves could we gain if these troops were used in other wars?

Of course... the battle for the mistress is protected by the Dragon of Darkness, which allows a black elf tribe to have a powerful mistress to lead, which is conducive to the continuation of the race.

But what I want to say is... Regarding the battle for the mistress, can there be another way?

Each side led a small number of troops and fought in a fair manner under the supervision of notaries.

The loser can surrender early in the battle to save his life, and the winner can receive a complete tribe. This is good for everyone...

In the past, the battle for the mistress of the Black Elf tribe had to go through a big battle because there was no strong judge, and the two contending parties could only fight to the death in order to survive.

Now that Songjiang City has...Monica Divine Envoy can exercise the power of judgment on behalf of the Dark Dragon and recognize the legal rights of the winner of the Mistress Battle.

Let the battle end at the right time so that your tribe can be inherited intact.

Let you leave a life behind when you fail.

If you are expelled from your tribe, Songjiang City will open the door for you. The development of Songjiang City needs your wisdom. "

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