Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1113 Incentives

The battle for the mistress of the Black Elf tribe is extremely bloody and cruel. In order to have rights, to survive, and to compete for the position of mistress, both parties did everything they could.

Every battle for the mistress is a huge internal conflict for a black elf tribe, and it can lead to annihilation if not careful.

This is also the reason why the black elves, such a powerful race, have never been able to become a mainstream race.

Daliang proposed at the meeting to arbitrate the competition for the matrons of the Black Elf tribe. For the matrons attending the meeting, it was undoubtedly a change that was closely related to their destiny.

The cruel battle for mistresses and the strong desire for power of the black elves made almost all mistresses unhappy. "A thousand days to be a thief, but a thousand days to guard against thieves", it is impossible for a mistress to kill all the black elves who threaten her position as mistress, then the genocide is not far away. So every once in a while, a rising star who has gained a certain status in the tribe will initiate a battle for the mistress.

The loser dies, and the winner has to face a greatly damaged tribe.

This seems to be a vicious circle that the Black Elf tribe cannot escape from. The nervous matrons have become jealous and vicious...

Now...a new way to compete for mistress is placed in front of the current mistresses. Limit the battle to a small area. The victory or defeat will not affect the strength of the tribe, and failure will not easily lose lives.

Everything is based on the fair competition established by Songjiang City, and the strength of Songjiang City and Monica's status can also make every mistress contender abide by the rules.

The battle was supervised by the Monika Archangel and notarized by the Dragon of Darkness.

This is an absolute blessing for every Black Elf tribe and matron who accepts the offer.

Moreover, Songjiang City's willingness to accept the defeated black elves left a way out for each black elf matron. They did not need to die in battle, nor were they forced to wander and become black elves of the Snake Sect due to expulsion.

During the entire process, Songjiang City did not interfere in the internal affairs of the black elf tribes. The matrons were still determined from within the respective black elf tribes. The Monica Divine Envoy only acted as a supervisor and final arbiter, and did not violate the "peaceful coexistence of black elves". protocol".

Mistresses have no reason to refuse such a good thing.

As a result, Daliang's reform plan for the battle for the matron of the Black Elf tribe was unanimously approved by all the matrons.

A new topic ended, and Daliang immediately raised the next topic.

"During her term of office, Abigail. Although Songjiang was left in dire straits and riddled with holes, one political achievement is worthy of recognition. She constantly sent troops to attack the deep underground, eliminated many underground ethnic tribes, and occupied many The resource area expanded Songjiang's control area ten times.

Now Songjiang is facing a very troublesome problem. The territory under its jurisdiction is too large.

We have a powerful surface army, but it is not suitable to stay underground for a long time to guard our occupied areas. And the army in Songjiang Underground City... will not have enough troops to defend such a large territory after it is returned to your tribes.

Over time, these occupied areas will be re-occupied by underground tribes that have migrated over, and we will lose a lot of wealth and benefits in vain. "

When Daliang suddenly said that Songjiang was short of troops, all the black elf matrons became worried.

What is this for?

Do they really want to rely on our troops... and not return them?

A matron immediately protested: "Return to our respective armies, but His Excellency the Duke agreed at the beginning of the meeting. And according to the 'Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement', Songjiang City has no right to detain our tribesmen at will."

Daliang stopped the mistress's protests and discussions and said: "I didn't say not to return each tribe's own army. From the beginning of the meeting... there has been no dispute on this point.

What I want to ask now is... what can you do if you, the mistresses, take back the armies of your tribes? "

Daliang’s question caused the matrons to think:

Since their respective tribes have settled in the Songjiang area, they are no longer nomadic tribes. In this relatively safe and prosperous area, the demand for military force will decrease. Moreover, since the battle for mistresses has been limited in scale, the mistresses do not need to keep a strong army in the tribe to maintain their authority and security.

It can be said that if these troops are brought back, raising them will become a burden for each tribe.

But after all, these are our own troops. You can't just say you don't want them, right?

While the mistress was thinking, Daliang said: "I now have a proposal that is beneficial to everyone... Mistresses, please take your respective armies back.

Then Songjiang City will provide funds to hire your spare military strength.

Military mercenary has been used by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Jiading City, which funded the hiring of an army of death from the Kingdom of Death. Then the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce opened up trade routes with this army of death and made a lot of money. At the same time, this army of death also made a lot of money.

This is cooperation, this is a win-win situation.

In Songjiang City... we plan to follow the military employment model. We lack the troops to consolidate our overly large territory, while your tribes have plenty of spare troops.

Then Songjiang City will provide funds to raise troops for you and pay the hiring fees for your troops.

In this way, we in Songjiang will have enough troops to maintain the existing territory and then develop the occupied resource points. You can also continue to seize more land and capture more slaves.

We will also regularly give you a large amount of resources and slaves as bonuses for cooperation based on how many tribes borrow troops.

I promise, these are much more than what you will get by exploring the deep underground alone.

When everyone comes together, there is no competition. All the forces are exposed to the outside world. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they can be destroyed. And if they are dispersed, the first competitors you will encounter...are all of you here. "

When the problem of survival is solved, each black elf tribe will face the problem of development.

These black elf tribes do not have the strength to confront Songjiang City. Under the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement", they cannot seize the resource areas controlled by Songjiang.

Therefore, if you want the tribe to develop and grow, you can only go deeper underground...

These black elf tribes migrated from the deep underground. Of course they know how dangerous the deep underground is. With their own strength, entering the deep underground not only requires huge risks and consumption along the way, but it is also unknown what they will bring in the end.

If the helpers are lent to Songjiang City, the harvest will be guaranteed during droughts and floods, and dividends will be distributed regularly.

This is quite a temptation for the mistresses.

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