Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1114 The Conference Ends

Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

I am afraid that no one in Shangjiang does not know about this behemoth in the commercial field, and no one does not know that Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has a terrifying death mercenary.

The death mercenaries are indispensable to the development of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to the scale it is today.

The death mercenaries also earned huge amounts of employment fees from the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Even the most ignorant Black Elf Matron knows about the relationship between the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the death mercenaries.

Therefore, when Daliang proposed a hiring model imitating the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, with Songjiang City funding the hiring of spare military forces from various black elf tribes, the matrons immediately understood the entire hiring process and associated it with wealth.

The ownership of the tribal army is still its own, but it is leased to Songjiang City to make money.

Nothing seems wrong. Anyway, these military forces are useless in the tribe, and they won't make much money if they are released. It consumes military expenses to maintain them, and there is nothing if they die.

But... give your soldiers to others?

Mistresses who have a strong desire for power always feel a little uneasy.

I saw the mistresses looking like they wanted to make money but were reluctant to part with their own troops.

Daliang smiled and said in a very relaxed tone: "This is just the mercenary plan that Songjiang City is about to implement, and has nothing to do with the exchange of troops from each tribe. Mistresses, what will you do with your troops after they take them back? Your army is your own business.

If you are willing to lease the army to us, we will of course very much welcome it. If you have any concerns and don’t want to lend it to us, we won’t force it.

However... the situation in Songjiang is different from that of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce. We hire the army not for commercial expansion, but to protect the existing territory. Therefore, the demand for the army is not that big, and Songjiang's finances do not allow us to do so. Investing too much in mercenaries.

Our principle first, sign the contract first, and benefit first.

If the number of mercenaries reaches the number we need, then... if you want to lend us troops again, we will not have the financial resources. "

In order to keep the armies of each tribe in his own hands, Daliang used hunger marketing methods on the mistresses.

The benefits are only so small. If you want to benefit as soon as possible, don't hesitate. If you miss it, you have missed it. Regret has no effect.

Sure enough... after Daliang finished speaking, the mistress couldn't sit still.

But Daliang did not give the matrons a chance to speak on the employment plan. He said: "The matter of military employment was originally proposed unilaterally by us in Songjiang City. It would be a waste of time not to discuss it at such an important meeting.

If any tribe wants to lend us troops, they can talk to us individually after the meeting. Songjiang will also establish a department for mercenary registration and commission issuance as soon as possible to ensure openness and transparency. Let every matron know what your army is doing and how much commission and bonus they earn for you.

Next, we will discuss the boundaries of each tribe’s settlements, the distribution of discovered and undiscovered resources within your settlement, as well as the taxes, trade roads, and material supplies that each tribe needs to pay.


From the beginning to the end of the Songjiang City Black Elf Matrons Conference, Daliang controlled the process and rhythm.

Daliang has been involved in the government affairs of Shangjiang City since the beginning of the game, and now serves as the imperial prime minister of Shangjiang. He also served as the governor of Songjiang City before. Therefore, various policies are readily available, all of which correspond to the current situation of Songjiang City and the urgent matters that need to be solved.

And the matrons of the black elves...

They are all the leaders of the underground barbarians. In the past, their biggest consideration was to move there...whoever they wanted to fight...whoever wanted to take over my position as mistress.

The series of government affairs mentioned by Daliang are really too high-level for the matrons of the black elves.

How can they express a decent opinion when they have never heard of something before? Basically what Daliang said, she considered whether it violated the "Black Elves Peaceful Coexistence Agreement", and probably didn't... then passed it.

So the whole meeting went very smoothly. Daliang raised an issue, made the matrons dizzy with a few words, and then passed the resolution.

Move on to the next topic.

However, Daliang did not exploit the black elf tribe in Songjiang's governance because of the ignorance of the matrons.

Ignorance does not mean stupidity. Songjiang City belongs to Shangjiang and is close to the main social system on the surface. These black elf tribes who have moved to Songjiang will integrate into this system sooner or later. Therefore, squeezing this black elf tribe will only bring short-term profits and lay hidden dangers for Songjiang's long-term management.

Moreover, Daliang is not satisfied with the size of the existing black elf tribe in Songjiang. Only a safe and stable black elf coexistence system can attract more black elf tribes to move to Songjiang City.

Only then did Songjiang have enough population to continue to expand deep underground, and even expand into the endless labyrinth.

Finally, the Songjiang Black Elf Matron Meeting ended successfully, everyone got what they wanted, and everyone was really happy.

The only one who was a little unhappy was probably Monica.

The title of "God's Messenger" is superior to the mistress, and at the same time it cuts off the ambitions of the black elves in Monica's direct tribe against the mistress, making her rule over the tribe extremely strong.

Monica is very happy about this title.

But Monica was a little unhappy about "returning" the troops of each tribe. Although after the meeting, the matrons agreed to lease these troops to Songjiang, the ownership of these troops was not theirs after all.

Always feel uncomfortable.

So Monica found Daliang after the meeting to see if Daliang could hack these troops and make them truly his own.

After settling the affairs in Rio de Janeiro and completing the layout of Songjiang City, Daliang rarely had a moment of relaxation.

Facing Monica's inquiry, Daliang sat in a recliner and asked Monica to pour him a glass of wine, and then slowly explained while drinking: "Monica, your vision should be wider, don't Just stare at the things in your hands.

The only armies directly under King Joyce are the Pudong Fleet, the Angel Legion, and the Royal Guard, but the entire eight cities in Shangjiang regard her as king. How many more troops can she mobilize?

The armies directly under me are mainly the Blackfire Leader, and how many armies can I mobilize? You should know...

For you, Songjiang is just the beginning of your journey.

Just at the meeting just now, I have helped you destroy all these black elf tribes. They are all yours. In the future, more black elf tribes will come to Songjiang and give everything they have to Songjiang. A little bit of everything for you.

You will become the leader of the black elves, and one day... countless black elves will fight for you. "

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