Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1115 Black Elf Strategy

One day... countless black elves will fight for you.

Monica was very excited by Daliang's words, but she still didn't understand: How could these black elf tribes be abolished in just one meeting?

You must know that the ownership of the black elf armies rented by Songjiang City from various tribes still belongs to the matrons. Moreover, Songjiang not only has to raise these armies, but also pays an extra large amount of commission. Daliang even promised to regularly provide resources and slaves to each tribe as dividends for leasing the army.

"In this case, don't these black elf tribes that are attached to Songjiang City have money, soldiers, and resources? If they want to rebel, we will be raising a tiger's head by doing this."

Monica asked Daliang her questions.

Monica is now an important part of Da Liang's future strategy. He patiently explained to Monica: "It depends on what you use these troops to do?

Like I said at the meeting, Abigail has nothing left of you, just a very vast and unstable territory. There are very rich resources in the current Songjiang jurisdiction. If you make good use of the army in your hands, you will find that what you pay to the black elf tribes is only a small part of what you gain.

And as more and more black elf tribes migrate to Songjiang or are included in our ruling area, your army will become larger and larger. Even if one or several black elf tribes wanted to rebel, they would not have the power to compete with Songjiang. In addition... whoever proposes to take back her own army, if it is not that you have made a mistake in governance, it is because she wants to rebel.

You can just destroy them directly.

In addition... I propose that you arbitrate the battle for the master mother. This is the real way to weaken the tribes. "

Monica's attention has always been on the ownership of the army. As for the new mistress battle model proposed by Daliang at the meeting, she did not think too much about it. She believed that this was a prerequisite for Daliang to lease the troops of various tribes. After all, only if the battle for the mistresses did not escalate, the mistresses would lend their spare military power to Songjiang. Otherwise, no matter how many benefits Songjiang gives, the mistresses will not make fun of their own lives and rights.

"Sir, arbitrating the battle for the mistress should be an extremely beneficial thing for the black elf tribes. It ensures that each tribe can carry out a complete inheritance, instead of fighting for each other every time they compete for the mistress. Kill once."

The big point nodded and said: "Yes, arbitrating the battle for the mistress and limiting the scale of the battle for the mistress ensure the integrity of the military strength of each tribe, so as to provide us with a stable source of troops.

But have you ever thought about... what will happen when the battle for the mistress changes from a brutal life-and-death fight to a 'competition'? "

After hearing what Daliang said, Monica was a little confused at first, but when she figured out the difference between 'fighting' and 'competition', she immediately became unable to calm down.

She walked back and forth in the room excitedly and said:

"That's true. Your Excellency said that the measures that have been taken to abolish the various black elf tribes... are not to lease the armies of each tribe, but to arbitrate the battle for the mistress!"

What is the difference between "fighting" and "competition"?

Fighting is a matter of life. In order to survive, you must do your best to kill your opponent. Before the initiator of the battle for the mistress is ready to attack the current mistress, she needs to go through a lot of preparations, including improving her own strength and the number of troops she possesses. More importantly...she must be prepared to be killed if she fails, and have the determination to fight to the bitter end.

In fact, most mistress battles end with the death of the challenger. There is no simple role for a black elf to take the position of mistress.

And "competition" is a game. Under the arbitration of the divine messenger, the winner gets the entire tribe, and the loser may not die.

The cost of failure is reduced, which means that the threshold for initiating a battle for the mistress is lowered. Any ambitious and powerful black elf can initiate a battle for the mistress as soon as his brain gets hot.

The originally relatively stable ruling class of the Black Elf tribe would become extremely chaotic, and the suspicious Black Elf matrons would have to spend more time and effort dealing with the endless stream of challengers.

Moreover, those black elves who failed in the battle for the mistress but survived will join the Songjiang black elves tribe and become members of Monica's subordinates. These are either failed mistresses or black elf heroes who are qualified to fight the mistress. The final destination for all talented and powerful heroes of the black elf tribe is Songjiang.

Over time, each black elf tribe became a "pasture" dedicated to cultivating high-level heroes for Songjiang City.

Monica finally understood why Daliang proposed to change his title at the beginning of the Mistress Conference, from "Mother" to "Angel of God".

Her rights were granted by the Dragon of Darkness. Among the Songjiang black elves, there is no "mistress" but only "godly envoy". There is no so-called battle for mistresses to compete for the title of "godly envoy".

Die once first and see if the Dragon of Darkness will revive you...

From the beginning of written records to the present, the Dragon of Darkness has never resurrected anyone. He represents the power of darkness and mystery, and most often asks for sacrifices.

It is precisely because of this that Monica's "resurrection" by the Dark Dragon is called a miracle, which directly ended the war and caused the enemy to surrender.

This threshold is much higher than competing for the mistress.

Monica has no competitors. Under the rule of the "God Envoy", the power structure of the Songjiang Black Elf will become extremely stable. And those black elf tribes that are caught in the quagmire of the battle for the mistress will gradually decline no matter how much wealth they have.

At this moment, Monica admired Daliang. He just dug a trap, and then watched the matrons jump in one by one.

Finally, the soil was refilled.

After seeing Monica figure out his intentions, Daliang said: "When you start to arbitrate the battle for the mistress, there must be competitors who want you to secretly influence the outcome of the battle...

remember! No matter what conditions the other party offers...if you stand in the middle, everything is yours.

Everything we do must adhere to the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" and we must not violate it.

As long as you stick to justice, more and more black elf tribes will join you in the future and provide you with heroes and troops. "

Adhering to the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" is Daliang's principle for attacking the Black Elf group. No matter how fickle the black elf is, he still hopes to have a stable environment.

However, the social system of the black elves determines that the matrons who work independently cannot unite together. The powerful race of black elves is a mess. They may be able to gain an advantage in local wars, but without unified thinking and leadership, the Black Elves are destined to be a loser in terms of grand strategy.

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