Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1116 Return to Obsidian City

The outbreak of the plane war allowed Daliang to see that the black elves had the momentum to rise. Judging from the battles in the endless maze, the black elves tribe was approaching the core areas of the seven underground kingdoms.

However, the current situation of the black elves determines that they do not have a unified command. They all see a profit and take advantage of the Seven Kingdoms to resist the attack of the World Factory.

Therefore, this black elf offensive in the Endless Labyrinth seems to be vigorous and vigorous in many places, but it is difficult to achieve any decent results. At most, it can capture some border cities and cannot truly threaten the rule of the Seven Kingdoms.

And when the Seven Kingdoms free up their hands, these black elves will only be defeated one by one and driven back to the wild areas of the lower caves again.

Daliang originally didn't have much ambition for the endless maze. In the big plot of Plane War, he has already reached a very high position in the Kingdom of Death and the Five Color Flag Alliance. Instead of slowly spending lines in a new plane, it is better to complete his main mission and Make every effort to manage your existing power.

But a Songjiang war brought too many changes.

Monica has become a 15th-level creature affected by the power of darkness. Daliang's forged miracle will quickly spread Monica's name to all places where black elves live, including the endless maze.

It would be a waste if such good conditions were not utilized.

So Daliang established a new black elf social system in Songjiang, weakening the strength and influence of the mistress, and allowing the scattered black elves to gather in one place, which was... the Songjiang black elf group led by Monica.

First lay your own system and foundation, and then look for opportunities to gain a foothold in the endless maze... and expand.

In the following days, Daliang stayed in Songjiang to help Monica complete the establishment of the entire Songjiang Black Elf system.

A miraculous monument recording the "Agreement on Peaceful Coexistence of Black Elves" was built at the location where the Dragon of Darkness showed its miraculous signs; Songjiang City's army completed its final reorganization, and the army lease contract was signed; the Mistress Battle Arena was completed , Daliang has set up many honorary titles for the mistress competition. For example, based on the number of games the mistress wins in the battle, she will get various titles, and so on...

"Trapped" the matrons in the arena.

Everything is under the rules of the "Black Elf Peaceful Coexistence Agreement" and everyone is very satisfied.

After Daliang established the plane teleportation array from Songjiang City to Obsidian City, he returned to the underground city he had left for some time.

Due to the randomness of the exit location of the teleportation array on the territorial plane, the other side of the teleportation array on the Songjiang plane is not in Obsidian City, but in a slightly remote and small cave.

The moment the teleportation array was completed, Songjiang City quickly sent troops to occupy this small cave.

An underground group living here has been eliminated, and a stronghold guarding the exit of the plane teleportation array will be completed in the future.

Da Liang, who had new ideas about the endless maze, rode a carriage and returned to the Obsidian City Free Market.

The carriage was driven slowly by a vampire maid.

The towering torch tower sprayed flames upwards, illuminating the entire cave. Under the Torch Tower, a dwarf military camp has been built. Teams of bear cavalry patrolled back and forth, driving away every creature that tried to approach the military camp.

The dwarf military camp protects the weapons manufacturing factory inside. The high temperature generated by the torch tower allows the dwarf's furnace to refine a variety of high-quality metals. The sound of forging can be heard from the factory day and night.

Then truckloads of dwarf equipment were transported to Obsidian City, and then transferred to Black Iron City for consumption in the war.

In the free market of Obsidian City, a small amount of dwarf equipment has also begun to be sold.

Let this market become more prosperous.

Da Liang sat in the carriage and looked at the retail merchant stalls and large exchanges outside. Sitting next to and opposite him were Julian, Juliet and Sophia. Hanging upside down on the outside of the carriage were the bats transformed by the vampire sword guards. .

He has brought his best team and is ready to fight in the endless maze.

Juliet sat opposite Daliang. Songjiang's "power training" experience made her much quieter now. She followed Daliang's instructions and put on a blouse to hide her identity, put on a hood, and only exposed some purple hair at the edges.

A prosperous underground city is still very attractive to Juliet.

Seeing Juliet who was a little eager to try, Daliang reminded: "You are not allowed to kill people without my order. Remember your identity, you are an assassin recruited by me. Don't be too arrogant and expose your strength."

"I know, I know..." Juliet waved her hand, looked back at the prey outside, and complained: "It's really boring to follow you. It's better to be in Songjiang. A group of adventurers gathered the prey together for me. Kill at will.

Now... I can only watch..."

Julian sat next to Liang, who also hid her identity as a holy angel and wore the same blouse as Juliet. Seeing Juliet starting to act petty again, she reminded: "Adults do big things, and you will learn a lot from being with them. You should learn to control your desire to kill, not your desire to be killed." controlled."

"Sister, don't lecture me, I'm just talking. And you can always encounter powerful enemies when you follow me, how can it be boring? Didn't you see that I brought Sophia, the Guards, and the Maid Team this time? I actually I’m really looking forward to this journey… Sophia, do you know who the Lord is going to deal with when he comes to Obsidian City this time?”

Sophia sat next to Juliet. Unlike Julian and Juliet, who played assassins recruited by Daliang this time, she was wearing a maid outfit and her identity was the maid that Daliang brought to his home on the surface world this time.

Faced with Juliet's inquiry, Sofia replied: "I'm sorry... Lord Juliet, Lord Julian. The maids, guards, and I were just summoned by the Lord, and I don't know the purpose of the Lord coming to Obsidian City.

The last time Da Liang came to Obsidian City, only Master Yezi followed him. Maybe she knew something about the situation here. "

"Ye Sha?" Juliet looked around, but did not feel Ye Sha's presence. Thinking of Ye Sha's ability and character, she said helplessly: "The Shadow Dragon Demon's withdrawn personality is very similar to that of the undead. Only adults can order Ye Sha to appear. It seems that We can only slowly find the answer ourselves."

At this time, Daliang said: "You don't have to ask questions to trick me... Obsidian City is connected to the four forces of the dwarves, the Iron Heel Kingdom, the elves, and the black elves, and together with us, there are five parties.

Then our five parties will compete here.

As the weakest party, everyone here may be our friend or our enemy.

Therefore, we must be careful. When we actually fight... we will definitely encounter ridiculously strong guys. "

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