Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1117 Creed Slave Exchange

The carriage drove into the compound of the "Creed" slave exchange. Like the name of Daliang's assassin group, the original Haug slave exchange was named Creed.

Pluto, the dwarf who was responsible for the operation of the Creed Slave Exchange, saw such a luxurious carriage parked in his yard. He thought some big customer was coming, so he immediately greeted it.

But before he could get closer, he saw several bats flying down from the edge of the carriage car. The bats fell to the ground and turned into maids in maid outfits, standing in two rows on the side of the car.

They lowered their heads and hugged their chests, folded their hands on their lower abdomens, and respectfully waited for the nobles to come out of the carriage with the typical servant etiquette of human aristocrats.

Pluto stopped.

When it comes to pretentiousness, stage presence, and pomp and circumstance, I'm afraid no race can compare to the human nobles. The strict aristocratic etiquette is not only for yourself to see, but it can immediately make your own style become higher and higher as soon as you appear casually.

The rough dwarves and underground barbarian black elves have never seen such a scene.

All the dwarves in the slave exchange were shocked, and the four black elf assassins couldn't help but turn their attention to the carriage...

Everyone was curiously guessing who was in the car!

A maid stepped forward and opened the door of the carriage. A head maid, who was dressed in different clothes than other maids, jumped out first. She stood on one side, and then two mysterious people wearing smocks walked out of it.

The mysterious man stood aside after leaving the carriage, and all the maids bowed to the open door and saluted.

At this time, a hand covered with gemstones and rings stretched out from the car. The head maid who was waiting on the side immediately stretched out her hand and helped the noble man inside out of the carriage.

When Pluto saw the last person who got off the carriage, his mouth opened wide in surprise, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"Big, big, sir, you, you, you..."

Pluto didn't know what words to use to express his mood at the moment. Until Da Liang walked past him surrounded by the maids, he was still speechless.

Daliang walked past Pluto and walked towards the office area of ​​the slave exchange, and said: "No big deal... don't make a fuss, it will make people think that my subordinates are ignorant.

Come with me……

Some time ago, I had something that delayed the business here. From now on, I will focus on running the industry here. Tell me what's going on in the exchange these days, and send someone to call Silent Song.

And...Red Helmet and the others.

The exchange is temporarily closed today. Let's work together to find ways to make the business here bigger and stronger. "

"Yes, yes, sir!"

Pluto called several bear cavalry dwarves to close the door of the exchange first, and then invited Hauge and four black elf assassins. Then he followed Daliang's group of people and walked into the office and residential area behind the exchange.

In a human-style room, Da Liang sat in a chair next to the fireplace. Sophia used magic to light the fire in the fireplace, and then stood behind Da Liang.

Julian and Juliet were like hired assassins, keeping a certain distance from Daliang.

Other maids tidied the room and placed the expensive decorations they had brought in prominent places.

The clear class relationship of the human race made Pluto a little nervous and uneasy.

Daliang stretched out his hands to warm the fire, and the ten gemstone rings shone with precious brilliance. Daliang said to Pluto: "When I left, I asked you to go to the dwarf camp every day to recruit bear cavalry. I just saw the people in the exchange. The Bear Troopers are nowhere near as numerous as they should be.”

Pluto withdrew his gaze from the gem ring and replied: "Sir... I follow your instructions and recruit bear cavalry every day. You left the exchange for 15 days, and I recruited a total of 750 bear cavalry.

Since the exchange cannot station so many bear cavalry, I followed Mr. Silent Song's suggestion and built a barracks next to the free market.

Now, your bear cavalry are all in the barracks, and I will train them every day. "

The Bear Cavalry made no mistake. The highlight nodded in approval of Pluto's approach and asked: "How is the operation of the exchange?"

When it came to the business situation, Pluto became embarrassed: "Sir... I... I only understand the caveman market. So after you left, the exchange was basically a trading caveman, not making much money... …So many bear cavalry are very edible, so…

The exchange loses money every day.

Fortunately, you left me enough gold coins when you left, so I can hold on until you come back.

But adults don’t have to worry... Mr. Silent Song has begun to take over the management of the exchange. Following Mr. Silent Song’s suggestion, I have purchased a group of high-quality slaves. These slaves will be sent over in the next few days for trading. The business will get better. "

When Daliang asked Pluto in detail what happened in Obsidian City and the Free Market during his absence. Haug, who went by the pseudonym Song of Silence, and four black elf assassins walked in one after another.

Then their eyes were dazzled by the ring on Da Liang's hand.

Daliang asked Hauge: "Mr. Silent Song, what is the current status of the assassin's hut?"

Hauge is still hiding in the fat blouse. He has lost contact with the other body, so he can only do his best for Daliang. When Daliang asked about the assassin's hut, he replied: "I have already sent the news to the well-known assassin group in Obsidian City about the establishment of a new assassin's hut in the Creed Slave Exchange.

It's just that our Assassin's Lodge has just been established and is at the elementary level. We can only accept elementary assassination and intelligence stealing tasks in the Assassin Guild, which is not enough to attract the attention of outstanding assassin groups.

To level up the Assassin's Hut, you need to constantly complete tasks and accumulate points to advance, so please be patient.

Also because we are unable to attract too many assassin groups, assassination missions are no longer released through auctions, but are delegated directly by me.

During the time when the adults were away, I issued a total of five assassination and espionage missions, all of which were completed.

Four of the missions were completed by the Creed Assassins. The four black elf assassins recruited by your Excellency are definitely capable of gaining a foothold in the high-level assassin group. With all due respect, according to their strength, being in a first-level assassin group is really unfair. I believe that with their existence, your Creed Assassins will soon be able to make their name in Obsidian City. "

Haug was full of praise for the four Black Elf Assassins of the Creed Assassins.

Pluto remembered what Hauge once said to him, and was about to say that there was something wrong with the four black elf assassins, but was interrupted in time by Daliang.

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