Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1120 Meeting Margaret

Daliang and his Creed Slave Exchange have really made a name for themselves in the free market.

Now the entire free market, and even Obsidian City, know about this rich human being who has the financial resources to buy all the dwarf weapons.

Every day, the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory continuously delivers newly manufactured weapons to the warehouse area of ​​the Creed Slave Exchange. Pluto, who was in charge of the warehouse area, accepted the order and paid in full.

Then when the weapons in the warehouse area accumulate to a certain amount, Pluto will lead the dwarf bear cavalry to drive the caveman transport team and transport all the weapons in stock.

No one knows where the weapons were transported, as none of the thieves and assassins who followed Pluto's convoy came back alive.

Anyway, the Creed Slave Exchange keeps purchasing dwarf weapons and transporting them away.

There is not a single dwarf weapon left in the Obsidian City market. The dwarf weapons trade in Black Iron City that had just flourished here cooled down in an instant.

How could the merchants who had already tasted the benefits of selling dwarf weapons be willing to have such a big cake monopolized by an outsider human merchant?

But the strength shown by Daliang made the merchants dare not act rashly. They couldn't even follow a transport team of the Creed Slave Exchange, so how could they dare to attack this mysterious human race at will?

So Margaret, who had a good relationship with the Creed Slave Exchange, was recommended by the merchants and came to negotiate with Daliang, hoping to get a share of the purchase of dwarf weapons from Daliang.

After several door-to-door visits but being rejected by Daliang on the excuse that he was busy at work, Margaret waited for more than ten days before Daliang finally agreed to meet her.

The large and bright reception room has been decorated magnificently.

The walls, which were originally full of stone gaps and edges, are now covered with white velvet carpets. The carpets are embroidered with magic circles for enchantment, which not only makes the entire wall more beautiful, but also has the effect of dust removal, dehumidification, and glowing. The entire room not only looks human-style, but also feels the same as the surface.

Everything in the room is made of handicrafts, not just the expensive decorations, but even a chair and a candlestick are carved with exquisite patterns.

Soft carpet and hard stone floor are two different feelings.

As soon as she entered this room, the nobility that hit her face made Margaret wonder whether to step her left foot first or her right foot first.

After thinking for a moment, she remembered that she had no feet.

Seeing Margaret arriving, Daliang enthusiastically welcomed this first friend he met in Obsidian City into his room.

He sat Margaret in a soft chair by the fireplace, and then carefully selected a bottle of red wine from his wine cabinet.

After handing the red wine to Sophia who was waiting on the side, Da Liang sat across from Margaret: "I'm so sorry, Ms. Margaret, I'm really too busy during this time. When I came back, I found The entire exchange was messed up by Pluto...

He has no talent for business. Purchasing and transportation are what he is good at.

Over the past few days I've been trying to get the business back on track, and now I finally have a little time to have a drink with friends.

This is the red wine I brought from the main world. The place of origin is a main city of the elves. There is a climate suitable for grape growth and there are elves who are good at growing grapes.

Come, let's taste it together. "

When Daliang introduced the red wine to Margaret, Sophia had already poured the red wine into the wine glass in front of them. When the red wine was poured out, it was rotated in the wine glass under Sophia's control, and then the aroma slowly wafted out. come out.

The elegant smell made Margaret take a deep breath. She praised: "I feel very honored to be entertained by Mr. Daliang. Only in the surface world can such sweet red wine be brewed. In comparison, ...The food in the underground world is too rough.

He is a man of great taste and enjoys life.

Everything in this room was an eye-opener.

May I have the pleasure of knowing who you really are? "

Da Liang picked up the wine glass in front of him and said with a smile: "My identity... I am a businessman, but my business is relatively large and successful.

Come, let us drink to friendship.

This red wine was specially brewed for me by a palace winemaker. I would never serve it if I were not entertaining important friends. "

Margaret also picked up the wine glass and touched it gently with Daliang, then took a small sip. In an instant, I felt like my tongue was being melted. The red wine flowed down my throat, and it seemed that my whole body was exuding a mellow fragrance from the inside out.

"It's really so memorable..." Margaret tasted the lingering fragrance in her mouth again before saying: "Sir, he said this was brewed by the palace winemaker for you. It's rare for you and the main world... that main elf city Do you have a deep relationship with the royal family?”

Daliang did not talk about things in Rio de Janeiro, but instead said: "Some business dealings... tell me what you are anxious to see me for these days.

We are friends and you have helped me a lot here. If you have any difficulties, I will never stand idly by as long as I can help you. "

After hearing Daliang start talking about the topic, Margaret immediately said: "Mr. Daliang, I am here this time entrusted by many merchants in the free market to talk to you about the sale of dwarf weapons.

The dwarves of Dark Iron City have established a weapons manufacturing factory under the Torch Tower, a business that benefits us all. Selling dwarf weapons is very profitable, and many people from other cities come to Obsidian City for the Iron City dwarf weapons, which increases the sales of our other products.

But now you have acquired all the dwarf weapons and shipped them to other places.

A business where everyone can make money becomes yours alone. This is not conducive to your long-term operation in Obsidian City. I am afraid that if this matter is not resolved, someone will take more radical actions.

For example...assassination. "

The originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly turned a little cold after Margaret said the word "assassination".

Daliang did not answer, but Sophia, who was standing aside, said at this time: "Under our protection, no one can assassinate our lord."

Margaret couldn't help but look at the head maid who had been standing by.

Rumor has it... that the owner of the Creed Slave Exchange has a maid team composed entirely of heroes, and a guard composed entirely of heroes.

Margaret had seen both teams before entering.

Indeed, they are all a team of heroes, and they are all powerful heroes.

Just now... the threat in his words aroused the maid's anger.

Margaret felt the aura emanating from Sophia, the oppressive sense of suffocation and crisis, which made the scales on her body stand up.

This is definitely a hero whose strength is comparable to his own.

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