Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1121 Lower Black Elves

A level 15 hero.

This is Margaret's estimate of Sophia's strength.

She couldn't understand why such a powerful hero was working as a maid serving wine here. This kind of top hero will gain great respect everywhere and can be reused in any city.

But on second thought...

What kind of identity or strength should someone have who can make such a hero willing to be a maid?

At this moment, Margaret suddenly figured out something.

The King of the Hill gave the surface human in front of him so many unimaginable rewards...perhaps not because he exposed the elves' conspiracy and helped the dwarves.

But because the King of the Hill knows who he is...

Then some things can explain why he was allowed to recruit bear cavalry, why Pluto, a powerful dwarf hero, was given to him as a subordinate, and why he had priority in purchasing dwarf weapons.

All because... the dwarves could get equal rewards from him, or more.

This means that this human being has the status of equal dialogue with the King of the Hill.

Margaret looked at the silent man again, holding a wine glass and looking at the fire, and suddenly felt that she might have done something stupid.

Fortunately... this matter has not reached an irreversible situation yet.

Margaret, who had sensed the danger, immediately said to Daliang: "Mr. Daliang, I have no intention of threatening you. I have always been your most trustworthy friend.

Regarding the dwarf weapons...just leave it to me. I will convince those businessmen not to worry about this business anymore.

Our business was doing well even without dwarven weapons. "

Margaret's words put a smile on Daliang's face again, and he once again invited Margaret to toast together, and said: "Dwarf weapons are not suitable for sale within Obsidian City yet.

The reason... you don't need to know for the time being.

How to explain this to the merchants in the free market is up to you, Ms. Margaret. You just need to make it clear to them that I will continue to purchase all dwarf weapons. As for whether they can understand it and what they will do?

No excessive interference is required.

So much for the dwarf weapons...

I also have a question for you. "

Margaret accepted the invitation and picked up the wine glass. After clinking it with Daliang, she drank the red wine in one gulp. Then she savored the aroma of the wine and said, "Sir, if you have any questions, just ask. As long as I know, I will definitely help you." Will tell you."

Daliang also drank up the red wine in his glass. After signaling Sofia to pour the red wine again, he asked Margaret: "Ms. Margaret, last time you recruited four black men for my assassin group." Elves...I am very satisfied with their performance, can you tell me which black elf tribe they come from, and the situation of this tribe?"

Margaret didn't know why Daliang suddenly asked about the black elf assassins, but she could guess that Daliang had an ulterior motive in Obsidian City, so she truthfully explained to Daliang the black elf tribe living in the lower caves of Obsidian City. Condition.

Most of the black elf tribes are nomadic. They drive the underground lizard groups and migrate along the underground water system. But there are also some black elf tribes who have settled around an underground city and obtained the supplies they need for life by doing business with the underground city.

The survival methods of the two black elf tribes are not fixed. The nomadic tribe may settle down in a suitable place, and the settled tribe may relocate again for various reasons.

Because of the mobility of the black elf tribe, it is difficult for the residents of the dungeon to grasp the status of the surrounding black elves. And because the black elf tribe is very aggressive, the residents of the dungeon will not take the initiative to approach them or get to know them.

Businessmen have no choice but to deal with the black elf tribe.

This race, which is good at raiding and plundering, is a great threat to the merchants' trade routes. Most businessmen cannot defeat the Black Elf tribe. In order to survive and make money, businessmen in the underground world must maintain a very good relationship with the surrounding Black Elf tribes.

They did business with the black elf tribe, taking away their leather, ore, and slaves... to provide them with food, weapons, and various necessities.

It is precisely because of the role of merchants on the black elves that the black elves who have benefited will not attack the merchants' caravans at will.

As a relatively successful ore merchant in Obsidian City, Margaret has a very good understanding of the distribution of the surrounding black elf tribes.

These four black elf assassins, Red Helmet, are from a black elf tribe led by Mother Ingram.

This is the largest group of black elves in the lower caves of Obsidian City. There are about 200,000 black elves, distributed in more than a dozen large caves and nearly a hundred medium-sized caves. The small caves controlled cannot be counted.

In addition, they also occupied an eighth-level city that could not be upgraded.

Ingram and more than a dozen black elf tribes of various sizes jointly control the entire road from the lower cave to Obsidian City, so... Margaret learned from Da Liang that when the elves disguised themselves as black elves and blocked the trade route, she First, I went to see Ingram, and she informed the other matrons to work together to suppress the elven troops that had sneaked in.

Then, Margaret also mentioned about hiring a black elf assassin.

"Mother Ingram readily agreed to my employment of the Black Elf Assassins and handed Red Helmet and the others over to me. Sir, I ask this... Is there something wrong with these four Black Elf Assassins?"

After Margaret finished talking about how she hired the black elf assassins, she also guessed why Daliang asked about the black elf assassins at this time. You must know that when he first met these four assassins, he behaved very differently. care.

There is no problem, why do you suddenly pay attention to it?

Daliang felt that Margaret had not lied to him. This ignorant Medusa still didn't know who she was, which only meant that their information here was really too limited.

Daliang replied to Margaret: "There must be something wrong with these four black elf assassins. As for what the problem is, I don't know yet. In addition, I want to ask... There seem to be a lot of people gathered in the lower cave of Obsidian City now. Dark Elf.

Aren't you afraid that they will attack Obsidian City? "

Daliang's question aroused Margaret's smile: "Sir... please don't worry about the black elves. Obsidian City is a level 13 city, and it is not comparable to those abandoned cities in the lower caves.

Black elves may be very powerful in the wild, but they can't do anything against the walls of Obsidian City.

They have no siege weapons or flying units, but Obsidian City has complete city defenses. There are harpies, mantices, red dragons, and black dragons in the sky. There are powerful tauren, evil eyes, and Medusas on the walls. Sagittarius, we are very good at defending the city.


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