Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1122 Robbery

Margaret is very optimistic about the situation in Obsidian City.

Medusa is the mainstream race in the underground city. Even though Margaret had to accommodate the black elves to do business with them due to business reasons, she actually looked down on these underground barbarians.

Moreover, the black elves themselves are not a race that is good at attacking fortified cities. They have neither flying units that can be used to fight for the city walls, nor the ability to use siege equipment on a large scale.

A level 13 obsidian city is out of reach for black elves.

There is no precedent for Obsidian City being attacked by black elves.

This is also the reason why the large gathering of black elves in the lower cave did not cause excessive tension in Obsidian City.

Margaret's understanding of black elves is also the mainstream understanding in Obsidian City.

Daliang also couldn't see that the black elves had the ability to attack Obsidian City, but he knew that this kind of thinking was very dangerous. Contempt for the black elves will lead to insensitive thoughts. At this time... the impossible will become possible.

Da Liang did not learn any more useful information from Margaret. I only know that the black elves are indeed very powerful in the lower caves, and then I know that Red Helmet and the others come from a tribe called Ingram's black elves, and that Mother Ingram is vaguely the leader of many tribes of lower black elves.

However... when Da Liang was about to ask more about the black elves, a vampire maid hurriedly walked in.

She first told Sophia something in a low voice, and then Sophia walked up to Da Liang and whispered in his ear: "Pluto's transport convoy was ambushed by a black elf army. Did he follow the instructions of the adult?" Fighting with the black elves, under the cover of the team's personal guards, they have reached a safe area.

The black elf army took away all the slaves and vehicles, and Lord Night has followed them. "

Daliang said: "I understand...inform Pluto to stay where he is. Have someone prepare the carriage, and go and call Red Helmet and the others."

"Yes, sir!" Sophia asked a vampire maid outside the door to take her place, and then she went to carry out Da Liang's order.

After Sophia left, Daliang said to Margaret: "I'm really sorry, Ms. Margaret. I have a small matter here that needs to be dealt with urgently. This is the end of today's meeting."

But Margaret had no intention of leaving. When she heard that Daliang wanted to see the black elf assassins she introduced, she said: "If there is something wrong with the four black elf assassins in the red helmet, they have even done something detrimental to the interests of Mr. If things happen, then I am responsible. I apologize to you in advance. I did not know that Ingram took advantage of me.

And... I also want to know what happened.

I know all the black elf tribes in Obsidian City very well, and I can help you in this regard. "

Daliang thought for a moment and said to Margaret: "Okay, you can stay. I do need a guide and middleman to help me negotiate with the Black Elf tribe."

Margaret asked, "Can I know what's going on?"

Da Liang replied: "Pluto's transport team was attacked by a black elf army, and all the dwarf weapons, vehicles, and slaves were robbed.

I'm going to the lower cave once and get back everything that belongs to me. "

Although Margaret was a little surprised that the weapons convoy was robbed, it did not exceed her expectations.

"The black elves are also very interested in dwarf weapons. Ingram has expressed many times that he wants to purchase some dwarf weapons through me. But in the entire Obsidian City, only Mr. has dwarf weapons in his hands, and you have never sold in Obsidian City, nor have you contacted me. The Black Elf tribe makes contact.

It’s not surprising that the black elves attacked Mr.’s transport team.

But please rest assured, sir... the black elves still respect us merchants who are willing to do business with them, and will not maliciously raise or lower prices in transactions.

I think that as long as you are willing to open arms trading to the black elves and give them some benefits, they will definitely return all the things they took away to you. "

Regarding Margaret's suggestion, Daliang smiled and said: "How to solve it, let's wait until we see the black elf tribe snatching things. My things are not that easy to snatch."

Red helmet, vine shield, wrist blade, seizing armor.

These four black elf assassins have been very depressed recently.

The reason is that there is nothing to do.

It's not that I can't receive assassination missions. The assassin's hut is opened by my own family. How come there are no assassination missions?

The key is that the two newly added assassins are really... so irritating.

According to the normal assassination process, after receiving the assassination mission, doesn't it need to be detected first, then make a plan, and finally start the assassination operation?

And these two... to be precise, they are one.

An assassination mission had just been received here, and this person had already rushed out. The speed was really unprecedented, and it was so fast that it was terrifying.

Then...mission accomplished!

There is no team spirit at all!

Now...the assassination job has been taken away.

The job of driving slaves out was also taken away.

Basking in the sun all day is really boring.

Moreover, the owner of this slave exchange...the leader of the Creed Assassin Group, is surrounded by layers of guards. Mother Ingram asked them to spy on this mysterious human being, but there was no way to start.

Fortunately... the warehouse area where dwarf weapons are stored is relatively weakly defended. They successfully found out the departure time of the Pluto transport team and sent this information to Mother Ingram.

At this time, the mistress should have succeeded.

So many dwarf weapons can arm many elite armies, and they are enough to force the owners here not to dare to transport the dwarf weapons away anymore, and can only negotiate with their own tribe for protection.

At that time, the weapons of the dwarves will continue to arm one elite army of black elves one after another.

When the four black elf assassins were bored, Sophia found them.

"Red Helmet, Vine Shield, Wrist Blade, and Seizing Armor, it will be great if you are together. My master wants to see you now, please come with me."

A sudden sense of crisis instantly filled Red Helmet's body. This was the unique alertness of an excellent assassin who could sense the approaching danger.

He knew that his identity had probably been exposed. If the owner here wanted to see him at this time, it must have something to do with those dwarf weapons.

"Escape...fight out!" This was the first thought that came to Red Helmet, but the two human assassins from the Creed Assassin Group had already stood beside them at some point.

He knew how powerful the human assassin with purple hair was. She could kill all four of his black elves by herself. Not to mention there is another human assassin who has never taken action before, and the head maid in front of him.

There are three people on the other side, each of them a powerful hero.

There is no chance of winning, and no chance of escaping.

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