Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1123 I’m going to visit you

If you can't escape, you will die if you fight hard.

The four black elf assassins had no choice but to follow Sophia obediently, while Julian and Juliet guarded their possible escape route.

Along the way, Red Helmet saw that the regiment leader's personal guards and maids had already taken action.

The carriage was pulled out, and some of the vampire sword guards turned into bats and hung upside down on the edge of the car, while some rode on the newly purchased underground lizards. The heavily armored bear cavalry guarding the slave exchange were lined up, and under the leadership of ten black bear cavalry, they formed a four-row column.

The door of the exchange has been completely opened, and the entire team can set off at any time.

Soon... Hong Helmet and the others met their leader, the owner of this place - Daliang, in an extremely luxuriously decorated room.

And their old acquaintance Margaret.

The vampire maid closed the door, and the room was quiet except for the crackling sound of the fire.

Da Liang sat in a soft and comfortable chair. After Sophia returned to his side, he said to the four black elf assassins: "Things have developed to this point... It is not what I want to see. No matter what you think at the beginning, I don't care what the purpose of joining my Creed Assassins is. As long as you work well for me, I will never withhold the bounty you deserve.

But... you did something that crossed the line, betrayed our assassin group, and caused me to suffer a very heavy loss.

Lift your hoods. There is no need to be secretive at this time. I want to see your faces clearly, and then I will consider how to deal with you. "

Red Helmet could hear Da Liang's suppressed anger. He obeyed and lifted his hood. The other three black elf assassins all did the same.

Four male black elves, with some special tattoos on their white skin. Although they had no ability to resist, there was no look of surrender in their eyes.

Red Helmet said: "Captain, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Seeing that Red Helmet was still pretending to be stupid and trying to quibble, Daliang laughed instead: "I know that my goods were stolen by your Mistress Ingram, and I also know that it was you who tipped off the news.

I have called you here not to prove your guilt, but to tell you that you have caused big trouble for your mistress.

At the same time, it has overturned a guess I had. You don't know who I am, and joining my assassin group is not against me.

Because... in the entire known world, there is no one who dares to steal my goods. "

After hearing Da Liang's last words...the four black elves, as well as Margaret, suddenly felt their hands and feet feel cold.

In the entire known world, how many people dare to say this?

One prominent name after another flashed through their minds, but they still couldn't guess Daliang's identity, but his demeanor showed that he didn't seem to be bragging or lying.

Who is he? Who is it!

Looking at this magnificent room and his powerful subordinates, the dark elves became restless. If the other party's identity is really very noble and powerful, then they have really caused big trouble for their tribe.

"Captain, please...please give us a clear explanation?"

Daliang said: "I have given you many hints. I did not hide anything deliberately in Obsidian City. The King of the Hill just heard Pluto say my name, and he came to visit in person.

Now I want to visit Mother Ingram in person to discuss my goods that were stolen by her... how to end it.

Go back immediately and tell your mistress the news.

I ask for a welcoming ceremony that is equal to my status. If you still don't know who I am, I feel neglected.

Then my dignity can only be obtained through war.

Let's go, there isn't much time left for you... My team is running very fast. "

At Da Liang's signal, the maid reopened the door.

The four black elves couldn't believe that the other party let them go so easily. They thought that Da Liang would definitely kill them to vent his anger because the goods were robbed...

But now, no one is stopping me.

What kind of confidence is this?

Thinking of the carriages that had been prepared outside and the assembled troops, the black elves knew that... there was really not much time left for them. They not only had to notify Mother Ingram before the other party reached the tribe, but also Find out who this human is and be prepared for his visit.

None of them have flying skills, so they can only rely on their own legs to convey information.

The four black elf assassins looked at each other, activated their weapons instantly, and rushed out.

The messenger had already left. Da Liang stood up from his seat and said to Margaret: "It's time for us to set off. Don't keep Mistress Ingram waiting..."

Margaret felt her tail stiffen.

She originally thought that she could serve as a middleman and mediator to help Daliang resolve this incident. She believed that the black elf tribe would give her this face, as long as Daliang was willing to sell dwarf weapons to the black elves in the future.

This incident can be solved perfectly.

As a result... the course of events was completely different from what she imagined. She had imagined Daliang's identity to be as powerful as possible, but she still found that what she had imagined was only a small part of the other party's real power.

"Mr. Daliang, I feel like I have walked into a legend..."

Daliang made an invitation gesture and said to Margaret: "Then let us... build this legend together..."

Margaret accompanied Liang into the prepared carriage, while Juliet rode an underground lizard and led the convoy out of the exchange gate. The bear cavalry galloped forward and divided into several teams to defend around the carriage.

The team left the free trading market with great momentum and rushed towards a passage leading to the lower cave.

Red Helmet and the others continued to release acceleration magic for themselves and ran as hard as they could.

They had never felt such pressure in a bright room. They did not doubt everything Daliang said, because they found that their every move was under the surveillance of the other party.

This human knew that we had sent the message to Mother Ingram, but he did not take any precautions and just watched as Mother Ingram snatched away the weapons.

He did this on purpose... which also meant that the weapon with millions of gold coins was just a bait. He was confident that he could get more things from Mother Ingram.

He has the strength to make a black elf tribe with 200,000 warriors compromise, and he has the reputation to make the King of the Hill visit.

He is definitely a hero who can influence the whole world.

Matron Ingram must be prepared before he reaches the tribe.

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