Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1124 Ingram

Running at high speed all day and night without stopping.

The four black elves in red helmets relied on their familiarity with the lower caves to take narrow paths that could shorten the distance. They have never run for such a long time, and this journey is a challenge to the limits of their lives.

When they ran to Cihe City, they fell down under the city gate.

"Take us to see the Mistress immediately."

Thorny River City is an underground city occupied by the Ingram tribe. It was named because an underground river named Thorny River flows here. This city was originally subordinate to Obsidian City. It was the tentacles of Obsidian City extending to the lower cave. It was a barrier between Obsidian City and the lower cave.

Originally, this city was garrisoned by Obsidian City troops.

However, the Plane War broke out and the invasion of the World Factory caused the Iron Heel Kingdom to mobilize troops from all over. Obsidian City, which was short of troops, could only recall all the troops that had been sent out. Thorny River City was occupied by the Ingram tribe when there was no one to guard it.

Obsidian City gave up a large area of ​​land in the lower cave, and Ingram, who had tasted the benefits and became more ambitious, began to think about the possibility of occupying Obsidian City.

It was a level 13 dungeon, a territory that could be upgraded.

As long as Obsidian City can be captured, the first main city controlled by the black elves may be born in their own hands.

At that time, as the city lord of a main black elf city, she, Ingram, would be well-received by the black elf community. Countless black elf tribes will gather under her banner to occupy more cities and more rich caves.

Then build your own kingdom.

"This is the best time for the black elves to rise after entering the underground. I will be the first queen in the history of the black elves."

The outbreak of the plane war gave Ingram an opportunity to reach the top.

In order to attack Obsidian City, Ingram summoned more black elf tribes and together they cut off the connection between Obsidian City and the lower caves.

The entire war plan was implemented in full swing and went very smoothly.

Until now... everyone in Obsidian City still doesn't believe that the black elves dare to attack this fortified city. They are enjoying the dividends brought to them by the war in Black Iron City.

The gold coins accumulated by the dwarves are flowing into Obsidian City through various channels, and are exchanged for ore, food, and various war necessities.

The entire Obsidian City is working at full capacity to provide logistics services for Black Iron City. The merchants are willing to provide any help to the black elves in order to smooth the trade routes.

The black elves are obtaining intelligence through these merchants and infiltrating into Obsidian City.

The only thing that went beyond the Black Elf war plan recently was that the dwarves of Black Iron City built a military camp and a weapons manufacturing factory under the Torch Tower of Obsidian City.

Will this dwarf force affect the entire war plan to attack Obsidian City?

After all, Black Iron City and Obsidian City are allies. If the black elves attack Obsidian City, the dwarves will definitely not sit idly by and watch their logistics be cut off.

Therefore, if the black elves want to attack Obsidian City, the first step is to cut off the dwarves' ability to rescue Obsidian City.

Mother Ingram immediately sent people to investigate the Torch Tower dwarf barracks, and then discovered that there was an assassin team she had placed in the free market next to the dwarf barracks.

These four black elf assassins were hired by the ore merchant Margaret on behalf of a surface human race. This human race named Daliang wanted to establish an assassin group in Obsidian City, so he entrusted Margaret to recruit assassins on his behalf.

Regarding Margaret's hiring of black elf assassins, Ingram readily agreed. The more black elves that could be placed near Obsidian City, the better.

It is worth mentioning that the army infiltrated by the elves in the Magic Realm was discovered by this human named Daliang.

Now, these elven armies disguised as black elves have been discovered and eliminated.

And Ingram didn't pay too much attention to this human race named Daliang. The surface races were just passers-by to the underground world, and he would leave here sooner or later.

Ingram's mind was on how to attack Obsidian City.

But this human named Daliang soon appeared in Ingram's sight.

Ingram secretly ordered the Red Helmets to conduct a reconnaissance of the dwarf military camp. Then she knew that this dwarf military camp had limited troops, only enough to protect the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory, and not enough to affect the battlefield in Obsidian City.

This little dwarf military strength is nothing to worry about.

Then Ingram thought about equipping her army with dwarf weapons. Sophisticated weapons would give her a greater chance of winning and reduce the loss of her military strength.

Just when Ingram was trying to buy some dwarf weapons through the Obsidian City merchant she was doing business with, she was told... that all the weapons produced by the dwarf weapon manufacturing factory had been bought by the human named Daliang.

All the daily weapons production is taken away, and no one else can even see a hair.

Moreover, this human businessman named Daliang transported all the dwarf weapons away and sold none of them within Obsidian City.

At this time, Ingram suddenly discovered... This human businessman was running a slave business in Obsidian City, and he didn't even come to him to worship the mountain and pay the protection fee!

This outsider should be taught a lesson and let him know the rules of Obsidian City: no goods are allowed on the road without the permission of the black elf.

Ingram knew the departure time of the Pluto transport team through the inside red helmet, and then set up an ambush in advance on the route the weapons transport team was going to take, and snatched all the dwarf weapons in one fell swoop.

More than a thousand transport vehicles, loaded with wooden boxes containing dwarf weapons, entered Thorny River City driven by captured caveman slaves.

The weapons of the dwarves were piled up in the square in front of the city lord's palace, and the newly made equipment was shining brightly.

These sophisticated weapons, which can arm at least 10,000 black elf soldiers, have caused competition among many shadow matriarchs. They shouted about their clan's achievements in establishing the tribe's strength, and wanted to get more dwarf weapons for their army.

If it weren't for Ingram standing nearby, the shadow matriarchs would have started fighting.

Ingram wears red leather armor that represents her status as matron, and the accessories in her hair are also different from those of the lower-level shadow matriarchs. Seeing the strong fighting spirit of her subordinates, Ingram was very happy. She was planning in her mind whether to hold a competition in the tribe and use the performance of each clan's army as the criterion for distributing weapons to these dwarves.

But at this time, the city gate guards carried four black elves to Ingram.

"Red helmet! Vine shield! Wrist blade! Seize the armor!

Aren't you in Obsidian City? Why are you here? "

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