Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1134 Detailed explanation of tactics

Not having a large city of its own will always be a pain for the entire race of black elves. They have the most powerful offensive army in the underground world, but they have no way to produce their own war equipment. Even if some can be grabbed, the stolen weapons will soon be damaged due to the lack of craftsmen and places that can repair war equipment.

Obsidian City also took a fancy to the fact that the Black Elves had no ability to manufacture war equipment. When they retreated from Thorn River City, they took away all the war equipment and destroyed the buildings that could produce war equipment, so that the Black Elves could not threaten Obsidian. city’s capabilities.

However, there are many independent functional buildings scattered in the wild in the game. Some are recruitment buildings that can recruit soldiers, some can generate taxes and resources, and some war equipment factories can also be found in the wild.

It's just that these are basic buildings, and there is no way to upgrade the units or produce advanced weapons.

After developing in the lower caves of Obsidian City for so many years, Ingram certainly controlled several outdoor war equipment factories, but these war equipment factories could only produce light ballistae, light trebuchets, and simple city climbing ladders... …

It has a short range and low power, and cannot reach the attack power that can threaten the walls of Obsidian City. It can only be used to suppress a small section of the wall regardless of losses.

Ingram urgently needed heavy siege weapons, but it was impossible to buy such strategic weapons from ordinary merchants. Purchasing from other places is not only expensive, but also during the plane war, everyone is desperately stocking up on supplies for the war. Otherwise, there is no channel to buy such sensitive heavy weapons.

You must know that a dozen or dozens of low-level soldiers operating a few artillery and heavy ballistae can prevent the ultimate creatures without cover from approaching; the destructive power of a few heavy catapults on the city wall is no less than that of a high-level earth element The meteorite technique released by the magician.

The function of war equipment is to allow low-level soldiers to exert the attack power of ultimate creatures and heroes.

Now a procurement channel for heavy war equipment was placed in front of Ingram, and there were even more advanced alchemy equipment. With these heavy equipment, she could not pin all her hopes of attacking Obsidian City on snatching the city gate. Even if they can't seize the city gate, the black elves with enough heavy war equipment can still fight a head-on siege.

want! Want them all!

Ingram is like a gambler. The best opportunity is right in front of her. In order to capture Obsidian City, she must equip her army with the best and most powerful weapons.

Even if these military purchases will make him bankrupt, as long as he can get Obsidian City, all his efforts will be rewarded a hundred times a thousand times.

"I need a list..." Ingram considered that her army had no experience in using heavy war equipment and did not know how a wide variety of war equipment needed to be configured, so she made up her mind to make a large purchase and said to Daliang. : "We also need His Excellency the Duke to provide us with a reasonable purchase recommendation...

As long as the price you give is reasonable, I will never default on any payment.

Like the Duke said, we don't have enough gold coins, but we have resources, minerals, slaves,...population, everything of value.

I only have one request, which is to give my army the ability to conduct long-range bombardments with Obsidian City under the city. "

This time, Ingram took the initiative and stretched out his neck...

Daliang smiled and said: "Mother Ingram, please rest assured about this... After I go back this time, I will personally prepare a purchase list for heavy ordnance, and will also allocate a group of instructors to learn how to use these war weapons." You will be given guidance on the equipment, and you can even simulate a siege of Obsidian City step by step, teaching you how to use these weapons effectively on the battlefield... to obtain the maximum effect with the minimum loss.

With this batch of heavy war equipment in Cihe City, the city defense of Obsidian City will no longer be a problem for you. I have no doubts about the ownership of Obsidian City.

Come, let us toast to victory together! Cheers to Matron Ingram for leading the rise of the Black Elves! "

All the unhappiness at the beginning of the banquet and the estrangement between the guest and guest were swept away at this moment.

Ingram stood up together with all the shadow matriarchs, and together they picked up the red wine that the vampire maids poured for them, shouting the names of Obsidian City and Ingram.

The morale is like a rainbow!

They drank the red wine in their glasses together, and the atmosphere at the banquet became lively.

After a few more glasses of red wine, everyone was a little drunk, and Da Liang even used his drunkenness to talk to Matron Ingram and the Shadow Matriarchs.

He used magic to draw a structural diagram of the entire Obsidian City on the wall, and spoke like a general about his plans for attacking Obsidian City.

One after another, he marked the black elf armies to the outskirts of Obsidian City, marking each army's attack route and strategic purpose.

Feint attack on two sides and main attack on one side, leaving one side for the Obsidian City defenders to use to escape.

Then subdivide it, there are main attack points on the feint attack surface, and concentrated breakthrough points on the main attack surface. At the same time, according to changes in the battle situation, the functions of each attack position are constantly changing.

In the war database of the University Alliance, there are a large number of battlefield simulation materials in various environments. The Alliance and Northern Lords Alliance command centers organize commanders at all levels to randomly select battlefield environments every day to conduct simulated war deductions.

Da Liang only needs to find a battlefield simulation with a similar environment to Obsidian City, and then explain it in a succinct manner, which is enough to scare these black elves who have never fought siege warfare at all.

Sure enough... Da Liang once again attracted the attention of Ingram and the Shadow Matriarchs.

If it were a wild encounter, every Black Elf present would be an expert in raiding. However, the Black Elf army has always been weak in siege warfare. Without flying units or siege equipment, the Black Elf army has always avoided storming fortified cities. .

Ingram did not prepare too sophisticated tactics on how to attack Obsidian City, especially since her army was about to be equipped with heavy war equipment on a large scale, and she did not know how to effectively use her military power in a siege. .

Now...a textbook-like detailed explanation of siege tactics was placed in front of Ingram and her generals.

She and a group of shadow matriarchs looked at the obsidian city siege tactics demonstration diagram on the wall and listened to Daliang's detailed explanation.

Sometimes he is thoughtful, sometimes he is suddenly enlightened, and sometimes he claps his hands in praise.

Everyone admired Daliang.

For a moment...Mother Ingram actually felt that she had earned it by signing an unequal treaty with Daliang.

Without the signing of that treaty, how could we obtain such a powerful ally!

Not only did he sell himself the heavy siege equipment he desperately needed, but he also got a precious Obsidian City tactical deduction, including tactics on how to fight in the streets after entering the city. This was simply leading him to the Obsidian City Lord's Mansion.

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