Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1135 Drunk

Ingram and the Shadow Matriarchs were fascinated by what they heard. When they saw Daliang drawing a big cross on the sign of the Obsidian City Lord's Mansion, they felt that they had occupied Obsidian City.

Then when they were preparing to celebrate, they realized that they were still in Thorny River City.

After completing the entire tactical deduction, Daliang enthusiastically picked up a bottle of red wine from Sophia's hand, drank it all in one breath, and then said happily: "With the beautiful Matron Ingram and so many beautiful matriarchs. The meal made me very happy. This time, under the influence of alcohol, I casually talked about some of my ideas about the Obsidian City battlefield... and made a fool of myself in front of the matrons and clan leaders who commanded the troops.

You don’t need to mind what I’m saying, I believe... Obsidian City has no ability to resist in front of the black elf army that is capable of conquering and fighting.

It was getting late and I was drunk.

I also want to return to my slave exchange and consider the order from my mistress.

goodbye! "

Da Liang left the city lord's mansion with Sophia's support, but Mistress Ingram was rude and did not come to see her off.

Magic images are time-sensitive and will disappear quickly without the magic energy supply from the caster.

The moment Da Liang walked out of the dining room door, Ingram and the shadow matriarchs, who were still sitting there dignifiedly, immediately swept all the plates and food on the table to the ground, then took out their daggers, divided their duties, and placed them on the table. Describe every detail of the entire war game.

I'm afraid that when the magic image disappears, there will be one less line drawn.

And Daliang... was really drunk, at least in the game he entered a very realistic state of drunkenness. He was helped by Sophia into the carriage parked in front of the city lord's palace, and when he was about to fall down uncontrollably, Julian, who was already sitting inside, was embraced in her arms.

The carriage moved slowly and headed towards the gate of Thorn River City.

Pluto separated a part of the bear cavalry to escort the slaves and the transport truck, and took another part of the bear cavalry to escort around the carriage, and then drove out of the city smoothly.

After the four black elf assassins in red helmets took another look at Thorny River City, they each rode an underground lizard to catch up with the convoy, and then ran to the front of the team to lead the way.

In this large cave, Cihe City was still brightly lit, and the brightly lit motorcade gradually disappeared into the shadows under the cave wall.

"Sir..." After leaving Thorny River City, the night appeared in the carriage of the carriage.

"Well..." Daliang, who fell into Julian's arms, closed his eyes and agreed casually.

"After the Lord left, Ingram had recorded the tactical map left by the Lord, and notified all the shadow matriarchs to mobilize the troops of each clan to prepare for a siege drill."

"I see……"

The state of drunkenness is getting worse and worse. His eyelids keep fighting and he will fall asleep at any time. While he could still perform functional operations, Da Liang chose to quit the game.

Take off the gaming helmet, and the dark underground world turns into a bright bedroom, and the smell of moist earth turns into a soothing aroma.

The dizzy feeling disappeared, and then Da Liang, who had a clear mind, realized that Shu Xiao was not lying next to him.

Just when Daliang was wondering where Shu Xiao would go, he heard Shu Xiao shouting from the living room.

"Squad 312, support the left wing, the left wing..."

"Carry out earth magic bombing on area B2319..."

"The mast of the enemy ship Golden Apple is broken. The 8th Squadron is concentrated on me, and the 12th Squadron is covering it. Let's rush in and cripple its middle mast..."

"Tao Zi will give you another wave of bombings. Look after your own people and keep a high altitude."

"The Archangel is following, charge!"

It's so lively.

No need to guess, Shu Xiao must be directing a battle using a portable game launcher in the living room at this time. Listening to her shouting, it seemed like it was a naval battle.

Now in the game, the Chinese game area and the American game area are at war in the Pacific Ocean. This is the largest player war since the beginning of the game. It can be said that the entire ocean has been turned into a pot of porridge.

Although Daliang did not join the war, his Judgment Fleet was the main force of the Northeast Asian fleet and was on the front line of the naval confrontation with the United States.

Thinking about the drunken state I was in in the game, it would probably take a few hours to get rid of it. So Da Liang walked out of the bedroom, preparing to have something to drink, and then see how Shu Xiao fought.

Da Liang got dressed, opened the door and walked out...

Gu Tao was actually there.

The room where Daliang and Shu Xiao lived has been renovated once, when the game mode is turned on. The intelligent system automatically turns off all interfering light sources, and then turns on the stereoscopic projection equipment placed everywhere, turning the entire living room into a large stereoscopic screening room.

The three-dimensional projection hall is linked to the in-game images and the command system of the Judgment Legion at the same time. Its functions and visual effects are much more advanced than when Daliang and Shu Xiao opened the cave entrance.

At this time, the three-dimensional image is showing a large-scale naval battle, and the main image on the front is an overhead view of the large battlefield. With just a glance, Da Liang saw dozens of three-masted warships and hundreds of two-masted warships participating in the battle. On the rippling blue sea, fleets from two different camps formed battle lines and fought in one place.

Cannons roared, projectiles flew, gunpowder smoke billowed, and water columns kept rising from the water as if boiling.

The battle in the air was extremely fierce. Flying creatures of various races lined up to charge back and forth in teams. Dead creatures fell every moment, and from time to time there were clusters of magical bombardments sweeping down on the fleet below.

Shu Xiao and Gu Tao were sitting cross-legged side by side on the sofa in the middle of the living room, wearing loose pajamas and bare feet. Each of them was holding a bag of snacks in their hands, and their bodies were unconsciously swaying with the flying movements.

"Tao Zi is here, who are you fighting with?"

Daliang took out three bottles of drinks from the refrigerator, gave one to each of Shu Xiao and Gu Tao, and sat down on the sofa.

"Senior Brother Daliang..." Gu Tao's feelings for Daliang can be said to be a bit complicated. Sometimes she can't figure out whether she loves Daliang, likes her, or is Lan Yan's friend. However, Daliang has already established a relationship with Shu Xiao, and he also Deliberately keeping the relationship with herself on a safe line, she could only regretfully say to herself... She missed someone worth relying on. After sorting out his emotions, Gu Tao said: "The other party is a mixed fleet from the Canadian Game Zone and the American Game Zone, and they are competing with us for the waters surrounding the Chiba Islands..."

After Gu Tao introduced the situation at sea to Daliang, Shu Xiao, who made a surprise attack and destroyed the sail of an enemy three-masted warship, said to Daliang: "How did you get out of the game? This war Don't interfere, just sit here and watch... Taozi and I work together flawlessly, don't come and take our credit."

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