Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1140 The threat of elves

"I'm rude..." Bavaria stabilized his emotions, and then said: "Your Majesty the Duke, you should know that our battle to annihilate the rebellious dwarves in the Magic Realm has reached the final moment. Breaking the Black Iron City will not be enough for the powerful elven army.'s just a matter of time.

Funded by the Five Color Flag Alliance..."

Daliang interrupted Bavaria at this time. He pointed out: "Mr. Bavaria, please clarify... Providing help for free is called funding. And we just purchased a batch of dwarf weapons in Obsidian City and shipped them to other places. gain profit……

This is a very normal business activity and has nothing to do with your war with the dwarves. "

"But the dwarves are our enemies. If you allow Black Iron City to obtain military expenditures, it will become an army and cause damage to our army. You can also say that... your trade with the dwarves has nothing to do with the war in Black Iron City?"

Faced with Bavaria's unequivocal pressure, Daliang did not give in and said: "Shangjiang City in the Five-Color Flag Alliance is a commercial city. Our trade routes are not limited to the main world, including the world of heroes, hell, the kingdom of death and even magic. There are our caravans in every realm. Now the good camp and the evil camp are at war.

Could it be that all the dead troops are related to us and should we be held responsible?

Lord Bavaria, as an old friend, you come to me... I welcome you very much. But if you use such unfounded accusations to put it on our heads, you will call for an investigation.

All I can say is... you're barking up the wrong tree.

I don't admit that we are funding the dwarves...

If we were going to support the independence of the dwarves, I would not be in Obsidian City in the Endless Labyrinth, but would appear directly in the Magic Realm.

What the Five-Color Flag Alliance can give to the dwarves is not just a small payment for weapons. We can pour gold coins in units of hundreds of millions into the Black Iron City. Our dragon army can make you lose your air superiority over the dwarves. In the city of Rio de Janeiro, Lord Bavaria should have seen our capabilities.

You don’t want everything I said to come true, right? "

Da Liang strongly denied Bavaria's accusations and made assumptions about how the Five Color Flag Alliance supported the dwarves of Black Iron City.

Facing the faint threat of Da Liang, Bavaria found themselves at a disadvantage again in this confrontation.

In Rio, the elves in the Magic Realm were really scared. Their ultimate creatures, the golden dragon and the green dragon, were expelled, which meant that once there was a conflict between the Magic Realm and the Five Color Flag Alliance, their high-end strength would be greatly restricted. .

If the Five-Color Flag Alliance really openly supports the independence of the dwarves, then the elves' current air superiority over the dwarves will be lost. If the ground attack is also blocked, it will be impossible to put down the rebellious dwarves.

Bavaria asked bitterly: "Is the Duke threatening us?"

"No, no, no..." Daliang waved his hand: "I'm just helping Mr. Bavaria imagine... what would happen if we really funded Black Iron City.

Now we are just quietly purchasing dwarf weapons in Obsidian City in the Endless Labyrinth, and we are already taking good care of the mood of our elven friends.

I think Mr. Bavaria should first feel our sincerity... We really have no intention to be enemies with anyone, whether elves or dwarves, the neutral attitude of the Five Color Flag Alliance remains unchanged.

If the elves in the magical realm feel that we are biased towards the dwarves, we can also launch comprehensive trade cooperation with you. The elves are good at making bows and arrows and growing herbs. If you want to make money, you can entrust us to sell your products..."

Bavaria realized that Daliang was taking the topic off topic, and he brought the conversation back on the right track: "Please, Duke, please don't avoid the important and take the easy... It doesn't matter whether the Five-Color Flag Alliance is funding the dwarves or doing business with the dwarves.

You are already harming the interests of the elves in the Magic Realm. I am here to represent the will of the elves in the Magic Realm. If the dwarves continue to obtain military expenses from you, we will definitely take the strongest approach to sanction the Five Color Flag Alliance. "

Daliang narrowed his eyes and asked: "You mean... war?"

Bavaria knew that he would not get the results he wanted in Daliang. He stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Duke, you made two hostile actions against the Magical Realm in Rio and Obsidian City. It's definitely not an accident!

I have reason to believe that your attitude towards the Magical Realm is definitely not the 'friendly' you express, so this time I don't care what you say...

I won't take a step back.

The Magic Realm will use our own methods to interfere with all trade activities in Shangjiang City until you stop interfering in the internal affairs of the Magic Realm.

If you want war, then we'll see you on the battlefield. "

After saying that, Bavaria walked out of the room without looking back.

Daliang looked at the door that was slammed shut by Bavaria, and touched his nose mockingly: I didn't expect this Bavaria to be very capable. He knew that he couldn't talk about it with his words, so he showed his fists instead.

Things developed beyond Daliang's plan, and he also found that he had become too arrogant and confident after winning a game in Bavaria in Rio. In Rio, he relied on the entire Five-Colored Flag Alliance to fight against a Bauhinia City. Bavaria itself was at a disadvantage, and then was beaten by Daliang with a set of random sticks. He didn't even figure out what Daliang wanted to do, so he was naturally restrained everywhere.

And now... Behind Bavaria are the elves of the entire Magical Realm, and the dwarf independence movement involves the fundamental interests of the Magical Realm. Naturally, he has enough capital and confidence...

As long as Da Liang continues to purchase dwarf weapons in Obsidian City, the magical realm will interfere with Shangjiang City's trade routes...

Bavaria rebelled against General Daliang and gave him the choice of war, just like what Daliang did to him in Rio not long ago.

The form is very bad.

Da Liang did not get up after leaving Bavaria. He was warming himself by the fire, drinking red wine, and thinking about how to deal with the threat of elves.

And just then...the King of the Hill arrives.

Sitting opposite Daliang, the King of the Mountains could tell that things were developing very badly. The threat from the elves was making the Duke of the Five Color Flag Alliance make a difficult decision.

"I'm really sorry. I can't let the elves know that I left the Black Iron City, so I can only wait for the elf messenger to leave before coming back." The King of the Hill said to the silent Da Liang: "I want to know that you will give the elf a What kind of reply.”

Da Liang continued to think, and after some time, he replied to the King of the Hill: "As for the purchase of dwarf weapons, your majesty, please rest assured that the transaction is proceeding normally.

The threat from elves... our Five Color Flag Alliance will deal with it.

At this time, let’s talk about Obsidian City. I met Mother Ingram. The black elves are indeed preparing to attack Obsidian City, and the army has been assembled.

If His Majesty really plans to capture Obsidian City, we need to cooperate well. "

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