Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1141 Sudden War

The elves once again threatened Black Iron City's material supply, making the King of the Hill put aside all worries to occupy Obsidian City. He wanted to take this logistics base into his own hands. If the elves dared to come to Obsidian City again to threaten anything, the dwarves could directly Send troops to kill them.

"Whatever the Five Color Flag Alliance wants to do in the Endless Maze, I will do my best to cooperate..."

Daliang and the King of the Hill were having secret talks, and the Creed Slave Exchange, which had stopped purchasing goods from the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory, started pulling boxes of weapons to the warehouse area in large and small vehicles. Just wait for Pluto's dwarf bear cavalry to return and the entire transportation route can be restored.

Bavaria, which had been secretly paying attention to the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory, saw that Daliang was still providing military expenses to the dwarves despite his threats, and angrily returned to the Magical Realm to organize economic sanctions against Shangjiang City.

Soon, the elves in the magical realm relied on the elven city-states around Shangjiang City to establish a blockade network, completely blocking Shangjiang's commercial activities from land, rivers, and oceans, and blocking the normal passage of Shangjiang's caravans and merchant ships.

The Magic Realm begins to impose sanctions on Shangjiang...

The arms trade in Obsidian City continues.

After Daliang returned to the exchange in the convoy, he returned to Shangjiang with his cronies.

Joyce can be said to be the most diligent among all the previous kings of Donghai, and in this chaotic world, she had to walk on thin ice when in charge of Shangjiang, carefully handling the implementation and decision-making of every policy.

The busy government affairs leave her little time to think about her own private matters.

Recently, the elves in the magical realm suddenly blocked the trade routes in Shangjiang City, causing the city to sound the war alarm again.

After learning that the hostilities in the Magical Realm were caused by the Great Light, Joyce did not hesitate and immediately ordered the eight cities on the Yangtze River to start gathering troops.

The Shangjiang fleet all sailed out of the port, the city defense cover was opened, and the aerial warships took off...

The dark cloud-like group of griffons formed a huge shadow, blocking the sunlight shining on the city.

There are also angels suspended firmly in the sky outside the city, using their wings and swords in their hands to form an aerial barrier.

Even Joyce himself put on armor that he had not worn for a long time, ready to fight against the magical realm at any time.

The reaction of the three-color dragon clan was also unusually fast... Two mixed squadrons of crystal dragons, purple dragons, and poisonous dragons that had completed their training in the Fairy Garden arrived at Shangjiang immediately under the leadership of Hong Baker.

Five-color flags were raised in the Shangjiang area, and the armies of eight cities faced the elven army in the magical realm.

War seems imminent.

It was at this time that Daliang returned to Shangjiang Palace and met Joyce in military uniform.

He waved the attendants and maids to leave, and soon... only Da Liang and Joyce were left in the room.

"I don't know how to explain to you what happened in Obsidian City..."

Daliang's actions in Obsidian City were for his own benefit. It could be said that they had little to do with the interests of Shangjiang City. As a result, he felt very guilty for involving Shangjiang...

Joyce walked up to Da Liang, his metal boots clicking on the floor.

She wore a crown and armor made of gold, stared at Da Liang with her eyes, and said: "You don't need to explain anything, you are the main ally of the Five Color Flag Alliance, the Duke of Shangjiang, the King's Prime Minister... my knight!

My enemies are your enemies, and your enemies are my enemies.

In the past, during the most difficult times, we still persisted in fighting. Now that we are unified, we are not afraid of any war.

If the elves in the magical realm want to fight, then we will fight.

If you want to fight, we will fight! "

Da Liang also looked at Joyce and understood the firmness and underlying tenderness in her eyes. Although she became the king and shouldered heavier responsibilities, she was still the admiral who was flamboyant and fearless in battle.

She is still the same woman who still trusts her.

Since Joyce supported him so much, Daliang no longer had any ideological baggage.

He quickly said to Joyce: "The Magic Realm actually doesn't want to fight us. They just want to use this method to force me to give up aid to the dwarves. Therefore, I want to fight a limited war with the Magic Realm... …

Regarding how to fight specifically, we still need to invite the leader of the Red Baker clan and Lord Holy Bella to discuss together. "

Soon, Holy Bella and Red Baker Patriarch came to Joyce's office after receiving the invitation.

After the conversation in Rio, Saint Bella knew part of Daliang's plan and absolutely supported him.

For Crystal Dragon, Daliang is the benefactor who saved their race. Chief Hongbeke has a very straightforward temperament, whether it is because of the relationship between Daliang and Crystal Dragon or because Daliang is one of the main allies of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Chief Hongbeke said: No matter how far the war goes, the Crystal Dragon Clan will continue to participate.

With Shangjiang and the Crystal Dragon Clan, there is no problem in fighting a limited local war with the Magical Realm. Moreover, the Purple Dragon and the Poison Dragon will also provide certain support.

Daliang said: "We must actively counterattack against the pressing forces of the Magic Realm. As long as they block our caravans and merchant ships, we will resolutely fight back.

I guess the Magic Realm doesn't want to fight an all-out war with us. They still have dwarves to deal with, and they can't force us to really support the dwarves.

Therefore, although we are fighting against the magical realm, we must form a tacit understanding.

Do not use the ultimate or higher army.

In Rio, the elves saw that we have the ability to drive away their golden dragons and green dragons, so they will not use the ultimate creature easily. If we don't put ultimate creatures and level 15 dragons into the battle, the elves probably won't use their level 15 elf envoys either.

As for the Elf King... he would not leave the magical realm casually.

Let's first limit the upper limit of troops to level 12, keep an eye on the elves' army configuration, and not take the initiative to send higher-level troops to join the battle.

Don't win or lose on a certain battlefield, but maintain an overall evenly matched confrontation.

Let the whole world see that we have the strength to fight against the magical realm. This will be conducive to the issuance of war bonds, which is enough to make up for the military expenditure and trade losses in this war. "

At this time, Holy Bella said: "According to our strength and the strength of the Magical Realm, how long will a war of this scale last? If the elves solve the dwarves' problem during this period, plus the intervention of Yunzhong City... …

This local war is likely to turn into a full-scale war.

Moreover, your plan to amass the world's gold coins will soon be revealed to the world. By then, the good camp will most likely use this war to come to the river. "

Daliang also considered this outcome. He said: "You are here fighting against the magical realm. How to end the war... leave it to me."

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