Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1142 Two decks of cards

If he wants to make the elves retreat and end the sanctions against Shangjiang City, Daliang has two decks of cards in his hand that he can play.

One is hell.

When the civil strife in the Magical Realm has not yet been settled, those who dare to challenge the Five-Color Flag Alliance must rely on the leader of the good camp - Yunzhong City.

Among the colorful plane wars fought in the civil war and foreign wars, the world of heroes where Yunzhong City is located is the only plane that is still immune.

Internally, all angels belong to the leadership of Cloud City and are unified under the command of Archangel Michael.

Externally, as a hostile plane in the world of heroes, Hell is the most fiercely fought plane in the entire world. Lucifer and Satan have been fighting in Hell's Furnace City for months over who can rule Hell. The evenly matched war made it impossible for anyone to achieve a decisive victory quickly. Hell's Furnace City truly became a melting pot, burning the elite forces of Hell.

I don’t know how many troops will remain in hell that can fight plane wars after the winner is finally decided...

It seems... Yunzhongcheng doesn't have to do anything. It just needs to watch Hell self-destruct and help push it in the end.

Yunzhong City also wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Michael tightly gathered the angels, downplayed his sense of existence, did not enter hell, and even disappeared from activities in the kingdom of death. If you don't make large-scale mobilizations to stimulate the demons and fallen angels in hell, if you don't make any decisions, it will be like disappearing.

Everything is to make Lucifer and Satan "leave me alone and fight without worry."

But no matter how much Yunzhong City hides itself, they are still the most powerful force in the world and the backbone of the good camp.

With Yunzhong City holding the battle...the good camp is very bold in everything they do.

Including the dispute provoked by the Magical Realm against the Five Color Flag Alliance.

And if Hell can decide the winner and free up its hands, it can effectively contain Yunzhong City, and the Magical Realm will not have so much confidence to start a war with the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Now that Daliang maintains a dialogue-able relationship with the Fallen Angel King and the Hell Lord King, and has the new force of Howard Despair City in his hands, he is already capable of interfering with the ownership of hell.

Another big deck of cards is the Kingdom of Death.

Without the fundamental contradiction of faith, in an environment where the Kingdom of Death urgently needs unification, the negotiations between the Wizards Guild and the New Unsullied Holy See went very smoothly.

The latest news that Da Liang learned from the Kingdom of Death showed that Boswell, another brain of the Cyan Alliance, had also sent envoys to the City of Sighs and reached many consensuses and agreements with the Sorrowful Monarch.

The Melancholy Lord recognized Boswell's rule over Evernight City and allowed Boswell to establish a new Unsullied Church in Evernight City, calling him the "Lord of Death".

The territories of Yongye City and Sighing City will be divided based on the actual control areas of both sides.

The reason why Boswell rebelled against Evernight City was because his political demands could not be realized. For the sake of the integrity of his territory, the original owner of Yongye City, the Monarch of Lament, did not allow the Monarch of Death, Boswell, to establish the Holy See and take away his land.

Therefore, Boswell and the Wizards Guild formed a cyan alliance to fight for their own territory.

Now... he has the territory and can become the Lord of Death as he wishes. Naturally, Boswell will not be willing to be the younger brother of Cloud City.

In return, Evernight City surrenders to the City of Sighs, and after Boswell ascends the throne as Lord of Death, he will honor the Lord of Melancholy as the pope of the new Unsullied See.

As another important force of the cyan coalition.

The Wizards Guild will also join the New Unsullied Holy See and become an independent department. Regarding the issue of faith, the Sad Lord made great concessions. The New Unsullied Holy See did not have strict requirements on the faith of wizards, but the God of Death must be respected.

The belief of the Wizards Guild is not to deny the God of Death. In fact, all wizards maintain great respect for the God of Death. Therefore, the Sad Monarch is not forced to believe in the God of Death. It is also acceptable for the wizards to just join the New Unsullied Holy See.

The pressure from the outside made the process of the tripartite talks very fast. After the general tone was set, the merger of the Cyan Alliance and the New Unsullied Holy See was a foregone conclusion. The City of Eternal Night and the City of Sighs, which were still in harmony not long ago, were about to become as close as brothers. .

And when the Sad Monarch, Boswell, and Lucas, the three 16th-level powerhouses, publicly meet in the City of Sighs, you can imagine what kind of sensation it will cause to the entire world.

The cyan coalition returned from the good camp to the evil camp, and Yunzhong City lost control of the situation in the Kingdom of Death.

Without Eternal Night City to attract the attention of the Death Monarchs, the Magical Realm would become the Kingdom of Death’s number one foreign enemy.

Do elves have the ability to fight on three fronts?

of course not.

"I'll leave it to you all to go to Jiangcheng..."

After leaving the command of the military confrontation with the Magical Realm to Joyce, Da Liang went to the Despair City in Hell without stopping.

Dark red is the main color of hell.

The lava rivers flowing on the surface and the volcanoes that never go out make the place always filled with flames and high temperatures.

The City of Despair was once the city of Buck, the Lord of Hell and the Demon King of Pain. Now Buck, Beelzebub and Misuka are sealed in large numbers in the Boneyard Tomb. The city is also owned by Howard, the former King of the East China Sea.

When Lucifer and Satan were fighting for the dominance of hell in Hell's Furnace City, Howard expanded rapidly after receiving unreserved assistance from Shangjiang City.

Countless gold coins were used in the construction of cities, the expansion of the army and the manufacture of weapons.

At the same time... Howard and Bartlett each led their armies, taking advantage of the victory in Despair City to pursue the defeated hell army, attacking everywhere and attacking the city.

Sufficient soldiers and military expenditures that could be squandered at will allowed Howard's command talent and army commanding ability to be fully brought into play. He conquered the territory faster than the flood that broke the embankment.

Then he sent all the surrendered and captured troops to the City of Despair to be reorganized.

Therefore, when Daliang came to the City of Despair again, the first thing he saw was the hell city that was still under repair and a boundless hell army.

Now Bartlett has returned from the front battlefield and is in charge of the entire work of collecting and reorganizing this hell army.

But when Daliang saw Bartlett, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Bartlett showed off his black wings and laughed at himself: "Dear Duke, as you can see... I have fallen."

The difference between an angel and a fallen angel is just a thought. It can be seen that Bartlett is still somewhat reluctant to give up his identity as an angel.

Da Liang showed off his fallen angel wings and said: "Now...the distinction between justice, kindness, corruption, and evil has been blurred, and everyone is fighting for survival.

I think fallen angels are better suited to command the armies of hell.

Bartlett, are the armies of Despair City ready? "

Bartlett saluted Daliang and said: "Reporting to your lord, the army of Despair City is ready and ready for your dispatch at any time."

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