Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1143 The Furnace of Hell

In the entire City of Despair, the only building that Howard did not repair was the City Lord's Mansion.

There are still traces of the battle with Buck here, when he whipped half of the castle in the city lord's palace. Every time Howard came back, he would stand on the broken wall of the castle and take a look at the city, reminding himself not to be dazzled by the success in front of him and remember what kind of war this was.

Da Liang also looked outside through the broken wall.

The Hell's Army, which was known for being disorganized, actually became orderly after being reorganized by Bartlett. Each army gathered according to their respective responsibilities, and arranged layer by layer outside the city until the edges were no longer visible.

Heroes at all levels rode nightmare beasts to constrain their deployment, and groups of demons and big demons stood in the air holding scythes.

Such an army is ready to go. As long as he gives the order, it can march to Hell Furnace City and change the entire situation of the war.

Daliang said to Bartlett: "The war in Hell's Furnace City should end, otherwise our existence will be meaningless. Inform your majesty to return to Despair City, and then the whole army will advance towards Hell's Furnace City.

As for who to attack?

Wait for the news I get back from Hell's Furnace City. "

"Yes, Your Majesty the Duke."

Da Liang flapped his fallen angel wings and rushed into the sky from the city lord's palace in Despair City, and then flew towards the direction of Hell's Furnace City. At this time, a long trumpet sound sounded from Despair City, and the continuous army moved together. Amidst the rumbling sound of running, as the vanguard of the entire hell army, tens of thousands of hell dogs rushed out from all parts of the army, and formed a great tide that swept forward.

At the same time, the news that the hell army gathered in Despair City was marching towards Furnace City also flew to every corner of hell as if it had wings.

A strong new force is likely to become a weight that affects the outcome of the war.

And this army seems to be subordinate to Satan on the surface...

The fallen angels will be driven out of this city that originally belonged to Satan.

Lucifer is sitting on the highest throne in Hell's Furnace City. He is wearing black gold armor, with a crown symbolizing the King of Hell on his head, and purple brilliance emanating from his body. But in Lucifer, you don't see that kind of scary edge, but he gives people a very elegant and approachable feeling.

There are some fallen angels and demons standing sparsely under his throne. This war has really taken a heavy toll on the fallen angels, and he doesn't have many of his subordinates who can line up on the battlefield.

However, he believed that his opponent...Satan would not be easy either. After fighting for such a long time, the Hell Lord King's army did not advance much towards the Furnace City.

However, according to the latest intelligence... Despair City has organized a sizable hell army and is heading here. These troops that should have belonged to them turned out to be enemies because of the idiot Buck.

Thinking of Buck, Lucifer looked at another Hell Lord King who had surrendered to him...Sin Demon King Morgan.

"Morgan, how many more troops can you support to the Crucible City battlefield?"

Morgan is a horned demon. He has a body shape like a king orangutan. His forelimbs are thicker and more powerful than his hind limbs. His horny skin has the same color and temperature as lava. As the sixth Hell Lord who seduced Satan and sealed him with his own hands, Morgan knew what would happen to him once Satan reigned in Hell again.

Facing Lucifer's inquiry, Morgan said: "King Lucifer, I did not leave a way out for myself like Buck. Satan may forgive Buck, but he will never forgive me. My destiny is in Hell's Furnace City, and my army They’re all here too…”

Lucifer knew that what Morgan was telling the truth, he said in a calm tone: "I believe in you Morgan, fallen angels will not be as treacherous as those demons. If you choose to be loyal to me, I will use all my power... to protect you. .”

"This is also the reason why I choose to be loyal to you. Satan is really too arrogant and looks down on us non-demon hell lord kings. Sometimes I really can't understand why Beelzebub and Misuka, as demons, gave up. When Satan came, why did the non-demons Ergos and Angeli still follow Satan.

If they choose to follow His Majesty Lucifer, they will surely gain more respect. "

Lucifer still looked tepid and calm: "Erges and Angela have their own ideas. Maybe they are used to relying on strong people, and I don't seem to be as powerful as Satan."

"Your wisdom and mind are unmatched by Satan... If you have another weapon like the Doomsday Blade, Satan will definitely not be your opponent."

"Flattery will not help the current situation. Satan will soon get a supporting army, but we are only left with the troops participating in the war outside.

If we continue to fight like this, we will definitely lose, so I think..."

When Lucifer was about to issue a new order, a fallen angel guard entered the throne room and reported: "Great King Lucifer, the Five-Color Flag Alliance sent an envoy. He said that he has important matters to discuss with His Majesty."

Five Color Flag Alliance?

Lucifer did not expect that the Five Color Flag Alliance would appear in front of him at this time.

He asked: "Who is the other party?"

"Five Color Flag Alliance, former Prime Minister of Shangjiang City, Duke Feichen—Daliang."

Daliang is definitely a very familiar name to Lucifer. Although he has never met this human being, he had dealt with Daliang in Shangjiang City as early as when the hell lord kings had just escaped from prison.

At that time, Shangjiang was a very ordinary main city of the human race in the main world, and Daliang was a little nobleman with some real power and some brains.

Now Shangjiang is the main ally of the Five Color Flag Alliance, and Daliang...

I have been watching the hell created by the Five-Colored Flag Alliance, and I know what role Daliang played in the establishment of the Five-Colored Flag Alliance. They had vaguely guessed that Daliang was the mysterious fifth main alliance of the Five Color Flag Alliance, but there was no substantial evidence.

Moreover, Lucifer also knew that Daliang had another identity in the kingdom of death.

He is also the Hellboy canonized by Satan.

I have met Metatron, but my relationship with Cloud City is unclear.

He is a well-rounded, difficult guy who cannot be easily offended.

What does he want to do when he comes to Hell Furnace City at this time? You must know that the Five-Color Flag Alliance dispatched three level 16 heroes to capture Buck in Despair City. They and the fallen angels they led should belong to the enemy.

But no matter what, since the other party is here, you might as well meet him first...

Lucifer has long wanted to meet this extremely legendary human being who has flown all the way from a small person to the top of the world.

"Let him in."

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