Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1145 Exchange

"This... is indeed a surprise."

Lucifer regained his calm demeanor. The Five-Color Flag Alliance was really well prepared this time. It appeared at the most critical moment and came up with what it most urgently needed.

One is hell, the other is sulfur cave, choose one.

Give yourself no reason to refuse this exchange, and if you abandon the Sulfur Cave, you can have more military power.

"Okay, I agree to use the Sulfur Cave in exchange for victory in the Furnace War...and" Lucifer looked at Da Liang, thought for a moment and said: "If you can see Angela alone, please tell her...ten thousand years She chose the wrong team before, but ten thousand years later she will have to think clearly about who she should follow.

Now...I would still share hell with her. "

Just as Lucifer finished speaking, the Demon King of Sin, Morgan, spoke up: "Satan is a tyrant. He believes that demons are the highest creatures in hell. Even though they are both lords and kings of hell, he treats the demon race Beelzebub, Misuka, and The attitudes towards Ergus, Angela, me, and Buck were completely different.

On the contrary, King Lucifer did not discriminate against Buck and I because we were not from the fallen angel race.

Never invaded our territory.

Duke Da Liang, please convey my words to Angela.

If she's willing to help, we can seal Satan away again. "

Seal Satan!

Lucifer and Daliang looked at Morgan at the same time. Morgan said: "We have sealed him once, why can't we seal him a second time? No matter how strong he is, he is still a level 16. When Ergos does not participate in the war, Angela is willing to surrender to us. Even if we fight head-on, we can beat him!"

The last time, Morgan personally lured Satan into the trap he set, and then worked with the three fallen angel kings to seal Satan, creating a situation where fallen angels rule hell.

This time, Morgan actually proposed to complete the seal on Satan in a head-on battle. I have to say that he was really bold.

It is not too difficult to defeat a level 16 hero. Enough level 15 heroes can make the level 16 hero retreat.

But it is too difficult to seal a level 16 hero.

If you can't beat him... you can still run away.

Not to mention that Satan, with the Doomsday Blade in his hand, could break through the space and escape when he saw something was wrong.

If Angela, who is good at spatial skills, is willing to help...

Then the plan to seal Satan... is really feasible.

If Satan could be sealed, the source of the infighting in hell would disappear. Fallen angels defeated Satan in a head-on battle

, Lucifer can make the whole hell return to its center, and then be recognized by the evil camp, and truly become the leader of the evil camp.

So Lucifer said to Daliang: "If you can convince Angela to join me and help me seal Satan, I will make you king. Throw away the title of Hellboy and let it be buried with Satan."

The title "King" really stimulated Daliang.

He asked a little lost his temper: "Your Majesty Lucifer, this king you are talking about is..."

Lucifer smiled and said: "There are seven supreme angels in Yunzhong City. As the number one enemy of Yunzhong City in the plane war, we Hell should also have seven kings. I believe... Although you don't have the strength to become the Lord King of Hell now , but it will definitely happen in the future.

Moreover, making one of the main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance the King of Hell can also bring our two camps closer together.

Of course... you are just a king in name only. If you want to get more... you will have them all when you reach level 16. "

Daliang was somewhat surprised that Lucifer could guess that he was one of the main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance, but it made sense after thinking about it carefully. But in order to win over the Five Color Flag Alliance, he gave himself the title of "Hell Lord King"... although it is only an honorary title...

Daliang still had to admire Lucifer's vision and courage.

If Lucifer can successfully seal Satan, he will really be able to put the scattered evil camp back together again.

However, after serious internal strife, the evil camp is still at a disadvantage when facing the good camp, and will even be attacked by Yunzhong City because the situation in hell is clear.

At this time, the evil camp, especially Hell, urgently needs the support of the Five Color Flag Alliance, whether it is directly announcing an alliance, or secretly maintaining a tacit understanding.

The hell after a civil war really needs a strong support.

Using an honorary "king" to win over a camp is not a loss-making deal for Lucifer. However, this kind of magnanimity impressed Daliang deeply. No wonder Lucifer has so many fallen angels following him. There are not many rulers in the world who can achieve this level.

"The King of Hell Lords"

This ultimate BOSS, the first one I dealt with after entering the game, was really confusing to me...

But it is not an easy task to put this title on oneself.

Persuading Angela to seek refuge with Lucifer, and also persuading Angela to cheat Satan. Does she have this ambition and courage?

"let me try."

For this task, Daliang really didn't have much confidence in completing it. But he had to jump into the hole dug by Lucifer.

Lucifer waited for Daliang to agree and said: "Then I wish you all the best, Lord Duke. The Poison Dragon Clan can now take over the Sulfur Cave. In addition...please take me to apologize to the leader of the Amber Clan. The reason why we seized the Sulfur Cave is that you all must have Clearly, in order to survive, you have to fight to the death and do whatever it takes...

I don’t regret what I did to the Poison Dragon Clan, and I also ask Chief Amber to put aside his hatred for the sake of the Poison Dragon’s survival.

Now... I am missing an obelisk. After the matter in Hell is resolved, I will immediately send troops to the Kingdom of Death to wipe out the cyan coalition. Cloud City will definitely not let us take back the obelisk tower of the Kingdom of Death, so there will definitely be a plane-level decisive battle in the Kingdom of Death.

You have a status second only to the Sad Lord in the City of Sighs in the Kingdom of Death, and the City of Sighs and the Blue Alliance are at war. Please tell the Sad Lord for me to prepare to meet the army of hell and fight a larger-scale war. "

In the past, when Lucifer wanted to send troops to the kingdom of death, he tried every means to please the death monarchs, but in the end, he was hot-faced and cold-blooded. The stubborn death monarchs were more willing to deal with the lords and kings of hell. Now... Lucifer, who was confident that Satan would win, immediately hardened his stance and directly announced that he would parachute into the kingdom of death, regardless of the attitude of the death monarchs.

But Daliang smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry about the matter in the Kingdom of Death. The matter of the Blue Alliance will be solved soon. I think before your Majesty wins the war in the Crucible City, the Kingdom of Death will be the first to spread news to cheer up the evil camp. information.

Just leave the obelisk of the undead to the undead. "

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