Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1146 Captain Amber

Although Daliang blocked Lucifer's attempt to invade the kingdom of death, he also felt that... when Lucifer truly took over hell from Satan's hands, the abilities he could unleash would exceed his previous imagination.

He may have unleashed a real devil with his own hands.

Fortunately, the matter in the Sulfur Cave has been settled, and the poisonous dragons can return to their lair. In the Sulfur Cave, the growth rate of poisonous dragons will definitely increase a lot. And Amber, the leader of the Poison Dragon Clan, is worthy of his name...

After leaving hell, Daliang returned to his ruling territory, and then through the hell portal, he found the dragon robbery team floating on the sea.

Although Daliang has stopped being a pirate for some time, the White Fang pirate group he established has gained a reputation on the ocean.

A group of high-level thugs composed of "high-level mages" and "high-level land dragons" frightened every fleet that saw the White Fang Skeleton Jolly Roger. Even the regular naval fleets organized by several large city-states and the White Fang Pirates were destroyed without fail.

The spells all over the sky changed the color of the sea and sky, and the sturdy battleships were easily smashed and torn like paper.

Fighting a naval battle with the White Fang pirates is like experiencing a level 14 storm. Only the lucky ones can escape.

There was a time when the navy fleet did not dare to approach the waters where the White Fang Pirates appeared for a long time. The famous Pirate King would shy away from the White Fang pirate flag when he saw it.

Fortunately, the White Fang pirates were not like the original Sea Emperor. They pillaged unscrupulously and even attacked coastal cities, which aroused public outrage and caused all coastal city-states to unite to destroy them.

After the White Fang Pirates became famous, they introduced the tax policy of "sea crossing fee".

"All merchant ships that see the White Fang Pirates can obtain a White Fang Pirates Pass as long as they pay a sea crossing fee of 10% of the gold coins worth of the goods they carry. During this trade, if they encounter the White Fang Pirates again, they only need to show The pass allows you to pass without rush.

If you pay 5% more, you can buy a 'White Fang Pirates Maritime Voyage Insurance Policy'. During this trade, if you are robbed by other pirates, the White Fang Pirates are responsible for recovering 70% of all losses (excluding personal losses, Excluding accidental losses).

If you pay 10% more, you can also get the luxury escort service of the White Fang Pirate Fleet (allowing you to complete the entire voyage as comfortably as on vacation).


As the commander of the Dragon Robbery Team, Amber is very busy.

Not only do I have to count money every day until my hands cramp, but I also have to arrange fleet escorts.

That's right... when the White Fang Pirates launched their luxury escort service, they unexpectedly became popular with maritime merchants, especially merchants engaged in the trade of valuables. They were very keen to hire the White Fang Pirate Fleet to escort them.

So much so that if you want to get a luxury escort still need to make an appointment and queue up, and then be picked by the White Fang pirates.

The White Fang Pirates' maritime strength has been tested in actual combat. The regular navy can destroy them. Who dares to touch them at sea? Anyway, transporting valuable cargo requires hiring an escort fleet. Wouldn't it be better to save the money and hire the White Fang Pirates to escort them? It's a bit expensive, but it's safe...

the most important is……

When the cargo ship entered the port, the people on the shore took a look... wow! It's the White Fang pirate escort here!

The owner of this caravan is so rich! This fleet must be transporting good stuff!

So much face!

Anyway, Amber's main job now is to collect money, then select highly profitable escort orders, and arrange for nearby fleets to escort them.

In the past, there were blind pirates who needed Amber to deal with, but now there is basically nothing ease.

When I get tired of counting money, I jump into the sea to swim, eat fish, and sleep.

So when Da Liang found Amber through the hell portal, she was lying in the cargo hold of a cargo ship and taking a nap.

And after seeing the appearance of the warehouse, Daliang felt that he should introduce Amber to Marquis Stanley.

Originally, the cabins in the cargo ship were partitioned and divided into small warehouses, which had different functions according to their functions.

But all the cabins in this cargo ship were opened up, forming a spacious and open space, and then... Amber filled this space with gold coins.

The sunlight from outside shone in from the many small windows in the cabin, making the entire cabin glow with golden light, which also made Daliang almost blind when he suddenly came in.

It took a long time before Da Liang identified Amber sleeping among the gold coins.

Due to the needs of the mission, all dragons participating in the Dragon Robbery Team are not allowed to change into a large form, so... Amber at this time is in a small form similar to a lizard man.

When Kohaku was born, she was influenced by her twin brother Crystal Dragon Chisato. Her size, skin color and appearance are different from ordinary poisonous dragons.

The color of the poisonous dragon is dark brown, and the scales are rough and rusty. According to normal aesthetics, the poisonous dragon tribe is the ugliest among all known dragon tribes.

The color of amber is much lighter, with the pink color of the crystal dragon showing through the light yellow color. The scales are small and extremely shiny. After turning into a small form, they are no different from human skin, but are smoother.

Amber was half buried in the pile of gold coins, and the tip of her exposed tail was swinging gently, showing that she was in a good mood in her sleep.

Da Liang walked to Amber's side, and the gold coins under his feet made a clattering sound.

But Amber had no intention of waking up.

So Da Liang bent down and grabbed a handful of gold coins...

Then Amber closed her eyes and said: "Sir...I have already sent you all your gold coins. Everything here belongs to me."

Da Liang stretched out his hand, let the gold coin in his hand slowly slide down, and said: "It's yours now... but it won't be anymore soon!"

Amber finally opened her eyes. She listened to the sound of gold coins hitting her ears, looked at Da Liang above, and said, "Does someone want to take my gold coins away?"

Da Liang let go of the last gold coin in his hand: "It will cost a lot of money to rebuild the Sulfur Cave, and your money is far from enough. Go home... Tell me what you are missing, what you are missing."

After hearing what Daliang said, Amber jumped up from the pile of gold coins. Her tail was swaying violently, and her eyes were staring at Da Liang, as if she wanted to see from his face whether he was joking just now or... really.

"Sir, what you are saying is..."

"You heard that right! I just came back from Hell's Furnace City. Lucifer has promised to return the Sulfur Cave. The fallen angels inside are evacuating. You should immediately take your people to receive it.

I advise you to temporarily put aside this hatred, restrain your emotions, restrain your tribe, and do not conflict with the fallen angels inside.

Lucifer is not something you can deal with now, and if there is no accident in the future, it will be even less possible for you.

It is your mission to make the Poison Dragon Clan prosperous again, and it is also the responsibility entrusted to you by the leader of the Poison Spring Clan. "

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