Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1147 Go home

go home!

The Sulfur Cave is unfamiliar to Amber. Now all poisonous dragons are not born in the Sulfur Cave, but the attachment to the Sulfur Cave is rooted in the bones of every poisonous dragon.

Without the Sulfur Cave, the Poison Dragon Clan would be a wandering race. Although they bear the name of the three major dragon clans, it cannot change the fact that they depend on others.

But taking back the Sulfur Cave is not easy.

The Five Color Flag Alliance will not easily go to war with Lucifer, and the Poison Dragon Clan only has 17 poison dragons in total, which is far from the strength to fight the fallen angels.

Now...the sulfur cave suddenly stood in front of Amber.

She even thought that all this was just a dream, it felt so unreal.

Amber approached Daliang...she was taller than Daliang in terms of height.

She lowered her head and smelled the side of Daliang's face and neck, and the smell was real; she hugged Daliang again, and the feeling was real.

"Thank you, sir..." Amber's voice became choked. She did not let go of Daliang's hand. Big tears dripped down the corners of her eyes and splashed on the gold coins at her feet.

Soon he broke down in tears. Where was the leader of the clan, a level 15 hero?

A golden light enveloped them.

Daliang patted Amber who was hugging him and comforted: "Everything will start again, go home..."

go home!

At this time, Amber let go of Daliang, and then knelt on one knee in front of Daliang: "As the leader of the Poison Dragon Clan, I cannot be loyal to you. But I swear here in the name of the Poison Dragon Clan, that the Poison Dragon Clan will treat you as your master from generation to generation. I am the benefactor of the entire clan. As long as you need me, I... Amber will fight to the death for you."

[Your reputation in the Poisonous Dragon Clan increases: constant to ‘revere’]

[You have received a promise from Amber, the leader of the Poison Dragon Tribe: You can unconditionally summon Amber to fight for you. 】

[You play a central role in the epic plot 'Rebirth of the Poison Dragon Clan'; you play a leading role in the epic plot 'Revival of the Crystal Dragon'; you play a key role in the epic plot 'Crisis of the Purple Dragon' effect. 】

[You gain the title of 'Dragon Redeemer': the intimacy of all dragons +1, and all attributes of the enemy's dragons are reduced by 10%. 】

[You obtain special architectural drawings: Dragon Origin Nest]

[You gain experience...]

[You get gold coins...]

【You get...】

As a summary of the plot missions of the three major dragon clans, the system pulled out a long list of rewards for Daliang. The experience alone allowed Daliang to jump directly from level 50 to level 56.

Other gold coins, equipment, materials, skills, blueprints, etc. are even more dazzling.

It can be seen how rich the rewards are for completing these three epic tasks.

And these are just rewards given by the system. Daliang's hidden gains in this plot are actually more.

It is precisely because the rewards of plot missions will be so generous that all game players will rack their brains to discover and complete the plots, experience each plot story in depth, leave their mark on a legend, and then return with a full load.

Amber... After he was convinced that Lucifer really returned the Sulfur Cave, he immediately summoned his tribe to accept it. She also needs to notify the Purple Dragon Clan and Crystal Dragon Clan to help defend the Sulfur Cave, invite Shangjiang City to help build a defense system, and welcome the birth of new tribesmen.

There are too many things waiting for Amber, the leader of the poisonous dragon clan, to do.

Daliang did not stay at sea for long.

The affairs of Hell and the Poisonous Dragon Clan did not require much time, so he chose to deal with them first. Things in the Kingdom of Death are much more complicated and cumbersome. The Sad Lord, Lucas, and Boswell have reached a preliminary agreement. In this harmonious atmosphere, it is the time to enter into negotiations to gain benefits, and it also takes time to negotiate slowly. , slowly.

Arriving at the City of Sighs in the Kingdom of Death, Daliang first returned to his destiny manor.

Destiny Manor...

Da Liang suddenly sighed.

When I first came up with the name, I just wanted to show off, but I didn't expect that this place would really become a place where fate is decided. The fate of many, many people has been changed here.

In the future, the fate of more people will be changed here.

Go back to the bedroom you haven’t lived in for a while.

The place is still spotless and tidy. When you open the window, you can see the lawn in front of the manor, as well as the blocks of the city of the dead and the church in the foggy area that cannot be seen in the distance.

The sky is full of busy players flying around on flying creatures. Tokugawa Nobunaga is taking the opportunity of the Pacific War to further consolidate his control over the foggy area and make every effort to build the foggy area into a base for cross-dimensional operations.

Dragon's Nest: (Special building without level) Spending a certain amount of resources, 1-2 dragons will be randomly generated every week and can be recruited.

The scope of this dragon clan is quite large. At the 13th level, there are red dragons and green dragons...; at the 14th level, there are ghost dragons and black dragons...; at the 15th level, there are purple dragons and poisonous dragons..., plus those special dragon clans, the dragon clan It is a super large ultimate biological group in itself.

If the dragon clan is unified, then there will be no distinction between good and evil in this world, and there will be no angels or demons.

Dragon Origin's Lair randomly generates dragons that can be recruited every week, which is very worth looking forward to.

If you can recruit a 13th-level dragon, you can make money; if you can recruit a 14th-level dragon, you can make a lot of money; and if you are lucky enough to recruit a 15th-level dragon... it should not be so easy to get a 15th-level dragon from Dragon Origin Nest. A dragon of the same level, but every time you recruit, you have something to think about and something to look forward to, right?

First, finish the matters at Destiny Manor, and then go to the Boneyard to build the Dragon Origin Nest.

"Sir, welcome back to Destiny Manor, your butler is at your service at any time."

The old elf Mike, the housekeeper of Destiny Manor, came to Daliang's room after receiving his summons. He held a silver medal in his hand and red wine on the plate. He saluted Daliang first, and then placed the red wine on the table in front of Daliang. He looked like a British butler in his gestures.

Daliang retracted his attention from looking at the architectural drawings of Dragon Origin Nest. He looked at Mike and asked: "How have you considered the matter I mentioned to you last time?"

The last time he returned to Destiny Manor, Daliang proposed recruitment to the old elf Mike. His burial place needs a comprehensive manager to coordinate the increasingly complex construction of the large tomb.

As far as Daliang knows now... of the heroes with this ability... the only one who can possibly be recruited is Mike.

This was enough time for Mike to think about and investigate many things.

His employer is an upstart in the Kingdom of Death, and his investigation has only revealed the tip of the iceberg of Daliang's entire power, which is enough to make Mike sigh with excitement.

He also met Kukka, who returned briefly. During the gathering, he couldn't believe what he saw in his eyes. This orc who once lived in the foggy area and cheated money with his poor acting skills had now become an imposing commander-in-chief, commanding a battle involving hundreds of thousands of troops. Also owns a city.

And where is myself?

Still an... old elf.

"Sir, Elf Mike is willing to be loyal to you. I will do my best to complete all the tasks you give me and manage your industry well."

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