Start with an Archangel

Chapter 115 Recruitment

The stabilized Da Liang gave Xu Man a thumbs up, and then drove his mount towards the raging flames. The Silver Pegasus knights and the royal griffons lined up and pressed forward until they stopped in front of the raging flames, facing each other. His Pegasus knights and gargoyles stood face to face.

"I'm really sorry. If a friend hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten about the fight with you," Daliang used his little finger to pick out his ears. Without even looking at Lieyan, he pointed at the soldiers he had brought with him and said. : "The soldiers I brought are okay...level 8 silver pegasus knights, level 6 royal griffons, high and low levels, and let Chairman Xu find someone to add status to my soldiers. Can I easily kill you?" Miscellaneous soldiers..."

Daliang's words sounded so familiar to Lieyan Kuangteng's ears. It seems that Feishauzushi was also telling himself the same thing at the beginning. The Pegasus knight and the gargoyle can easily kill the bright griffin. Now Daliang has brought the Silver Pegasus Knight and the Royal Griffin. Why is this script different from what he expected?

Lieyan Kuanteng looked at his own soldiers and Daliang's soldiers with a pale face. Not to mention the soldier's level, each of them was three points shorter in height. This battle would have been lost without having to fight him.

"What should I do? Are you watching the live broadcast?"

Frightened by Daliang's lineup, Liu Shen Wu Zhu Lieyan Kuangteng urgently contacted Feishaozushi.

Shi Fei has also been paying attention to the fight between Lieyan Kuangteng and Daliang. He did not expect that Daliang turned out to be the Silver Pegasus Knight and the Royal Griffin: What is going on? Da Liang has a gryphon in his hand. He must have a relationship with the military in Shangjiang City. Why does he have a Silver Pegasus knight? Now Shangjiang City and Chongming City are fighting openly and secretly. How could he, a player with Shangjiang City's military background, receive a high-level mission in Chongming City that rewards a Silver Pegasus?

"Strange...strange, how did he do it?"

Shi Fei's soliloquy was heard by a player sitting opposite him. The player asked: "Did something happen to Boss Fei?"

Shi Fei came back to his senses and said with a smile: "It's nothing... It's just that Lieyan Kuangteng seems to have encountered some trouble over there in Shangjiang City."

The player also laughed: "Boss Fei is also paying attention to the fight between Lie Yan Teng and Daliang. To be honest, I originally thought that Lie Yan Teng and the Pegasus Knight supported by Boss Fei could definitely defeat Daliang. I didn't expect that Daliang would win in a row. We have all the Silver Pegasus Knights, and we are indeed the most famous player in China second only to Fei Boss. This lineup is really eye-catching."

Shi Fei said: "It is indeed shocking, but if Lieyanngteng fights steadily, he may not be unable to fight with Daliang. After all, having strong troops is one thing, but the final victory or defeat depends on the commander's ability. Lieyanngteng is impatient and impatient. , this battle is definitely lost, and it also makes me feel that I made the right choice to find you? My army needs an excellent commander like you, not a idiot like Lieyan Kuangteng who only knows how to show off his wealth."

The player was very strange: "To be honest, you contacted me suddenly. I really can't believe that one day the world's number one lord, Feishaozushi, will send me a message. But I am very strange, why did you come to me? My level is in the player group." It should be very inconspicuous, right?”

"Level is an important criterion for measuring a player's power, but level does not mean everything. I selected you from many choices. I have read some of your information. You are a very good fighter pilot, and maybe you have a I have little actual combat experience, but retired just because of an accident. I think your way out in the game is not to kill wild boars in the stone mountain, but to return to the sky, and return to the sky in the game. It just so happens that my Pegasus knight army needs A commander with extensive air combat experience, so I contacted you...

You can consider my suggestion and join my army. I can realize your dream. You will soon have an army as luxurious as Da Liang, and you will become the most shining star in the sky of the heroic world. "

The future described by Shi Fei made the player breath a little short. Since retiring, he has dreamed of returning to the sky countless times. Now an opportunity that all players dream of is right in front of them. The world's number one lord personally recruits him to become a commander of the air army. He will command the Pegasus Knight and Silver Pegasus Knight in the live broadcast.

"Okay, I promise you, I can sign an employment contract with you outside the game. Where are you? I'll find you."

"No, for my own safety, I need to keep my identity secret. I have become a company outside the game. Someone will send you the contract. After you sign it, just send it back to the original address. I bought it at Hainan Resort I have found a senior staff dormitory where you can have your room and you can live there at any time. I think the environment in Hainan should be helpful for your leg injury."

"Thank you very much... As the world's No. 1 lord, many people want to know who you are. You are a smart person, high-profile in the game and low-key outside the game. Hmm... Blaze and Daliang seem to be starting to fight, let's go together Let’s see who can win.”

Of course I won.

"Dreamless Wings", the number one ace air combat commander in China in my previous life, is now in my possession. As for the eleven Pegasus knights sold to Lie Yan Kuang Teng, it would be better if they died. Only after they die can Lie Yan Kuang Teng rely more on me and give me money.

It's just that dying in Wang Daliang's hands is still a bit uncomfortable.

Lieyan Kuangteng, who has been trying to contact Feishanzushishi, has not received any response.

Daliang looked at Lieyan, who had been silent for a long time, and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Don't you dare to fight? That's right. It's really shameful to fight with gargoyles. This guy killed hundreds of them casually. Let me tell you , the only thing you need to play this game is money. If you don’t have money, you will just lie down, holding on to a few broken soldiers and not willing to die without even giving up your face. I despise this kind of people the most.”

There was still no response from Fei Sha and Zuo Shi. Lieyan Kuanteng faced the aggressive Daliang and said, "I admit defeat this time. You let me go. From now on, I won't cause you any trouble."

"Let's go... When you found someone to block me outside the shopping mall, you didn't tell them that I could leave!" Da Liang was not willing to let Lieyan Kuangteng go: "I said I can step on you in the game, so... I can step on you as much as I want. If you want the matter between the two of us to end, let me kill all your soldiers. From now on, if you don’t offend me, I won’t cause you any trouble. If you continue to cause trouble outside the game, I will I will kill you to level zero in the game and kill you until you delete your account and quit the server."

"You, don't bully others too much."

"It's you who bullied others too much. If I hadn't been prepared, I would have been lying in the hospital. Today I will let you taste the feeling of being bullied. I have already told you my conditions. I will honestly let you Should we kill all these soldiers, or should we fight to the death when we meet in the future? You make your choice quickly."

Lie Yan Kuanteng contacted Fei Sha Zuoshi again, but there was still no response.

"Choose quickly, my patience is limited." Daliang urged the Royal Griffin to take a step forward.

Facing Daliang who was approaching, Lieyan Kuangteng was finally overwhelmed by his inner defenses. His hands shook violently and he choked out a sentence from his mouth: "Kill him, I won't cause trouble for you again in the future."

There will be a third update tonight.

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