Start with an Archangel

Chapter 116 What are your plans?

This much-anticipated fight suddenly took a dramatic turn. The original lineup of Lieyan Fury was already the top force in the game, leaving players in awe. But Daliang made an amazing appearance as always, and the Silver Pegasus Knight and Royal Griffin once again refreshed everyone's understanding of high-end players.

People began to look forward eagerly to what kind of battle this fight would be, and what kind of exciting aerial battle the two sides would present to everyone.

The cameras are all in place, ground live broadcast, low-altitude tracking shots, high-altitude overlooking, all available shooting methods have been used by the anchors, preparing to present a high-end flying battle to the players who have been waiting in the live broadcast room. Live.

However, the scene that everyone thought of the four arms fighting for supremacy in the sky did not appear. In the clear sky and in full view of everyone, the bright soldiers pounced on the flaming soldiers one by one.

The Silver Pegasus Knight slashed at the Pegasus Knight, and the Royal Griffin pinned the Gargoyle to the ground and tore it apart.

Seeing this scene, the players were shocked! This was against the rules. Daliang actually took action before the fight even started. It was so despicable.

And just when the angry players were about to curse Daliang, they saw that the soldiers of Raging Flames did not seem to resist much, and were quickly killed by Daliang's soldiers. During the whole process, Raging Flames did not have any Actions.

what's going on?

The battle, or rather the massacre, ended quickly. All the soldiers brought by the raging flames fell to the ground, and the Silver Pegasus knights and royal griffins lined up again behind Daliang. Facing the anchors who gathered around to ask what happened, Lieyan Kuanteng didn't say anything, didn't even look at the body on the ground, and directly chose to log off.

So many anchors immediately focused their cameras on Daliang.

"Da Liang, Da Liang. What happened? Why did you suddenly kill Lieyan Kuangteng's soldiers? Isn't this against the rules of the fight? What did you just say to Lie Yan Kuangteng? Why did he get off without saying a word? The line is over, are you threatening him..."

"Yes, I threatened him." Daliang did not intend to hide what happened. Facing the questions from the anchors around him, he said: "I told him that if he asked me to kill all these soldiers, we The previous grudge is over. If he is ready to fight with me, I will kill him one at a time until he surrenders."

The anchors did not expect that Da Liang had no cover at all and directly admitted that he was a threat to Raging Flames. This twist was more exciting than watching an aerial battle!

Let the audience's gossip mentality burn brightly.

"It's so despicable. It interferes with the fairness of the game. This game should be ruled a loss for Daliang."

"Come on, how fair is this fight? I think Daliang did a great job. If I were threatened with personal safety outside the game, I would do the same thing and I should kill him until he surrenders. In the game If you kill me, it's normal for me to kill you. Taking revenge outside the game is too much. I support Da Liang..."

"Didn't Lieyan Fury say that he didn't cause trouble for Daliang outside the game? I think Daliang is just using his power to bully others and clear away the opposition forces for Hunting Hongshang in the Shangjiang University Alliance."

"Bullying others with power? Ask the players in Shangjiang City whether they are bullied more by Lieyan Kuangteng or Daliang. I often see Lieyan Kuangteng occupying the monster spawning area and occupying an iron mine. All Players who mine in it have to pay protection fees. If they don’t pay, they will be killed. It makes no sense. Support Daliang and kill them happily..."

As the players in Shangjiang City listed one thing to denounce Lieyan Kuangteng, the voices that originally sympathized with Lieyan Kuangteng gradually disappeared. For a while, the entire Internet was filled with cheers for Daliang. The "Domineering Emperor" once again had a chivalrous connotation, and Daliang was also revered by players as a hero who eliminated violence and brought peace to the people, a Liangshan hero, and his popularity was unparalleled for a while.

Being interviewed... Da Liang, who had not seen the players for a long time, finally seized the opportunity this time. He was eloquent, talking nonsense with the anchors who gathered around him.

Xu Man listened to the report of the staff below.

"Head, the public opinion on the Internet has been guided by us in a direction that is unfavorable to Lieyan Kuangteng. The people of Lieyan Kuangteng were obviously unprepared. We suppressed them in the first round of confrontation. Now the entire Shangjiang area is against Lieyan Kuangteng. His people were obviously stunned by the sudden change in the duel, and they had no strength to fight back. Our Daliang is so strong and domineering, Lieyan Kuangteng probably has no shame in staying in the alliance."

Xu Man said: "Continue to attack Lie Yan Kuang Teng in public opinion, let the students in the alliance know the true face of Lie Yan Kuang Teng, and let them know that rich families like Lie Yan Kuang Teng will not take ordinary students seriously. Only when we unite In a true alliance, we can be strong together.”

"Yes, Sister Man is really for the alliance. Raging Flames will only use us as gun users and throw them away after using them. By the way, Sister Man, will Da Liang participate in the professional group we are about to establish? There are many core members The members all want to know about this, and if a master like Daliang joins, our professional team will definitely develop rapidly."

"Let me ask him..."

A duel that I was looking forward to ended like this, and the players who came to watch gradually dispersed and went about their own business. Daliang also cooperated very well with the requests of the beautiful anchors, taking many intimate photos, and cordially added each other as friends, and made an appointment to go to the beach to watch the stars on a night with clear clouds and clear moon.

Male anchor? where? Brother, didn’t you see it? Are there any male anchors in this world?

After sending all the anchors away, Da Liang turned around and saw Xu Man, thinking of the interaction he had just had with the anchors (female). Daliang said with a slight embarrassment: "Thank you, Chairman Xu, for reminding me about the fight with Lieyan Kuanteng, otherwise I would have forgotten it."

Xu Man said: "Don't call me Chairman Xu anymore. I have resigned from the student union."

Daliang sighed: "Yes, I should have resigned a long time ago. The people below have been staring at this position with jealousy for I don't know how long... Huh? What do you want to do while you are waiting for me here?"

"I do have something to ask you. This is not the place to talk. I know the beer in the Thorium bar in the city is good. Let's talk slowly while drinking."


Daliang and Xu Man both clicked back to the city and came to the Thorium Bar together.

The waiter put two glasses of beer in front of the two of them. Da Liang took a sip and repeatedly praised: "It's really delicious."

Watching Da Liang finish a large glass of beer, Xu Man ordered another glass for him, and then asked: "Graduation is coming soon, what are your plans?"

What are your plans, fellow book lovers? Archangel will be on the shelves tomorrow. Do you have a subscription? Do you have a monthly pass? I'm ready for more updates... I'm just waiting for subscriptions to skyrocket.

Thanks to every book friend who supports Archangel, see you in the VIP chapter.

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