Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1151 The direction of war in the Kingdom of Death

The construction progress of Dragon Origin Nest takes seven days.

Daliang did not wait in the big tomb for the Dragon Origin Nest and the Prayer Altar to be completed. Instead, after gathering his own bodyguards, he came to the City of Sighs again.

In the Cathedral of the City of Sighs, Daliang met the sad monarch whom he had not seen for a while.

The negotiations with the Cyan Alliance and the Wizards Guild went very smoothly, and he took a solid step towards his goal of unifying the Kingdom of Death and being promoted to the Unsullied Pope.

Especially when the Wizards Guild took the initiative to release Will, the Sad Lord was even more happy.

When Da Liang saw the Sad Lord, he naturally also saw Will.

Sitting in the chair opposite the Sad Lord, Da Liang first said to Will: "I'm sorry, Captain Will, I think you already know some things. The situation at that time... I can only arrest you so that both parties can A balance is achieved on the battlefield of Evernight, prompting the two cities to end the war and come together.

Please believe me, I have no intention of harming you.

Although I am a wizard, I am also a believer in the New Unsullied Doctrine. At that time, my two identities tortured me every moment...

Fortunately, it's all over. The Wizards Guild has become a member of the New Unsullied Holy See. Together, we can create the future of the Kingdom of Death. "

Will stood behind the sad monarch, his black full-body armor exuding an icy aura. Will's answer to Daliang was equally cold: "As a subordinate of the monarch, I can forgive everything Speaker Eviscerate did to me; but as a friend... I can only say that our friendship will not be the same after I know the truth. exists.

But please rest assured, Speaker, I will still respect you as before... "

The Sad Lord said at this time: "Will is right... After I knew your identity, I wanted to kill you immediately. Even now... I can't forgive you for your betrayal of me.

But I have to admit, you did a very good job. It can be said that in your position, no one can do better than you.

Therefore... no matter how much I want to kill you, I will still continue to trust you and reuse you.

You are indispensable to the kingdom of death. "

Da Liang slightly saluted the sad monarch, and then said: "Thank you, monarch, for understanding me... Now that the negotiations between Yongye City and Sigh City are about to end, the leaders of the cyan coalition will also come to Sigh City to participate in the alliance, which will surely shock the world. The grand occasion has the effect of affecting the entire plane war.

I want to know... what should we do with those old religious monarchs. "

The Sad Lord replied: "This is exactly what Boswell, Lucas and I have a headache for. Even if we can capture and seal the Sighing Lord in the City of Sighs, we still have to face five Death Lords.

They will definitely not sit still and wait for death. A war is inevitable.

However, the five death monarchs of the old religion are ultimately in disarray. We use military offensive and doctrine dissemination strategies to disintegrate and divide their power, then defeat them one by one, and finally force them to convert to the ultimate faith. "

Regarding the plan of the Sad Monarch, Daliang put forward a different idea: "The undead fighting the undead will damage the strength of the death kingdom. In the plane war, we still have many battles to fight, and we should not invest too much military power in internal fighting. middle."

Daliang's statement caused the Sad Lord to nod, but how could we deal with the death monarchs of the old religion without fighting?

"Do you have any better suggestions for dealing with those old religious death monarchs...?"

Daliang said: "Capture and seal the Mourning Monarch, negotiate a truce with the Death Monarch of the old religion, expel the invading elves, and open up a battlefield in the magical realm."

The four steps mentioned by Daliang, except for capturing and sealing the Sad Lord, the remaining three strategies are completely different from the Sad Lord's plan.

The Sad Lord asked: "Shall we give up the opportunity to unify the kingdom of death?"

Daliang explained: "No...this can instead speed up the unification of the Kingdom of Death without breaking out into a large-scale civil war."

"Interesting, tell me what you think."

"Capturing the Mourning Lord will allow President Boswell and President Lucas to occupy Eternal Night City with peace of mind; negotiating with the Old Religion's Death Lord will reassure them that they will not unite because of our military pressure. Without a leader, they will not have the ideas and power to attack us for a moment.

Expelling the invading elves and opening up the battlefield in the magical realm is a way to express your attitude to all undead heroes and the entire world.

You quelled the civil war in the Kingdom of Death and shattered the conspiracy in Cloud City. While there is still a civil war in hell and other allies are struggling to cope with the invasion, it is you who take the lead in leading the army of death from the evil camp to start the first battle against the good camp.

Your prestige will reach its peak the moment your army steps into the magical realm.

At that time... in the eyes of everyone, you were the representative of the Kingdom of Death and the well-deserved ruler of the Kingdom of Death.

And the five death monarchs of the old religion are five lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The New Unsullied Doctrine will sweep across the entire death kingdom with your reputation... When the time comes, you only need to send a general to take over those who have been killed. The city of the dead who converted to the ultimate faith.

Extending the butcher's knife to the enemy is what a ruler should do. "

Will said at this time: "Sovereign, I agree with the Speaker's strategy. When we were fighting the civil war, these despicable elves occupied a lot of our lands, and these will be the fulcrum for the Magical Realm to invade us in the future.

Now the elves in the Magic Realm are at war with the rebellious dwarves. It is a good opportunity for us to expel the invading elven army and attack the Magic Realm. If we start a civil war again, even if we finally eliminate the five heretic monarchs, the elves who have already eliminated the dwarf rebels will have a very large strategic advantage over us.

And we are likely to be without troops for a long time.

Continuously losing land will damage your prestige. "

The sad monarch has been thinking about Daliang's strategy. It is a dangerous move to attack the outside first if he is not worried about the inside. If a few small victories can be achieved in the war against the magical realm, then things within the Kingdom of Death will naturally be swept away by the autumn wind, and the five Death Lords will have no choice but to surrender.

But if it's a disastrous defeat...then what can I do to defend my land?

The Sad Lord slowly raised the armrests of the chair with his withered fingers, and said slowly: "You have all forgotten to consider Yunzhong City. How could those angels watch us fight in the Magic Realm and ignore it?

Until now, they have not made any move in the plane war. "

Daliang said: "The war in Hell's Furnace City will have results in the near future..."

The sad monarch's withered fingers suddenly stopped. He leaned forward towards Da Liang's position and asked in an expectant tone: "What's the result?"

"Lucifer wins!"

"you sure!"

"Very sure!"

The Sad Lord suddenly stood up and said, "Will... prepare to attack the magical realm."

Will loudly replied: "Yes, my lord!"

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