Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1152 The Mourning Monarch

Three days later, a majestic heavy rain came to the City of Sighs.

The dark clouds in the sky made the originally dark space even more gloomy. From time to time, lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the gloomy city, and then rolled into all directions with rumbles of thunder.

The wind howled, and the undead flying in the sky also took shelter.

The pouring rain washed away this city of the undead, and then formed streams on both sides of the street, making the road surface newly paved with bluestone reflect the luster.

The city is still as quiet as ever, and some undead creatures exposed in the open air still stand motionless, letting the rain water them. Even if they are knocked down and carried away by the current, it is rare that they will get up on their own initiative. For the imbecile undead, there is not much difference between lying down, standing, here and there.

Even if he was trampled by a group of terrifying knights running on the road and crushed to pieces... there would be no difference.

Horse hooves hitting the bluestone pavement broke the tranquility of the city. A group of well-equipped hero-level terrifying knights escorted a skeleton carriage and ran against the heavy rain.

They are also the only undead in the entire city who are active outside.

Soon the procession stopped at the door of a church.

This is a newly built church. There are traces of polishing on the stone on the outer wall, and the door still smells like paint. Unlike most heavily guarded Immortal churches, there are no guards in this church, and the church is completely silent. You can't hear the whispers of ghosts or the priests reciting Immortal doctrines.

All the terrifying knights dismounted neatly, and then lined up in two rows between the carriage and the church, with rainwater flowing down their armors.

At this time, the door of the carriage opened, and a bishop wearing an unstained divine robe to cover his appearance stepped out of the carriage.

The bishop walked towards the church door, and the terrifying knight closest to the door knocked on the closed wooden door.

"Outside the door is the Bishop of the Mist District of the City of Sighs, the Vice-President of the Unsullied Holy See of the City of Sighs, and the Ultimate Faithful Death Mentor, Lord Eviscerate. We were ordered by the Sorrowful Lord to invite the Sorrowful Lord to attend an important event at the Cathedral of the City of Sighs. Meeting."

The Sorrowful Lord originally lived in the Cathedral of the City of Sighs, but the Sorrowful Lord finally had enough of his daily abuse, and the negotiations with the Wizards Guild could not be known to the Sorrowful Lord. Therefore, the Sad Lord built the new Immaculate Church for Lord Aiyin near the cathedral, and Aiyin and a small number of his subordinates moved into the new church.

This time Daliang was entrusted by the Sad Lord and came to invite the Sad Lord to a meeting. He stood outside the church, letting the rain wash away, feeling the desolation that the once-dead country's first monarch was now experiencing.

The quiet church showed that... there are not many undead souls in Eternal Night City who are still following the Monarch of Mourning. The stubbornness and loyalty of the undead... are so vulnerable in the face of ultimate faith.

This... is your last chance, Wailin!

After waiting for a long time, the Monarch of Mourning came out of the church. Wearing a monarch's crown and holding a scepter, he was still as imposing as ever. The magic he released washed away all the rain around him, causing the terrifying knights and heroes who belonged to the sad monarch to bend their straight legs. waist.

Daliang walked up to Monarch Mourning, bowed first and then said: "Monarch Mourning... Monarch Mourning is about to hold an important meeting in the cathedral, and he entrusted me to invite you to attend.

The carriage is ready..."

Daliang made an invitation gesture, and the Mourning Lord glanced at Daliang with his eyes condensed with soul fire, and then boarded the skeleton carriage that came to greet him.

"Go to the cathedral!" Da Liang ordered the terrifying knights to mount the undead horses again to clear the way, and he also sat in the car.

The heavy rain continued to fall outside, and the carriage started slowly. This time the team did not gallop, and the carriage drove smoothly on the road without bumps.

Seeing Monarch Aiyin staring at him, Daliang opened the hood of the bishop's robe, revealing his human appearance, smiled at Monarch Aiyin and said: "Your Majesty, why are you looking at me like this? In Yongye City When , you already knew that I was a human being..."

Lord Aiyin shifted his gaze slightly and said: "I know you are a human being, but I cannot understand that a living being can understand the doctrine of Immortality and put forward the ultimate belief that collapses the faith of the Kingdom of Death.

No matter how much I resist the ultimate belief, my subordinates leave me one by one. The more powerful the undead are, the less they can withstand the temptation.

During this time, I saw the changes in the City of Sighs. Melancholy was once more like a creature than all our kings, and now his cities are filled with a life that disgusts me. But I have to admit that the City of Sighs is already prepared to fight a plane war, better than all our monarchs. I know that you brought this.

Sadness is lucky to have you...

It's also your luck.

Because except for sorrow, no death king can reuse you. "

In the carriage, Lord Laiyin did not act like a dead monarch. He had lost his power, the city, and his subordinates, which allowed him to calmly understand many things.

We also saw Daliang’s role in the changes in the City of Sighs.

Lord Aiyin chatted with Daliang like an old friend, and Daliang also looked at the rain outside and said: "Sovereign, you should know that you will not get what you want in Sighing City. What are your plans for the future?

Don't you want to try your luck with other Death Lords? "

The Monarch of Lamentation chuckled lightly: "When I go to other monarchs, it will not be better than in the City of Sighs. The first monarch once brought me supreme glory, but now it has become the biggest drag.

Sadness also takes advantage of this and puts no restrictions on me, right? "

Daliang thought of his responsibilities and turned to say: "Why don't you accept the ultimate belief, Your Majesty? The Sad Lord has already started research on becoming a god, and he also very much hopes that you, Your Majesty, can join us to meet the Supreme God of Death?"

With your new Unsullied Holy See, we will surely be able to quickly unify the kingdom of death and speed up the progress of research into becoming a god.


Daliang persuaded Monarch Aiyin and tried his best to win this first monarch into the new Wugou Holy See.

Daliang's invitation aroused the silence of the mourning monarch.

The rain outside became even heavier, and the scenery on both sides could no longer be seen. Only the sound of rain and the sound of the hoofbeats of the terrifying knights could be heard.

After a while, the mournful monarch said: "I just said that the first monarch is my biggest burden. I can't remember how many years I have been standing at the top of the kingdom of death. How can I bow to sadness...?"

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