Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1153 The end of an era

The explanation given by Lord Aiyin left Daliang with nowhere to speak to continue his persuasion.

It seems...Monarch Aiyin has accepted the ultimate belief, at least no longer rejects it. But it was impossible to persuade him to join the New Unsullied Holy See. When the Monarch of Sorrow, who was used to being the boss, was unwilling to succumb to the younger brother of the Monarch of Melancholy, it was impossible for the Monarch of Melancholy to give up the throne of the Pope.

Seeing that Daliang didn't say anything else, Lord Aiyin said: "I'm very curious... How did Sadness ambush me? Before the attack started, Speaker Eviscerate was interested in answering a few questions of mine."

Lord Aiyin's words made Daliang tense up. He did not expect that Lord Sadness's elaborate arrest plan would be discovered by Lord Aiyin.

Da Liang pretended to be deaf and said: "Ambush? What kind of ambush? The Sad Lord is waiting for you to go to the cathedral for a meeting."

"Don't lie to me anymore. This heavy rain is very strange, and your arrival is also very strange. The conversation just now should be Sadness's final surrender to me, but I refused...

Now I am the biggest obstacle on the road ahead of melancholy, and he will not allow me to continue to block his way.

It's just... I'm sad that he himself is no match for me. If he wants to capture me, he must have helpers of equal strength to him, and he must also set up an ambush.

Now that I have entered his ambush, I am really curious about who is Sadness's helper? Which monarchs fell so quickly to your ultimate faith? "

I don't know when the carriage stopped. Except for the increasingly louder rain, there was no sound outside.

It was dark and nothing could be seen.

Being seen through... Facing the first monarch of the Kingdom of Death, Daliang would be lying if he said he was not nervous, but he still forced himself to calm down, and then replied: "Sighing City has reached a truce and reconciliation agreement with Yongye City, the wizard The Guild and the Cyan Alliance will officially announce their withdrawal from the good camp tomorrow and join the New Unsullied Holy See.

The Melancholy Lord will personally crown Boswell as the Death Lord, and President Lucas will obtain the status of the Death Lord in the new Unsullied Church, and continue to preside over the Wizards Guild to devote himself to the research of becoming a god.

Yesterday...Boswell and President Lucas had already arrived at the City of Sighs. "

The people who participated in the ambush turned out to be Boswell and Lucas, which somewhat surprised the Wailing Lord, and even made him a little angry. These two undead were the main culprits that caused his end. They took away his Eternal Night City, took away everything from him, and now they want to seal themselves.

It's so ironic.

But Monarch Aiyin did not get angry as before, but still maintained the majesty and demeanor of a monarch. He said: "It's them... By the way, the ultimate belief has eliminated the most fundamental contradiction between the Immaculate Holy See and the Wizards Guild.

It is natural for Sadness, Boswell, and Lucas to join hands.

With two level 16 heroes, Eternal Night City, and ultimate faith, the entire Kingdom of Death may soon surrender and mourn.

It's so amazing that Sadness, the seventh monarch, has completed the unification of the kingdom of death!

This is something I haven't even finished yet...

Speaker Eviscerate, can you tell me the whole story? From the time you came to the Kingdom of Death, I can guess that you play a vital role in it. I want to know everything I don't know.

In return, I can make your task a little easier. "

"Easier?" Daliang asked: "Are you going to give up your resistance and let the Sad Lord seal you?"

The mournful monarch laughed: "Death is not a bad thing for the undead, not to mention it is just a seal. Since the sorrowful unification of the death kingdom is unstoppable, even if I escape, I will just live in exile like a bereaved dog.

It only adds to the unnecessary humiliation...

It's better to rest here.

I don't believe that the seal exists forever. Just like the lords and kings of hell who have been locked up for thousands of years, don't they still come out? I feel that when I come out of the seal next time, the world will be different.

Maybe the undead have forgotten my name, and that will be a new beginning.

The era of sadness has come, and the era of mourning is about to end. "

The words of Monarch Aiyin made Daliang stand in awe. When the shackles of power fell from his body, the strongest undead monarch became a true wise man.

Retreat bravely from the rapids, maintain your dignity, and wait for the next rebirth.

Now I just want to solve the many doubts in my heart and spend the long wait with peace of mind.

Daliang didn't hide too much from the Monarch of Aiyin. He started from the time when he first came to the foggy area, telling how he would rise if he could gain a foothold here.

The formulation, dissemination and establishment of ultimate beliefs.

All the inside stories of the battle in Evernight City.

And how he pushed the New Unsullied Holy See and the Wizards Guild to sit on the negotiating table.

The process was tortuous and winding. Even though Monarch Aiyin was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by all the hidden secrets and admired Daliang's wisdom and skill in it.

Outside the carriage, it was raining heavily.

The skeleton carriage was parked in the middle of an open square. The terrifying knights escorting it had already disappeared, leaving only the carriage parked there alone.

The rainwater from all directions collected along the street towards the square.

It stands to reason that so much water should have submerged the square long ago, but the water in the square has always remained at the height of a hand, without increasing or decreasing at all.

A thunderbolt penetrated the sky, and then more and more lightnings continued to explode.

The flash illuminated the square below, and also illuminated the three figures surrounding the carriage twenty meters away.

Wearing ordinary black smocks, they stood motionless in the heavy rain... facing the carriage in which the Monarch was riding.

At this time... the lightning in the sky became more dense, connecting together to form an erupting power grid.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket struck, and a water column more than ten meters high exploded in the stagnant water in the square, and then more and more lightning struck down.

In an instant... the square seemed to be enveloped in a heavenly disaster.

The energy of lightning spread along specific lines after falling into the water. Scattered electric snakes jumped above and below the water, and the magic circle hidden under the water was lit.

It gets brighter and brighter, and guides the power grid in the opposite direction to form a magic circle.

The two magic circles reflected each other, and the electric energy generated in the middle had completely enveloped the three casters and the carriage.

The gathered mana caused the earth to begin to shake, the light soared into the sky, and the surrounding buildings collapsed and shattered. Even the most stupid undead couldn't help but crawl to the ground under this power.

Dazzling light shines into the carriage compartment...

After Daliang revealed the whole incident to Monarch Aiyin, he took out a space scroll and wanted to use it. However, when he saw Lord Aiyin sitting there steadily, he put away the scroll and saluted Aiyin, then opened the car door and walked out.

The moment Da Liang closed the car door again, all the lightning disappeared instantly, and all the rainwater within the magic circle stopped in place.

Even Da Liang kept closing the door and was caught on the spot.

Then, under Da Liang's gaze, the water in the square reversed and enveloped the carriage.

Packed layer by layer, compressed layer by layer, no matter how much water poured onto the carriage, there was no expansion at all. Soon all the water in the square clung to the carriage, forming a thin film of water.

Then, the rainwater that stopped in the air began to concentrate on the carriage, and at the same time, the two corresponding magic circles rapidly shrank.

Just when the magic circle was about to disappear, another bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

The lightning hit the carriage, and the aftermath was so powerful that it pushed Da Liang backwards. Da Liang, who was constantly rolling in the air, finally saw the carriage in which the Monarch of Mourning disappeared without a trace after the lightning disappeared.

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