Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1158 The Furnace War

The furnace of hell.

As a floating city, the Furnace City is suspended in the Abyss Furnace. The lava rivers gathered from all sides provide the best peripheral protection for the strongest main city in hell. Even if hell creatures generally have a high-fire bed or even a fire-proof constitution, they are still easily rolled into the endless abyss by the rushing magma in the lava river.

At this time, Hell's Furnace City was a battlefield for hundreds of miles... Volcanoes erupted everywhere, and the magma pillars rose up to a height of hundreds of feet.

Black smoke filled the sky, and semi-cooled magma stones fell like rain.

The gaps in the magma river and the islands in the river are filled with warring hell armies. The Furnace City and Satan's warriors are fighting back and forth on every piece of land that can be settled. An army was sent up, but it was quickly exhausted.

In the lava river, there are large hell creatures that are immune to fire damage like the Abyss Python. Their main function is to serve as troop transport ships, carrying armies fighting for key areas and transporting these hell warriors along the river to the battlefield. From time to time, he has to fight with the enemy's large hell creatures in the boiling magma, causing huge waves one after another.

Fallen angels and demons fight over the sky of Hell's Furnace, which is the most convenient way to attack the Furnace City. Magic and combat skills made the originally dark red sky reflect a variety of lights.

Most of the elites in the entire hell are concentrated here. They fight for the master of hell in their hearts. The intensity of the war is hotter than the magma everywhere.

Daliang once again came to the battlefield of Hell Furnace City. This time he did not go to Hell Furnace City, but entered a hell army camp on the edge of the battlefield.

This is the camp prepared by Bartlett for the army of Despair City. The thinking of human combat has deeply affected this hell army. Although they are far from the military discipline of the human army, compared with other hell armies, the army of Despair City is already in order.

Being able to let the hellish creatures known for their chaos build a square military camp and have the unruly demons stand by in a square formation shows how strong the commanding abilities of Howard and Bartlett are.

In the Chinese army's tent, Daliang saw Bartlett, who was presiding over the construction of the military camp.

"When will Your Majesty arrive at the battlefield?"

Bartlett asked the demon subordinates who were listening here to leave, and then took Da Liang to the strategic map of Hell Furnace City. He pointed on it and said: "Your Majesty, the main force of the army of Despair City will arrive on the battlefield tomorrow at the latest... Now Satan is gradually putting all his military forces into the battlefield, and is preparing for a decisive battle. The Lord King's army has advanced ten kilometers and occupied the center of a magma river less than fifteen kilometers away from the Furnace City. island.

The latest battle report shows that Satan, Ergos, and Angela have stationed themselves on the island in the middle of the river, and are using magic to cool the magma to expand the area of ​​the island and amass troops...

Satan and Angela have given us orders many times to enter the battlefield. But they were all rejected by me on the grounds that "the troops are too few and the main force has not arrived yet."

How to fight tomorrow? Who to hit?

Please give me clear instructions so that I can formulate a battle plan. "

Daliang took a look at the battlefield situation in Hell's Furnace City.

Facing the offensive of the hell lords, Furnace City's strategy is to gradually resist and gradually retreat to reduce losses. After all, after the war is over, both the offensive and defensive armies will belong to Lucifer, and he will still have to face Yunzhong City and the entire dimensional war.

Of course, die less if you can, and gather more if you can.

Daliang said to Bartlett: "Satan is too self-righteous and not a good partner. So I chose to support the calmer Lucifer.

Now that Lucifer has given the Sulfur Cave to the Poisonous Dragon Clan, the goal of the Despair City army is to cooperate with Furnace City to annihilate Satan's army.

I ask you to prepare two sets of battle plans. "

Bartlett asked strangely: "Two sets?"

"Two sets..." Daliang replied affirmatively: "The first set is to attack the Lord King's army that has the will to fight. The main attack will be given to the fallen angels in the Furnace City. We will feint attack behind the Lord King's army to preserve our own strength. as the main task.

The second set is to attack the lord king's army, which is quickly losing its will to fight. Our army must dare to break through and penetrate, divide and surround the lord king's army, and recruit and surrender enemy troops to the maximum extent to expand our military strength as the main task. "

Bartlett was even more surprised: "How could the Lord King's army lose its will to fight so quickly? Even if we cooperated with the Furnace City to launch a pincer attack on the Lord King. But with Satan, Ergos, and Angela around, the Lord King's army The resistance will be fierce.

And I don’t think it’s advisable to conserve strength… If we just harass them, Crucible City won’t have the ability to quickly defeat the Lord King. In order to prevent a surprise attack in Yunzhong City, only by devoting all our strength to end the war as quickly as possible with minimal losses can we have the ability and time to organize and resist the angel's attack. "

Everyone can see that Yunzhong City is waiting for the decisive battle in Hell Furnace City.

Daliang insisted on his plan. He did not explain the details to Bartlett, but said: "The war in Furnace City has been finalized, and there are only two outcomes...Satan lost the battle and Lucifer fled, or Satan was captured and sealed. .

Corresponding to the two sets of attack plans I mentioned, you only need to formulate these two sets of plans, and then adapt to the situation with His Majesty. "

Bartlett wanted to ask again, but Da Liang waved his hand to stop him and said: "Send someone to invite King Angela to the battlefield. Just say that I am here... I want to catch up with her... and let her come alone."

At this time, Angela was standing on the newly occupied river center island. On the surrounding lava river, there were troops being transported one after another. A team of hero units arrived at the river island through the portal, and then released water magic to cool the lava on the edge of the river island, expanding the area of ​​the island.

Although not good at fighting, Angela's space magic gave the Lord King's army the ability to fight against the hell portal on the battlefield in Furnace City.

When the fallen angels raid a certain location through the hell portal, there will always be demons rushing out through the portal opened by Angela, giving the fallen angels a head-on attack. After suffering several losses, the fallen angels no longer used hell portals casually, appearing too far behind enemy lines at will.

As an auxiliary hero, Angela's combat tasks are far less onerous than Ergus, but her role is greater than that of Ergus, who can only run rampant, and is relied upon by Satan.

Especially the reinforcements coming from Despair City were still led by her subordinates.

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