Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1159 The Demon King of Jealousy

Looking at Satan standing in front of the island and staring in the direction of Furnace City, Angela was very proud at this time.

Howard's battle in the City of Despair was exceptionally beautiful. Not only did he successfully occupy the City of Despair, he also captured Buck, the Demon of Pain, broke an arm of Lucifer, and evened the strength of the Lord King and the Furnace City.

That battle exceeded everyone's expectations, including Satan and Angela.

Although Howard, after occupying the City of Despair, did not listen to orders and had the idea of ​​self-respect, but the rule in hell is "a devil who doesn't want to rebel against the boss is not a good devil." Therefore, Satan and Angela did not have much ill intentions towards Howard, and the war in Furnace City also prevented them from intervening too much in the edge city of Despair City.

But Howard once again gave them a surprise. He brought a sizable army, a hell army that was enough for the lords and kings to capture the Furnace City.

And this army is nominally Angela's subordinates.

Satan was in a very good mood, and he was full of praise for Angela, and even hinted that Angela's ranking among the Lords of Hell could be improved.

Improve it some...

The second-ranked Demon King of Deception, Beelzebub, and the fourth-ranked Demon King of Greed, Misuka, are missing. Satan is extremely disappointed with these two lord kings. The future rulers of hell will be Satan, Ergos and himself.

Does the improvement in ranking mean... that he will surpass Ergus and become the second lord king of hell?

Ha ha ha ha……

"King Angela!" At this time, a big demon landed next to Angela and said: "Lord Bartlett of Despair City sent a messenger to invite your majesty to their military camp to discuss important matters."

Angela asked casually: "What important thing? I still need to go there in person! Has Howard arrived? Let him come to me!"

"They said... it was a good friend of yours named Daliang who invited you over to reminisce about old times?"


The smile on Angela's face froze, and then a very bad premonition came into her heart. She looked at Satan, and after realizing that Satan was not paying attention to her, she asked in a low voice: "What else did they say? ?”

"The messenger said nothing, but asked the king... to go alone."

"I know..." Angela guessed what Daliang wanted to do with her, but she couldn't figure out what this clever human being wanted to do with her. But thinking about the relationship between Howard and Shangjiang, and the relationship between Shangjiang and the Five Color Flag Alliance, Angela suddenly realized that the army of Despair City must have other motives for joining the war at this time.

Could it be that Howard has defected to the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and the Five-Color Flag Alliance wants to use the outcome of this war as a bargaining chip to obtain the benefits of hell?

Damn it!

Angela knew that Daliang came to her to prepare for negotiations. If the negotiation was good... the army of Despair City would be her reinforcements. If the negotiation was not good... this army would be the knife that stabbed her in the back.

Angela, who thought she had guessed Da Liang's purpose, did not tell Satan about it. The city that has left Ten Thousand Years is just ahead. Angela cannot get into trouble with Satan at this time. She must solve the problem quietly.

And Daliang also allowed himself to go alone.

First agree to the conditions of the Five Color Flag Alliance, and as for the implementation... wait until the war is won.

Angela left River Island with an excuse and entered the military camp of Despair City through the portal. A hell army formed a phalanx in the military camp.

Then I saw a smiling Daliang in the Chinese army tent.

Just after Daliang asked all the people in the tent to go out, Angela, who could not hold herself any longer, clapped her hands on the table in front of Daliang and asked: "Isn't the Five-Color Flag Alliance enforcing neutrality? Why are you here! Control a It is not in line with your neutral stance to have an army from hell participating in a plane battle.

As long as you keep this army, I can let you take Howard back to Shangjiang. "

Daliang said in surprise: "We already have a king in Shangjiang City. Why should I take Howard away? King Angela, please don't get so angry and sit down first. To be honest, the main purpose of my coming to the Furnace City this time is to fight Come and see Your Majesty, I haven’t seen you for a while, Your Majesty has become more understanding of people.”

Angela also realized that she was a little anxious and lost her temper. She sat down in the chair next to Daliang, folded her legs in a seductive manner, smiled coquettishly, hooked her eyes with Daliang and said: "I knew you were not the Duke in Shangjiang City. A guy who is easy to deal with, so I admit defeat this time, tell me...what do you want? As long as you can help us take back Hell's Furnace City, I can agree to any conditions you have.

Even if…………. "

As she spoke, Angela leaned towards Daliang and looked at the human in front of her with all her charm.

Angela is already a stunning witch in her own right, and the sound, smell, and touch at this moment are irresistible.

Daliang took away Angela's hand and said with a smile: "I don't dare to have any thoughts about you, King Angela. The last person who was charmed by your majesty... was beheaded in front of me. In fact, your majesty can Don't worry, the purpose of my invitation has nothing to do with the Five Color Flag Alliance.

I just want to rekindle our old friendship with you, and then I want you to help me make a sealing device. I need to seal a very strong hero, very, very strong. "

Seeing that Charming Daliang failed, Angela sat back down again. After hearing Daliang's request, she asked: "I'm curious why you asked me to be the sealing device... When there was no Five Color Flag Alliance, you asked me to be the sealer. The device still makes sense. Now you in the Five Color Flag Alliance have several level 16 heroes. In terms of spell casting ability, there is almost no magician in the world who is stronger than the leader of the Purple Dragon. Even Buck can capture the seal in Despair City. It seems that in this regard You don’t need my help, do you?”

This time it was Daliang's turn to move closer to Angela, and he said in a low voice: "Mainly because the two sealing devices you made for me, King Angela, are very easy to use. You are worthy of being the lord of hell who has been sealed for thousands of years. Wang's work. The hero I want to lock down this time has the same strength as those two unlucky guys, so I think the device you made is more reliable."

Angela always felt that there was something in Daliang's words, and he also revealed his scars that had been sealed for thousands of years without any concealment. A dark mystery became thicker and thicker in her mind. She asked warily: "This time Who do you want to seal? If you don't tell me, I will never make a sealing device for you."

Da Liang laughed, and then he took out several badges and placed them on the table one by one.

When Da Liang put "Erges' Gaze" on the table, Angela didn't react much. She had already known that Ergus gave this badge to Da Liang; when Da Liang put "Buck's Heart-Eating" on When they were on the table, Angela's expression remained the same. Buck, the traitor, had been caught by the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and there was nothing surprising about his badge being in Da Liang's hand.

But when "Mishuka's Induction" was placed on the table, Angela's eyes immediately straightened. She looked at the badge on the table and then at Daliang, and asked: "How come you have this? Did you see Mi Xiuka, where is he?"

Daliang did not answer, but slowly placed the last "Beelzebub's Listening" on the table, and then said: "King Angela, you remember what I just said... I will use the seal you made for me. The device shut down two 'unlucky guys'!"

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