Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1160 Persuading Surrender

It was obvious who the two unlucky guys were, looking at the slightly dazzling badges on the table.

Misuka and Beelzebub would never hand over their badges to a human for no reason, and when they lost news, it was also when Daliang asked him to make a sealing device.

As a hell creature born in flames, Angela had never felt this kind of cold. The coldness that penetrated from the soles of her feet numbed her legs, making her whole body feel as if she had fallen into the coldest ice cave. Even when she was ambushed by Lucifer and sealed, she didn't feel so frightened.

The ten-thousand-year seal may be a talking point for outsiders. They may be surprised, but there is absolutely no way they can understand the suffering that the hell lords and kings have endured.

Tens of thousands of years passed second by second in a closed room that was constantly extracting his own power.

Angeli definitely didn't want to experience the seal again, but these four badges seemed to indicate his fate.

After waiting for a long time, Angela said: "Tell me this...don't be afraid of being known by Satan! Satan has been looking for Beelzebub and Misuka. If he knew that the Demon King of Deception and the Demon King of Greed were in your hands, he would definitely kill them." Get rescued.”

Daliang smiled and said: "Who do you think the sealing device I asked you to make today is for? Ergus?

Hahaha... When he saw me before, he would just run away with his tail between his legs. Now... he probably would hide without a trace when he heard I was here.

King Angela... I will be present at the decisive battle in Hell's Furnace City tomorrow, and I guarantee that Ergos will leave.

I think you need to think about your future. "

While lurking in Shangjiang City, Angela noticed that Ergus was very strange. Especially when William was killed in the Shangjiang Palace and he faced a group of Shangjiang heroes led by Daliang alone. Ergos, who had been hiding in the hall for a long time, completely attacked the heroes. The two hell lord kings joined forces, even if they were not in their prime, it was enough to kill the Shangjiang ruling class.

But Ergus chose to run away, as if he was afraid of something...

Angela looked at the "Erges Gaze" on the table and asked Daliang: "Do you have any handle on Ergus?"

Daliang added: "It's enough for Ergos to accept the seal without any resistance."

"What is it?"

"You don't need to know this..." Daliang said: "In addition, King Lucifer asked me to bring you a message. Just like ten thousand years ago, he has left a place for you in Hell's Furnace City.

I hope you don’t make the wrong choice this time. "

At this time, Angela could no longer see the power of being the King of Hell Lords. She slumped in the chair and looked at the badge on the table. All her beliefs were shattered at this moment, and she murmured: "You will finally Or choose Lucifer..."

"Lucifer has what I want in his hands, and...even though I have only met him once, I think Lucifer is more qualified to be a leader than Satan. Satan can't even tolerate an excellent commander like Howard, and How Lucifer has treated Morgan and Buck for thousands of years has been obvious to all.

The evil camp is no longer as prosperous as before. At that time, the evil army needed a brave and invincible Satan to lead you to spread death everywhere.

But now... you need Lucifer to lead you to survive in the plane war. As a former Seraph, Lucifer also knows how to deal with Cloud City. "

Daliang's words once again made Angela fall into silence. After a while, she said: "You asked me to make a sealing device. Since it is not used to seal Ergos, do you want to seal Satan."

"Yes...Erges will not appear on the battlefield, and I don't have much interest in him. The decisive battle tomorrow, Howard will attack your army from the rear, so no matter who you choose in the end, tell Satan everything even now, It couldn't change his fate of defeat.

Defeated by Lucifer on the frontal battlefield, Satan will completely lose Hell. Rather than letting him run away and cause chaos everywhere, it is better to capture him... and let the evil camp unite.

King Angela, we all hope that you can make the most correct choice at the most critical moment, which is related to the survival of the entire evil camp and your destiny.

Of course...there is also a personal collecting habit of mine. "

After Da Liang finished speaking, he gestured to the badge on the table with his eyes. There were two empty seats between "Mishuka's Induction" and "Buck's Heart-Eating".

Angela's face was very ugly.

Hell advocates bravery and believes in strength. This point...Satan is a well-deserved leader, which is why the four hell lord kings would rather be sealed than support Satan. At the same time, the distrust of fallen angels as outsiders was also the reason why the four hell lord kings rejected Lucifer. After all, betrayal and burning bridges are what the devil likes to do.

But how did Lucifer treat Morgan and Buck who surrendered... Just as Daliang said, the fallen angels did not make things difficult or exclude them because of their status as lords of hell. On the contrary, the territories owned by the original sixth and seventh lord kings were even more vast, and Lucifer's unique charm made Morgan and Buck have no second thoughts.

When the defeat was determined, Angela began to seriously consider Daliang's suggestion.

If Satan loses to Lucifer in the Crucible City, it will be really difficult to make a comeback. If you follow Satan, you will inevitably embark on the road of fleeing again. At that time, the good camp could not tolerate him, and the evil camp, under the leadership of Lucifer, could not tolerate him either.

The Five-Colored Flag Alliance...their power is far inferior to that of the good camp and the evil camp. It is possible to help them secretly, but they may also capture themselves to "reminisce about the past" with Beelzebub and the others.

Now Angela has almost no choice. If she doesn't want to go into exile or be sealed, she can only rebel, and then cooperate with Lucifer to seal Satan, so that she doesn't need to worry about Satan's revenge.

After making her choice, Angela's face quickly regained its vitality, her charming eyes were captivating, and she said: "Your Majesty, you make me feel deeply afraid. I believe that the world will definitely change because of you. You will Become the person at the top.

You can reply to Lucifer...

I, Angela, will not make the same mistake as last time. I will stand under his throne and support his rule over hell.

The decisive battle tomorrow, let us complete the seal on Satan together, I will design the strongest sealing device for him.

Also, regarding the Duke’s collecting habit…”

Angela looked at the empty space on the badge, put her lips against Da Liang's ear and said: "If you can get all the other badges, not only will my badge be yours, but everything will be yours..."

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