Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1161 Verification

Feeling the electric current rising in his ears, Daliang felt numb all over his body.

However, Angela refused to hand over her badge now, which somewhat disappointed Daliang. The lord king is the lord king, and he will not be able to fulfill his little wish just by relying on deception.

Da Liang turned his head and pressed his lips to Angela's lips, then avoided Angela's arms around him and stood up, put away all the badges on the table, and then said: "Angela, you made it The most correct choice, tomorrow's war will definitely surprise the whole world, and will become the most important turning point in this plane war."

Angela, who fell short, said dissatisfiedly: "Your Majesty the Duke... you are more like a devil than a devil."

Angela left the military camp in Despair City, and the hell army marching in from a distance was stationed in a steady stream.

Looking at the fighting battlefield on the other side, Angela opened a portal and walked in.

When she appeared, Angela stood above a large lava river. On the river, which was several kilometers wide, the rushing magma rolled toward the abyss furnace.

In the magma, abyssal pythons transported hell warriors to every fighting battlefield.

Seeing Angela suddenly appearing here, the fallen angels who were still flying here to fight with the demons immediately retreated. Then the hell portal opened frequently, and in the blink of an eye all the fallen angels retreated.

Letting the demons who saluted her leave, Angela slowly lowered her height and didn't stop until she was close to the river.


Angela's voice was very soft, but it carried very far on the river.

After waiting for a moment, a large number of bubbles emerged from the lava under Angela's feet. These bubbles cracked on the red river surface, and balls of high-temperature flames shot up. Then, the lava began to boil, and a mountain-like behemoth stuck its head out from under the magma.

The viscous lava rolled back into the river from his head and body. A pair of eyes larger than a man opened, and a terrifying aura instantly filled the entire river.

"Angela, what do you want from me?"

Angela used space skills to avoid the lava waves set off by Ergos, and then walked out from in front of Ergos.

"The army from Despair City will arrive tomorrow..." Angela wanted to stand on top of Ergus's head, but Ergus shook her head and was thrown off. Sensing Ergus's anger, Angela floated again. Ci smiled and said: "The decisive battle with Lucifer will also begin tomorrow."

Ergus replied: "I understand. I will command the abyss python I summoned as soon as possible to transport our army to the attack position. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, there is one more important thing..." Angela flew to Ergus's ear and said with a smile: "There is one thing I must ask clearly... During the time in Shangjiang City, your The behavior is very strange, and you have been avoiding direct encounters with Da Liang.

Is there something in Daliang’s hand that scares you? "

Angela's question made Ergus's eyes sharpen, and he asked: "Does this have anything to do with this war?"

"You answer my question first, and then I will answer your question... Ergus, I said that among all the hell lords, you are the only one who keeps your word, and you are the one I am most willing to trust.

You freed me from the seal and saved me again in Shangjiang.

I owe you my friendship, and I don’t want anything to happen to your friend.

Ergus, please trust me this time and answer my questions truthfully, and then I will tell you some news about Da Liang. "

Ergus looked at Angela.

No demon can be trusted, especially Mo Ji, who is good at seducing. Her instinct is to deceive and then betray.

During the period when he and Angela were on the river, Ergus had been wary of Angela to prevent this shrewd jealous devil from discovering his secret.

But Angela said Daliang's name this time, which made Ergus start to think about whether he should tell the distress letter.

After a moment, Ergos said slowly: "Daliang is the person who helped me escape from the seal. He has a help letter in his hand that I sent out with the power of law, binding me to fulfill the three wishes he made.

I originally thought that he was a stupid human being who could casually fulfill his so-called wish and end this contract.

As a result... I really underestimated this person. His experience was simply a bizarre legend.

So far, I have only completed one of his wishes, and he can also ask me to do two things for him, and he seems to be more willing to seal me away. "

Angela was very disappointed with Ergus's answer.

As a magical girl, Angela has the intention to break the agreement with Daliang at any time. As long as Ergus said that he had no leverage in Daliang's hands, it proved that Daliang was just deceiving himself. Angela will tell Satan everything. As long as the three hell lord kings quickly raid the army of Despair City, they can destroy this "rebel" before the decisive battle.

But... Da Liang really has the ability to make Ergus disappear on the battlefield. Regardless of whether Ergus escapes or is sealed, she and Satan will face the siege of four 16th-level heroes headed by Lucifer.

And Angela knows... she is not a hero who is good at fighting, and one Morgan is enough to prevent her from playing any role.

No matter how powerful a Satan is, he is no match for Lucifer and two fallen angel kings.

In addition, Daliang was watching eagerly from the side.

The defeat is really sealed.

Angela let out a long sigh: "We all underestimated this human being. The ten 16th-level heroes in hell were all fighting against each other, and he was actually manipulating their fate. We and Lucifer have been fighting here for several months, and we ended up being killed. One sentence decided the outcome.

Now I really don't have the courage to be his enemy. "

Ergus felt Angela's depressed mood, and he asked: "What happened? What does the war here have to do with Da Liang?"

Angela reorganized her thoughts and said to Ergus: "I just met Da Liang, the army of Despair City is already under his control, and he clearly expressed his support for Lucifer.

In other words... in the decisive battle tomorrow, the army of Despair City is our enemy, and they will attack us from behind.

And Da Liang will also come to the battlefield in person...

Ergus, we are defeated. "

Ergus was shocked when he heard Angela's words. If they were true, they would be completely annihilated in the decisive battle tomorrow. He said quickly: "We must notify Satan immediately and then lead the army to retreat from here. As long as there is an long as we find Beelzebub and Misuka, we can fight back..."

"Hahaha..." Angela laughed a little crazily, and she said painfully: "Beelzebub? Misuka? Let me tell you... They have been captured and sealed by Daliang. We have been defeated from the beginning of this war. It was a complete defeat, with no possibility of a comeback.

I am ready to surrender to Lucifer and work together to capture and seal Satan tomorrow.

Ergus...are you going to surrender with me, or run away? You have to make a decision now, because tomorrow... I'm afraid you won't be able to leave. "

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