Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1163 The Choice of the Sun Messenger

After listening to the intelligence information and analysis provided by the intelligence officer, the Sun Messenger nodded, and then said: "Who do you think will win the final victory in this decisive battle in hell?"

Unlike other players who specialize in hell missions, Sun Messenger has a very high level of missions in hell, and he specializes in the fallen angel mission line. The achievements left ordinary players far behind, and the interests were tied to the fallen angels.

Therefore... once Lucifer is defeated and driven out of hell, the Sun Messenger's forces in hell will definitely be purged by Satan.

Now that the war in the Crucible City is about to decide the winner, the situation of the fallen angel is not good, and he needs to make plans in advance for his own benefit to avoid being buried with Lucifer.

Who wins? Who is responsible?

The most accurate judgment must be made before the results come out.

But the matter is so important that even those sitting here are elite players from the hell tribe, and they don’t dare to make any guesses.

The conference table was full of people, but it was unusually quiet.

Finally, the intelligence officer said: "The Lord King's Army only has three 16th-level heroes headed by Satan, while the Crucible City has four. However, both sides have been avoiding a 16th-level duel. From here, it can be seen that who among them Neither of them has the confidence to defeat the other party at this level.

Therefore, I think it is impossible for Lucifer to quickly win the 16th-level duel, but the Lord King's army can rely on reinforcements to form a comprehensive breakthrough to attack the Crucible City.

Another thing we need to consider is that Satan still has a very strong influence in hell, and most of the hell lords have not participated in the war and are in a wait-and-see state.

Once the fallen angels are defeated, those hell lords who are still watching will definitely rush to the Crucible City to join the battle in order to please Satan, and Lucifer's army will completely collapse. "

The Sun Messenger frowned. He didn't want to see the fallen angels being driven out of the Crucible City. This would make all his efforts here in vain. But he also knows that the situation of fallen angels in hell is very embarrassing. Lucifer is the nominal master of hell, but it is far from the prestige that Satan once had in hell. Most demons still think that fallen angels are outsiders and have no need. Glorious means steal hell.

It is only because the fallen angels have too much force that the hell lords acquiesce in Lucifer's rule of hell.

Even so, Lucifer only controls the essence of the entire hell. Although the hell lords scattered everywhere are weak, they are powerful when gathered together.

Once the deterrence of the fallen angels against the lords of hell is weakened, they will definitely face the danger of "falling down the wall and pushing everyone back".

You must plan ahead.

"Do you all think Lucifer will be defeated too?"

Some people offered suggestions, and others began to express their own opinions... Without exception, all of them were not optimistic about Lucifer and believed that Satan would eventually become the master of the city.

"Everyone be quiet!" To the subordinates who immediately fell silent, the Sun Messenger nodded with great satisfaction. He said: "I have made a decision... Now that Lucifer has been inevitably defeated, we need to consider how to reduce our losses. , how to continue to maintain our current advantage in the hell ruled by Satan.

I command!

The 'Seven Kingdoms' and the King's Landing immediately transferred their main forces into the Crucible City. The peripheral personnel created chaos in the city. The core members of the 'Seven Kingdoms' and the King's Landing Legion attacked all the magic towers and urban defense facilities in the city.

We must contain the remaining strength of the Fallen Angels in the Crucible City regardless of losses, and assist the Lord King's army to enter the city.

When Satan sat in the throne of Crucible City, we took the greatest credit for the plot of this war. Even if we couldn't go higher, we could successfully complete the transition of the plot and transfer the task chain to Satan. "


The players who participated in the meeting did not have any objections... They all believed that this was the best countermeasure.

On the battlefield, Daliang flew in the air in the form of a leader of flames. The magma-colored armor and the flames coming out of the gaps made him look like a real hell creature.

Below him was the marching army of Despair City.

The demon mage accompanying the army cooled the magma into large floating islands. The Hell Warriors with high fire immunity stood on the floating islands and went down the river. The Hell Warriors with fire immunity directly drilled into the lava.

Flying in the air are large groups of demons, separated into layers to cover the advance of the ground troops in the lava river.

Howard, who was wearing full-body devil armor, flapped the dragon wings he had acquired not long ago, came to Da Liang's side, looked at the fire rain falling in the distance on both sides, and said: "We have entered the battlefield and are heading towards the battlefield along the route arranged by Angela. Marching on the core did you do it? Let Angela become our internal agent."

Howard, who had just arrived at the Crucible Battlefield, couldn't believe that Angela would betray Satan so easily. But she really arranged for the hell army of Despair City to march directly to the core battlefield, putting this sharp knife at the heart of the Lord King's army. Angela was ready to stab Satan in the back.

Howard looked at Daliang next to him and wondered how he did it. He instigated the rebellion of a hell lord king who once turned Shangjiang upside down and was willing to follow Satan and be sealed away for thousands of years.

Daliang didn't completely trust Angela at first. If she was determined to follow Satan and tipped off the news when she got back, Satan would probably escape in advance.

However, Lucifer still won the victory in the Crucible City. At most, Daliang had no chance of being the "Lord King of Hell".

However, after Angela returned, she arranged for the Despair City army to enter the core battlefield through a safe route, showing her sincerity. The army of Despair City bloomed from the middle, which was enough to cause the Lord King's army to collapse.

Facing Howard's inquiry, Daliang replied: "Your Majesty, this is a little personal secret of mine. If Angela can't see the hope of victory, and doesn't want to be hunted down and hidden in all directions, the only way is to surrender to Lucifer. Road, so that she can still get everything that a hell lord king should have.

Satan is gone and Angela knows what choice to make. "

Howard found that he could no longer see through his former vassal. His position in the world had far surpassed his own.

"What will my army and I do after this war is over? Joining the Five-Color Flag Alliance is probably not a good choice."

Daliang agreed: "You can't join the Five Color Flag Alliance, unless war befalls us, we will not take the initiative to intervene in sensitive wars.

I will fight for the independence of Despair City from Lucifer, and the Five Color Flag Alliance will still support you to consolidate your power in hell. Lucifer will definitely be willing to make Despair City a bridge between Hell and the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Your Majesty, your name will be resounded throughout the world with this war. For the stability of Shangjiang City, you should give yourself a new name.

And before that... let's go together to witness the end of Satan. "

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