Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1164 King versus King

Under the orders of Satan, the Lord King's army launched a full-scale attack on the Furnace City. Attacks were launched from all directions at the same time. The warriors of Hell followed the lava tide and pushed towards the abyss.

At this time, Satan has already felt the enemy he hates the most...

Lucifer, the despicable thief, I will repay all the hatred sealed for thousands of years today!

The Doomsday Blade in Satan's hand emits the most dazzling light, and he swipes a red sword light that is a hundred meters wide and sweeps forward.

Wherever the sword light passed, fallen angels and demons gave way. But a fallen angel wearing black armor with wings of burning black flames behind his back did not dodge. He also swung his sword, and the black flame cut the red sword light into two halves.

"Hahaha... King Satan, this is our first meeting after ten thousand years, and you are still so unfriendly."

It was Lucifer who blocked Satan's attack. He was flying very fast. After finishing his sentence, he stopped less than twenty meters away from Satan.

The hell portal in the sky opened twice in a row, and the other two fallen angel kings walked out of the portal.

Then there was a thunderous roar from the direction of the abyss, and Morgan, who had returned to his full body, jumped up from the bottom of the abyss. He had a body like a hill. After falling into the lava river, it splashed into the sky, and his strong upper limbs stirred in the lava river. , actually caused the lava river to form a countercurrent.

The huge wave of more than ten meters high pushed upwards and pushed all the Lord King's army down the river into the bottom of the lava river.

Morgan held the main attack direction of the Lord King's army, and the army of Furnace City counterattacked under his leadership.

Satan just glanced at Morgan and ignored him: Ergos should have arrived on land... This monkey is no match for the python, let alone in the lava.

He has only one opponent, Lucifer in front of him.

When the Fallen Angel King appeared, portals were opened continuously next to Satan. Angela twisted her waist and walked out of the portal, followed by Howard and Daliang.

Howard is Angela's subordinate and the commander of the reinforcements in Despair City. He has extremely strong strength and is at the peak of level 15. Facing level 16 heroes, you can't win but you won't lose too quickly either.

Howard's appearance did not surprise Satan too much. We have one less level 16 hero than the opponent. Howard's strength is a good supplement.

But... it's bright.

Hum! This sponsor of his own military expenditure has a speculative mind and is also his own canonized Hellboy. He must have seen that I was going to win and rule hell again... and he came to reap the benefits.

The body of the Flame Commander was carefully crafted by the former Poseidon to control the Doomsday Blade. Its powerful attributes and potential made even Satan envious. No matter how weak the baron himself is, he can still survive the 16th level battle for a while with this body.

With strong soldiers and horses, Satan is confident in fighting Lucifer.

I don't mind humiliating this unhappy enemy before the decisive victory.

Raging flames emerged from Satan's body, becoming more powerful. He looked at the man in black armor with a Confucian style in front of him with arrogant eyes, and said: "Lucifer, what is not yours is not yours after all. Look at what's going on here. What has hell become like under your rule? What has the evil camp become like? When you were in Cloud City, you disobeyed Michael and betrayed your tribe. As a result, you ruled hell for ten thousand years. The only thing that can be proved It's just that... you are really not as good as Michael.

You are not suitable to be a commander. Your best position is just a deputy general, living in the shadow of me and Michael.

But you have no self-awareness.

Today I will take back what was stolen by you, and I will lead hell and the evil camp again, and fight a vigorous war with Michael just like I once did. "

Lucifer smiled and said: "Satan... I admit that you were Michael's only opponent, and I also admit that I did not really own hell. But you have been away from this world for too long, and you have no idea what happened. .

The order of the entire world is facing collapse. There is no clear dividing line between good and evil. We are all fighting for survival instead of satisfying our own desire to kill.

Sorry Satan, you are a real strong man, but fate did not choose you...

Your time has passed.

The future of hell belongs to us! "

After finishing speaking, Lucifer stretched out his hands and spread his wings...

Satan looked around. Lucifer, the two fallen angel kings, Angela, Howard and Da Liang formed a circle and surrounded themselves in the middle.

A feeling of extreme danger arose in Satan's heart. He looked at Morgan below, who was still killing his own troops, and asked Angela: "Where is Ergos? How long does he want Morgan, the traitor, to run wild?"

Angela kept smiling. She stepped back and saluted Satan: "I'm sorry...Satan! Ergus left yesterday. He didn't want to betray you or be sealed.

He originally came from the abyss, and now he has returned to the abyss. "

"So, your staying here...means you have taken refuge in Lucifer?" The premonition turned into a fact, but Satan could not figure out how things could change like this. He asked Angela: "Why? Obviously We are about to win, take back the Crucible City, and rule Hell again. I have given you a status second only to mine, and Lucifer cannot give you more!

And could he escape? He is braver than all of you! "

" are wrong, we will not win...ever since we escaped from the prison, we have been heading towards failure step by step..." While Angela was speaking, she had already begun to cast a spell in her hand, a one-kilometer-diameter The spherical space barrier unfolded, covering this most advanced battlefield: "I once chose you, thinking that you would definitely be able to rule hell again.

But at this moment...your time is truly over. "

The barrier began to close, and Morgan, who was in the lava river, jumped, got into the barrier before it was closed, and then flew to his position in a small form.

In the lava river below, the army of Despair City has arrived along the river. Led by the fallen angel Bartlett, this powerful hell army launched an attack on the Lord King's army.

The Lord King's army was completely stunned by the attack from friendly forces on its side. It didn't know who was the enemy and who was the comrade-in-arms.

Bartlett took the opportunity to direct his army to spread across the two wings, trying to capture as many Hell troops as possible by the end of the war.

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