Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1165 Krypton Gold Fire

Angela has blocked this space. Even with the force of Satan, it is not easy to break through the space barrier and escape.

Lucifer, who has fought the war to such an extent, will not allow Satan to escape from his hands. He wants to truly control hell. He wants to completely defeat Satan on this battlefield and let hell recognize himself and the world. Own.

Let Michael see the enemy she had never defeated fall under her own sword.

The top battlefield has been completed and all combatants are in place. There was nothing to say nonsense to Satan. The black wings on Lucifer's back were filled with black flames, making his wings appear wider, and then turned into a black lightning and appeared in front of Satan instantly.

Cut it down with one sword!

Satan, who was surrounded and betrayed by everyone, did not show any fear, nervousness or depression. Instead, the flames he sprayed out became even more fierce. He casually deflected Lucifer's blow, and a ball of fire exploded from the Doomsday Blade.

The scorching fire swept and expanded like a storm, filling the entire space of the barrier in an instant.

In the sky, a flame burned in a one-kilometer-diameter ball, and its brightness continued to increase, just like a sun emitting dazzling light.

This is the power possessed by Satan. When holding the Doomsday Blade, he is the most terrifying existence in the world, and his fire can burn everything.

Even if Daliang has a fire-immune constitution in the state of flame command, his blood is constantly decreasing in the field of flames released by Satan. You can also imagine what the situation of others is like.

Daliang immediately released the fire-bending magic technique for himself, and at the same time applied one to Howard next to him. He is the weakest among the human race in terms of resistance to flames.

After releasing another healing spell on Howard, Daliang said: "Your Majesty, you protect me, and I will use magic to attack Satan."

Howard flew to the side and front of Daliang, Angela maintained the space barrier, and Lucifer led the Fallen Angel King and Morgan to besiege Satan. His entry into the battle group did not have much effect, but he was competent in protecting Daliang and casting spells.

With the protection of a powerful melee profession, Daliang concentrated on his job as a spell caster.

Use advanced magic amplification scroll: spell casting effect is increased by 100%, action time (10/10 minutes), number of amplifications (2/2).

A circular magic array unfolded in front of Da Liang. In a large circle, multiple circular magic arrays rotated in the same orbit, and the magic patterns burst out with light.

This is a method of temporarily amplifying magic developed by Nicole Alchemy Laboratory in order to enhance the power of bombing the crystal wall of the God Plane.

The magic amplification circle released by the magic amplification scroll can amplify magic that has been amplified again.

So Da Liang once again used an advanced magic amplification scroll.

A new magic amplification circle stands in front of the first amplification circle.

Advanced magic amplification scroll: spell casting effect increased by 100% (superimposed effect reduced by 20%), action time (10/10 minutes), number of amplifications (2/2)

Continue to use the Advanced Magic Amplification Scroll.

Advanced magic amplification scroll: spell casting effect increased by 100% (superposition effect reduced by 40%), action time (10/10 minutes), number of amplifications (2/2)

Advanced magic amplification scroll: spell casting effect increased by 100% (superposition effect reduced by 60%), action time (10/10 minutes), number of amplifications (2/2)

When Daliang places five advanced magic amplification circles in front of him, the power of the magic he releases will increase by 300%.

The triple power increase is just theory. In fact, after testing by Nicole's Alchemy Laboratory, because the magic increase is too high and the supply of magic energy cannot keep up, the real increase effect will be greatly reduced. At the same time, the magic power consumption of the caster is more than three times.

So Daliang reluctantly used the magic scroll again.

I really endure the pain... The production cost of one high-level magic amplification scroll is 5,000 gold, and five of them are 25,000 gold.

Then Da Liang placed three high-level magic energy accelerating arrays on the sides of the high-level magic amplification array pillars.

He placed four high-level magic energy-gathering arrays above, below, left, and right like bloodletting.

Fighting is really expensive!

Especially to participate in such high-end battles, if you are not strong enough, you can only collect gold coins, so the krypton-gold play style of Daliang appeared.

Howard flew in front of Da Liang and was alert to the besieged Satan. When he saw all kinds of brilliance shining behind him, he looked back and almost lost control of his balance and fell from the sky in shock.

At this moment, Da Liang stood in the air in the form of a leader of flames. He was completely surrounded by layers of magic arrays. In front of him was a barrel shape composed of multiple layers of magic arrays.

There were also small circles of magic patterns flashing and extinguishing in the airspace around him.

After Daliang finished scattering the money, all the magic arrays began to rotate rapidly. The fire element energy in the Satan's flame field was quickly absorbed by the magic array around Daliang, causing the fiery red color of the space around him to return to its original color.

In the state of flame dominance, Da Liang's fire magic level is master level, and the power of fire magic will be increased; in the flame field, fire magic will be enhanced.

Although Satan definitely has a fire-immune constitution, Daliang also experienced it firsthand just now that as long as the fire is strong enough and powerful enough, the fire-immune constitution can still cause damage.

This is my first shot to see if my kryptonite fire can burn through Satan's fire.

Blazing Spear!

However, to be on the safe side and not waste so much krypton gold, Daliang did not use pure fire element damage magic, but chose the "blazing gun" with a certain physical attack effect.

This was Daliang's skillful use of magic. After predicting Satan's flight path, Daliang threw a spear condensed from the fire element.

The advanced magic amplification array has completed charging its magic power, and all magic symbols are glowing incandescently.

The blazing spear doubled in length after passing through the first magic amplification circle, and the light it emitted became brighter. Then it passed through the magic amplification array one after another. When it shot out from the last amplification array, the entire gun body emitted a dazzling light like the noon sun.

The entire amplification process was lightning-fast, as the blazing spear was released from the Great Light, and a white light stabbed accurately and hit Satan, who was concentrating on fighting Lucifer.

Satan was hit and turned somersault in the air. The blazing spear continued to fly forward in a straight line. After encountering the obstruction of the space barrier, it passed through and the flying light streaked through the sky before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Angela, the space barrier you set up is a bit weak!"

Seeing that the blazing spear he released actually penetrated the barrier, Daliang immediately loudly reminded Angela, who was constantly changing positions and trying his best to maintain the barrier.

Angela appeared near Daliang. She looked at the large and small circles of magic circles around Daliang, and her eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

She said angrily: "The main function of my space barrier is to restrict Satan's ability to use space teleportation. It has no ability to defend against overly strong attacks. It is Lucifer's job to prevent Satan from flying away.

Do you still have such a magic scroll?

Give me some! "

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