Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1166 Riot

Although Angela said that the space barrier she had set up was not too "hard", from the fact that the flame field emitted by Satan was wrapped in the barrier ball without any leakage, it can be seen that the barrier has a strong impact on physics, The defensive ability of magic is definitely not as "weak" as Angela said.

In fact, Angela was also frightened by the power of the magic that Daliang had just released. Being able to pierce the space barrier he released was second to none. What surprised her was... he hurt Satan, and he actually used fire magic.

Daliang's strength at this time is obviously at level 15, and his overall strength is not even as good as Howard. He can use such powerful fire magic. In addition to the increase in the magic arrays, his own magic and fire magic must have increased to a very terrifying level.

It must be related to his body condensed with fire elements.

How many secrets does he hide?

When Angela secretly speculated about Daliang, Daliang took out a stack of high-level magic scrolls and threw them to Angela, and said: "Don't stare at me with your lustful eyes, now is not the time to flirt with you. The magic you want I’ve given you all the scrolls... Strengthen the space barrier and prepare to seal Satan.

Is there any problem with the sealing equipment? This is the first hell lord king! "

Angela waved her hand and put the magic scroll that Daliang threw over into her storage space, and then gave Daliang a wink: "I like you more and more, especially the way you look now. Duke... I really I want to burn inside your armor..."

Magic Girl!

Daliang secretly complained: Sure enough, he didn't let anything go.

Angela knew that she was the key to sealing Satan, so she stopped teasing Daliang. Her body flickered to dodge one of Satan's magical sneak attacks, and then emerged from another place.

Then circles of magic circle spread out around her.

Angela strengthened her defense capabilities. When she had more magic power to maintain the space barrier, she began to use her space magic to cooperate with Lucifer to block Satan.

After Angela left, Howard blocked an impact from Satan for Da Liang. Satan wanted to deal with the two weakest enemies first. Howard had little power to fight back under Satan's attack. He used guarding skills to occupy the inside and defend with all his strength, blocking Satan's path to attack Liang.

Satan only released his skills twice, but they were all blocked by Howard. Then Morgan was teleported in front of Satan by Angela. ,

The Fallen Angel King, who caught up from behind, once again completed the blockade of Satan.

A fierce confrontation unfolded, black and red entangled, and thunderous collisions shook the sky.

Da Liang adjusted his position and fired another blazing spear at Satan, who was briefly restricted by a certain control skill.

Everyone also completed a fire focus at the same time.

After the two spells were cast, all the magic circles around Da Liang were broken into scattered lines as the blazing spear was cast. The light turned bright and dark, and finally disappeared.

The cost of nearly 100,000 gold coins was to throw the javelin twice. Although luckily both hit Satan, I don't know how much damage it caused.

I don’t know whether I lost or made a profit.

But looking at the white light that pierced through the space barrier, broke through the red clouds in the sky, and pulled out a long trail... I still felt a sense of accomplishment.


Just keep throwing it!

Daliang was very well prepared for this operation to capture Satan. Except for the Angel Alliance that could not be taken out, he put on all the best equipment and added layers of beneficial status. For example, magic scrolls that can increase the effect of spellcasting can be brought with you as much as you can.

There was another burst of coins, and the magic circle spread out again around Da Liang.

The majestic momentum, dazzling brilliance, and generosity of his actions attracted the attention of Lucifer, who was fighting Satan.

All the limelight has been stolen!

Blazing Spear...

The cost of magic release was so high, so Da Liang did not waste the few opportunities to use other magic, and directly used the spear that could break through defenses and cause damage to Satan.

Another white light broke through the sky, passing over the abyss.

The Sun Messenger looked at the magic passing above his head and sighed at the power of those top heroes. As a player, you can only look up to this kind of power. If you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with such a hero, you don't know how long you will have to practice and how many opportunities you will need.

"Have all the personnel from the Seven Kingdoms and King's Landing arrived at their positions?"

"Lords, we have all arrived... The defense of Furnace City is very empty now. We have easily reached the attack position under the banner of 'Seven Kingdoms' and 'King's Landing'. All attack personnel and war equipment have been prepared. When Start attacking?"

The Sun Messenger looked at the space barrier in the sky.

As the battle range moves, this sun-like red ball of light continues to move higher. From the Furnace City below the abyss, you can already see this most advanced battlefield in the world.

"The space barrier should have been released by Angela, who is good at space skills. It seems that Satan is very confident. Not only does he want Furnace City, but he also wants to keep Lucifer here."

Another white light pierced the space barrier and cut through the sky.

The sound of fighting rose... The battle on the battlefield has reached its peak. The flag of Despair City appeared on the core battlefield. This new force marched straight in, advancing towards the Melting City without any stop!

The Sun Messenger no longer hesitated and ordered: "This is extremely powerful fire magic. Satan used Angela's space barrier to create a high-concentration flame field, and Lucifer was doomed.

The army of Despair City has broken through and is about to launch a siege...

I command!

All personnel attacked the city defense system of Furnace City and responded to Satan's army entering the city. "


Following the Sun Messenger's order, the professional legions of the "Seven Kingdoms" and "King's Landing" launched an attack on the city defense facilities of Furnace City at the same time.

As the core offensive and defensive buildings of a city, the magic towers set up everywhere are the main targets of the Sun Messenger's armies.

The artillery and catapults that were originally directed outwards all turned around and aimed at the stunned Furnace City defenders.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of artillery sounded from all over the Furnace City, and the sudden riot caught the defenders by surprise. They didn't know how the friendly troops around them suddenly turned into enemies. In a short period of time, the defenders of Furnace City suffered heavy losses, a large number of city defense facilities were destroyed, and countless thick smoke rose from every corner.

The players who received the order from the Sun Messenger wreaked havoc in the Crucible City. The Furnace City, which was originally heavily guarded and filled with fallen angels flying in the sky, was now empty. In the slogan welcoming Satan into the city, players no longer have the fear of the fallen angels. They attack the army they once feared wantonly, destroying and plundering everywhere...

I want to take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune on the battlefield.

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