Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1168 Let everything continue

it's over.

Satan was sealed, and the Lord King's army immediately collapsed and disintegrated without its commander. The army of Furnace City and the army of Despair City began a pursuit to capture prisoners. After completing the suppression of the rioting players in the Crucible City, the Hell Teleportation Array sent the fallen angels into the sky again, and earth-shaking cheers rang out across the entire Crucible battlefield.

King Lucifer! King Lucifer! King Lucifer! …

Listening to this cry of victory, Lucifer couldn't help but feel extremely excited. He hugged the two brothers who had followed him to defect from Yunzhong City, hugged Morgan who had always supported him in hell, and hugged Angela, the new demon king who had surrendered. Hug, and hug Howard who helped the troops in the decisive battle.

And give him the whole hell of a big bright hug.

"I did it...I finally did it. For these ten thousand years, I have been living in the shadow of Satan all the time. The demons do not recognize me as ruling hell, and the evil camp believes that I am not qualified to lead them.

But today... I sealed Satan with my own hands.

The Doomsday Blade has a new owner.

I truly have hell, and I have the power to fight against the good camp and Michael.

I know that you gave these to me, and I will keep my promise to you, and I will share hell with you, and with anyone who is willing to help me. "

Lucifer is a cheerful guy, and it is precisely because of his attitude that Daliang is willing to support him in defeating Satan.

Daliang looked even burlier than Lucifer when he was dominated by the flames. He said to the excited Lucifer: "Congratulations to Your Majesty Lucifer. As the Eviscerate Monarch and the Death Master of the New Unsullied Holy See in the Kingdom of Death, I represent The Kingdom of Death, on behalf of the Sad Pope, congratulates His Majesty on winning the war in the Crucible City.

The Kingdom of Death is willing to accept His Majesty Lucifer to lead the evil camp. "

The sudden change that occurred in the Kingdom of Death a few days ago was naturally known to Lucifer.

The New Unsullied Holy See was established, the Sad Pope ascended the throne, the City of Sighs and the City of Evernight joined forces, and the cyan coalition joined the evil camp from the good camp. The change in the entire incident was beyond everyone's expectations, causing a sensation in the world and changing the trend of the evil camp being suppressed by the good camp.

The three dead monarchs canonized by the Sad Pope are naturally known to the world.

Lucifer knew that Daliang had multiple identities. Hell had cooperated with him in many aspects since Daliang was the Pope of the Mist Zone.

Therefore, Lucifer also knew that Daliang was the Eviscerating King of the Kingdom of Death.

This is an identity that can sit on an equal footing with the King of Hell. He represents the Sad Pope supporting Lucifer, and also represents the Kingdom of Death accepting Lucifer’s leadership of the evil camp.

Definitely the biggest support.

"These stubborn undead finally have smart heads." Lucifer sighed deeply when he thought about the white eyes he had received in the Kingdom of Death. He knew clearly what role Daliang played in it. This weak human used his secret methods to promote the establishment of the New Unsullied Holy See and the change of flag of the Blue Alliance, and grew from an inconspicuous little character to an excellent chess player.

Lucifer was happy that he had a bridge to communicate with the Kingdom of Death, and he was happy that the Kingdom of Death had a monarch with strategic vision. He said to Daliang: "Thanks to the support of the Sad Pope, I will also support the full implementation of Ultimate Faith in the Kingdom of Death." Spread."

With Lucifer's promise, the old Holy See in the Kingdom of Death only has time to linger.

And just when Da Liang was about to talk to Lucifer about the endless maze, several portals opened in the nearby airspace, and the sacred energy instantly broke away the unique violent atmosphere of hell.

The holy light shines in, strong and bright but not dazzling.

When the holy light converged and disappeared, a group of angels appeared in the sky of hell.

In the middle of these angels is a blond female angel. She is sitting on a throne flying in the air, her wings are half folded, her legs are stacked, and her body is leaning on the backrest, exuding a domineering aura.

Other angels were scattered on both sides of the female angel. Facing the gathered fallen angels, they did not show any fear. Instead, they established a line of defense to block the approach of these mortal enemies.

Among the scattered angels there were a few faces that were familiar to Daliang, and he could call them by name. Daliang remembered that these angels once stationed in Shangjiang, following Saint Bella to hunt down the escaped Hell Lord King. They were collectively called the "right-wing guarding angels".

They appeared here, and looking at the fallen angels as if facing a powerful enemy, the identity of the angel sitting on the throne was self-evident.

Highest Angel, Archangel, Michael.

The strongest hero in the world rules Yunzhong City, leads the good camp, and single-handedly started this plane war.

Her presence here alone has already brought hell to the fore.

"The outcome of this war is beyond my imagination..." Michael glanced at the battlefield below. The large-scale battles had disappeared, and the victorious side was gathering the troops of the losing side. The Crucible City is still under the abyss, and Lucifer has already obtained the Doomsday Blade... Letting the Angel Legion intervene at this time can certainly defeat the power of hell, but he will also have to pay heavy losses, and he may not be able to capture the Crucible City. . "We have been waiting for today's decisive battle, but Satan's defeat caught us so unprepared, just like the kingdom of death...

Too many strange things have happened these days. I underestimated the potential of your evil camp and made a major strategic mistake.

Let the confrontation that could have ended become irreversible.

Lucifer... First of all, congratulations on your victory, but you have also brought this world to the end. "

Lucifer looked at Michael and smiled: "The end? What we in hell are most looking forward to is the end... Only when the old order is destroyed can a new order be established.

Just like the current kingdom of hell and death, the emerging power breaks the shackles of the old power and shines brighter.

Michael, since you started this war, it would be too boring if it ended so hastily...

Countless heroes are waiting to prove themselves in this war, becoming legends that will be passed down to future generations forever, or becoming the ultimate existence like us.

This is destined to be a war like we have never experienced before.

Get ready...for the destruction of the world. "

Michael shook his head helplessly and said: "I have long seen that there is a demon hidden under your angelic appearance. This time you defeated Satan and completely released this demon.

But I still want to persuade you one last time: give up your research on the divine plane. Cloud City and Hell both cover this magic box that allows us to perish together.

Let the world return to the way it should be.

Together we keep the peace going. "

But Lucifer rejected Michael's olive branch: "I said I would stop researching... Would you believe it? Just like I wouldn't believe you stopped researching the plane of God. There is no longer the trust between us. …

Since you failed to stop me from continuing to rule hell this time, let it continue. "

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