Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1169 The Demon King of Destruction

" rejected the hope of final peace?" Lucifer's answer did not seem to surprise Michael. Her tone was calm, and her expression showed no disappointment or anger.

Lucifer said: "As long as good and evil exist in this world, you and I, Cloud City and Hell... will have no hope of peace!

Thousands of years of peace exist just for this battle!

Michael...I want to go back to the Crucible City to celebrate my victory.

If you want to fight, summon your angel army.

If you don't want to fight, please go back. If you leave too late, you may have to be Satan's companion. "

After saying that, behind the seven heroes who captured Satan, a hell portal opened. Daliang and other heroes all retreated in, and finally Lucifer also retreated from the hell portal into the furnace city on alert.

Hell, which has just experienced a war, is not suitable for showing off its strength in front of Yunzhong City. If the Angel Legion really attacks, relying on the Furnace City for defense is the most correct choice.

Michael was still sitting in the throne in the sky surrounded by the guardian angels, and the fallen angels and demons around him began to retreat and gather towards the Furnace City. For a moment, the airspace outside Furnace City was empty, making the angel even more conspicuous...

Lucifer abandoned all the outer defenses of the Crucible City, and even the ground troops were included in his abandonment. After sitting back on the throne of the Crucible City, he ordered the Crucible City to prepare for displacement at any time and immediately descend to the depths of the abyss if the war went unfavorably.

Michael paused over the abyss for a long time, thinking about the pros and cons of attacking the fully defensive Furnace City.

Then she chuckled and said to herself: "If the ruler of hell is still Satan, no matter how his army fights, he will never let me just look at his furnace city, and he will definitely attack Come out. As a result, hell changed its owner and turned into a different look..."

The holy left-wing angel standing behind Michael said: "Archangel, what should we do? Should we notify the angel army to enter hell and attack the Furnace City?"

Michael said: "No, the loss of attacking the Furnace City at this time is too great, and Lucifer will definitely let the Furnace City enter the abyss. We cannot occupy this city, and there is no point in attacking the city. Let the Angel Legion enter hell and occupy the Furnace City. All surrounding hell cities blocked all rivers leading to the abyss and besieged the Furnace City.

The battle in Furnace City consumes a lot of resources and material reserves in Furnace City, as well as the energy used to open the hell portal. Now the army of the original Furnace City and the Lord King's army are all here... they cannot be sent out. Without the supplement of external resources, it is impossible for Furnace City to maintain this hellish army for a long time.

We'll trap Lucifer here.

I will personally command this angel army on the expedition to hell, and the city in the clouds will be managed by Metatron. "

"It's... the archangel!"

Michael led his guardian angels to evacuate from the sky above the Crucible City. Although staying here can greatly boost the morale of Cloud City, they must also be prepared for Lucifer's sneak attack.

Since our side has the advantage, there is no need to fight Lucifer here.

The angels left.

Lucifer, who was in the Furnace City, also breathed a sigh of relief. Giving up the airspace of hell to Michael had already greatly demoralized his own side. If he was forced to retreat to the depths of the abyss by the angel army again, it would be very difficult for him to establish a new world. Prestige is definitely a heavy blow.

Fortunately, Michael couldn't bear the losses of storming the Furnace City, and the crisis was temporarily resolved.

The fallen angels regained control over the surrounding areas of Furnace City, and the army of the original lord king was also absorbed by the two armies of Furnace City and Despair City.

The war in Hell's Furnace City ended. Lucifer unexpectedly defeated Satan and sealed Satan again. He gained the recognition of all hell creatures and became the true master of hell.

The evil camp once again created a major event that shocked the world, which was even more sensational than the news of the cyan coalition changing its flag in the Kingdom of Death.

This means that the evil camp has finally overcome the dilemma of fighting each other and having no leader. Lucifer obtained the Doomsday Blade from Satan and became the well-deserved leader of the evil camp.

For a time, the morale of the evil camp was greatly boosted.

But Cloud City did not keep the evil camp happy for long. Michael personally led an angel army into hell, besieging the Furnace City that had just ended the war again, cutting off the Furnace City's road to the outside world, and then not Constantly attack small and medium-sized hell cities and carry out crazy destruction in hell.

The hell that had just ended the civil war was facing a new crisis.

But these are all things that Lucifer needs to worry about. Hell can focus the attention of Yunzhong City, which is also the result that Daliang wants now.

When the angels besieged the Crucible City, Da Liang had already left Hell and returned to the Endless Labyrinth with generous rewards.

[You played a vital role in the civil war in hell. You participated in the war to seal the 16th-level hero Satan. Lucifer finally won the victory because of your participation. Your reputation in hell has been raised to respect, and your reputation among the fallen angel tribe has been raised to reverence. 】

[You accepted the canonization of Lucifer, the Lord of Hell, as the destroyer of the world, and became the Lord King of Hell. 】

[You get a hell territory order and can build a hell city anywhere. Note: The area around the hell territory will transform into a hell environment]

[Since you are the Hell Lord King, your Hell Territory can be upgraded to level 14]

[You get: 200,000 Demon Infants, 100,000 Horned Demons, 50,000 Hell Dogs, 25,000 Enchantresses, 10,000 Hell War Horses, 3,000 Abyss Demons, 10 Demons, 10 Fallen Angels, 5 Great Demons, 5 Fallen Angels]

[You obtain the right to recruit creatures from Furnace City: 500 Demon Infants/day, 400 Horned Demons/day, 300 Cerberus/day, 200 Enchantresses/day, 100 Hell War Horses/day, 10 Abyss Demons/day, 1 Demon/week , 1 fallen angel]

[You get the Dark Blazing Sword]

[You get the Fallen Coincidence Rune]

【You get...】

Dark Blazing Sword (artifact) (a weapon carefully crafted by Lucifer to fight Satan)

Attack: 10

Defense: 10

Intelligence: 10

Knowledge: 10

Attributes: The combat effectiveness of subordinate fallen angels is increased by 20%.

Hell creature morale +2.

Advanced Corruption Energy (not limited by the eight skill columns of the hero), if it has been learned, the skill effect will be increased by 20%.

You can use all fallen angel combat skills. If you have learned them, the skill effects will be increased by 20%.

Divine skill: Dark Blazing Wings (a skill developed by Lucifer based on the artifact owned by Michael: Blazing Sky Wings. Release conditions: Master the fallen skills above high-level fallen energy. Effect: Greatly increase the flying speed, improve The magic resistance and blood volume of all systems are increased by 100%, the blood volume recovery speed is increased by 100%, and the enemy is continuously struck with corrupted energy.

Power is related to intelligence; action time and reset time are related to knowledge. )

Introducing a book "Mecha Demon"

When I woke up, I actually traveled through time?

There is actually a game system in your mind?

From now on, he will reach the pinnacle of his life and rule the world? nonexistent!

This is a mecha world with extremely high force value

Zhang Chi, who has the ability to travel through fantasy worlds, made a firm vow: I want to become a mecha master with money and leisure! Be a happy salted fish without any worries!

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